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Forum Index > Other Fiction > Death of a Dreamer
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Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 9/12/2017 at 4:00 PM Post #11
Chapter 4 Abigail's POV
I wake up to the blinding sun, i squint and wait for my eyes to adjust, when they finally do I see Rysor crawling out of the tent. Looks like he just woke up too. We quickly pack up and before long are on the road.

Along the way Rysor explains a bit more about the villages "Well there is Wolfthorn, Lionpride, Timbergrove, Hawkridge, and Reeftip. each one is especially designed for certain types of hybrids. You see Hybrids can be classified into six categories.

The first live in Wolfthorn they have wolf or dog enhancements, so long bushy tails, enhanced speed and stamina. The second live in Lionpride, we fall into this category." he says indicating my cat ears and his lion-like tail.

"We are more cat-like with agility, and enhanced smell and hearing. The ones at Timbergrove are Foxes and Monkey, swift and agile creatures. The ones at Hawkridge have wings and can soar up to great heights, meanwhile those at Reeftip can swim with fins and gills. Each village is especially designed for the specific Hybrids it harbors.

I nod in understanding then frown "wait then why are we going to Timbergrove? wouldn't it be smarter to go to Lionpride?" I ask looking at him quizzically.

He nods "well yes that would be more ideal but it is one of the farthest away from where we are, we wouldn't make it that far, run out of supplies or get picked off by humans. We need a place to lie low for a couple of days." I murmur in assent and sink into my own thoughts, we are going to a place where there are others like me but they have different enhancements.

No matter i suppose we are all still hybrids. I am jolted from my thoughts by a muffled yell, I look up to see a strange sight. We had reached a field filled with pot-holes, I had been careful to avoid them but it appears that someone was not.

I noticed a bushy fox tail sticking out of one of aforementioned pot-holes their legs where scrabbling in the ground and their head appeared to be stuck in the pot-hole. That explained the muffled yelling.

I turned to look at Rysor, he appeared to be stifling a laugh but quickly hurried forward when he saw my gaze "We should probably help them, come on." I followed him and together we grabbed their waist and started pulling, with a loud pop they where pulled free and we all stumbled back.

They fell down on top of me and quickly hopped up. for the first time I got a good look at them. It was a vixen.

She smiled gratefully at me "Wow thanks! I have no idea how long i'd have been stuck there if you hadn't come along." she offered me a hand up "here let me help you up." I took her hand and she hoisted me up. "Thanks, what where you doing in there anyways?" I asked her as I dusted myself off.

She shrugged "Oh I thought i saw a mouse and tried to catch it." I looked at her with raised eyebrows "seriously?" She nodded her head in confirmation. Rysor quickly stepped forward "So you must be from Timbergrove correct?" the vixen nodded her head "yep."

She took one look at Rysor and quickly backed away in surprise. Her cheeks where burning red. I watched the exchange in total confusion Rysor seemed just as confused. I walked over to her "I'm Abigail by the way, that's Rysor."

Her blush faded and she perked up "My name's Alepo." Then she took the time to pronounce it out loud in case we didn't hear her. "AL-PAY-O" Rysor rolled his eyes and I smiled slightly. "Okay I think we get it." She stopped and looked at me.

I began to feel uncomfortable but thankfully Rysor stepped in "Could you please lead us to Timbergrove? We need a place to rest." she wouldn't look him straight in the eyes but proclaimed "ya'll are lions and cats aren't you?"

we nodded in assent "Shouldn't you be getting to Lionpride? what ya doing so far west?" Rysor sighed "Well yes, we are on our way to Lionpride, but we would never make it we need supplies a place to lie low for a couple of days. and we were hoping to stop by Timbergrove to do just that."

Alepo seemed satisfied with that answer because she turned round and started heading towards a tall, lush, forest. she paused and turned back "Well? are you coming or not? Timbergrove is right there." I looked to Rysor he looked at me and we then both quickly dashed after the young Vixen.

"Trust me, you've never seen anything like this before!" she exclaimed. she led us into the forest it opened up and all I could say was,

"I believe you."
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
Threads: 155
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Posted: 10/10/2017 at 12:01 AM Post #12
Authors Note
I'm so sorry this took so long to get out! but school has been getting intensely busy, and I haven't had much time not to mention that the kittens need a lot of care. and i'm also sorry that this chapter is a lot shorter than normal. the next one will be longer I promise Now back to the story.

Chapter 5
~~~~~~Abigail's PoV~~~~~~
The forest bushes opened up to reveal a huge complex world. The trees where giants they reached up for the stars as if to prove that they could be taller.

On some trees where houses or huts hanging off the side, bridges of vine and wood connected the houses making a large tangled web. "Beautiful is in't it?" I turned to look at Alepo who was looking at us proudly.

I can only nod mutely, Rysor seems just as awestruck. She begins to head towards one of the tree trunks. I follow her and soon realize why. Almost every tree has a large rope ladder dangling down it's side.

Alepo begins to climb and when we don't follow looks down at us. "Are you scared of heights?" she asks. I quickly shake my head and see Rysor do the same. She rolls her eyes and snorts "Then what's keeping you? come on, climb already!" I look at Rysor who shrugs and begins to climb. I follow suit.

When we finally reach the top I get a better look at the inhabitants. Some look like Alepo, fox-like in appearance, but others look like monkeys, some species i recognize like Capuchins but others are so strange I wonder if they're made up.

I look at each and every hut we pass. some have flowers and vines growing out of them all are made to look pretty and vibrant in color. I find myself smiling before long.

Suddenly Alepo stops, I almost bump right into Rysor who had to stop abruptly to avoid bumping into her. I shake my head and glare at her but she doesn't seem to notice. she has stopped in front of a house that was so different from the others I immediately knew it was hers.

Instead of the usual bright colors it had deep green vines with thorns along them, it was a wonder that no fur had caught on them! Alepo opened the door and trompted inside "make yourselves at home" she hollored before slumping down on the couch and putting her muddy boots up on it's armrest.

I gingerly sat down on one of the armchairs Rysor chose to stay standing.

"So, you said you needed a place to lie low correct?" she asked looking over at Rysor and me lazily. I nodded in confirmatio "Yes, that is correct and thanks again for letting us stay here" Rysor began but she cut him off "I ain't letting you stay here....yet." I frowned at this "Then why bring us up here in the first place?" I asked her quizzicly.

She shrugged "Well I figured if ya'll are going to Lionpride I can offer you a place to stay, if...." she trailed off. I could tell she wanted us to say if what,Rysor seemed to sense it too, finally after about three minutes I gave in "If what?" she grinned and replied happily "If you take me with you."

I froze and turned to look at her in shock. definetly not what I was expecting. Rysor was stuttering and gulping like a fish for air. "wha-bu-no-I-you're too young!" he finally settled on.

That got her fired up she glared at him mutinously "Am not! Look either you take me or get out of my house and find a place to stay by yourself!" I shot Rysor a look, we couldn't waste time looking for a place to stay, besides she would probably grow tired after a day and move on.

He sighed in defeat and nodded "Fine you can come." she leaped off the couch "great! you can stay here for three days then we leave!" Rysor and I exchanged looks he seemed to be amused by this but shrugged.

"Fine." he was about to leave the room when I asked Alepo "Why do you want to come? You seem to have a nice safe home here." She turned to regard me for a second then answered simply

"Because I want to be free, I don't want to be stuck in one place my entire life.Can you understand that?"

"I can"
Edited By Grapejuice on 10/10/2017 at 12:26 AM.
Level 42
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 10/10/2017 at 8:28 AM Post #13
It's ok I love it
Level 51
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/27/2017
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Posted: 11/10/2017 at 4:28 PM Post #14
its so good when is the next chapter coming out, i can hardly bear the suspence
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 11/16/2017 at 9:15 PM Post #15
haha Thanks eevee! The next chapter should be out around this Saturday or Sunday! I'm glad you like it ^^ would you like me to ping you when the chapter is out?
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 11/16/2017 at 11:26 PM Post #16
So I know you where probably expecting a chapter but it won't be done until Saturday or Sunday (this week)

However This is important!
I've been looking for someone who could do some art for this series if you are interested in doing some or know someone who is interested please send them my way or let me know! I would do it myself but my tablet has quit on me :/ Anyways thats all thanks you lot!
Level 51
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/27/2017
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Posted: 11/17/2017 at 9:46 AM Post #17
i do like to draw but im not that good and i dont know how to put up my drawings
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 12/15/2017 at 11:49 PM Post #18
Chapter 6
~~Rysor's POV~~

It took us five days before we could get moving again. I had expected three days at the most. But unfortunately there had been rumors of humans in the area and rather than risk meeting them we decided to wait another day or so.

I waited impatiently by the door. Finally Abigail and Alepo walked out and joined me, I had no idea what was taking them so long, but I was just glad to finally be moving.

We quickly hurried down the ladder and trying not to draw too much attention to ourselves slipped through the final trees obscuring the village from view. I glanced at Abigail, I felt bad for her, at least I remember my name, at least i remember something.

Then Alepo caught my attention. The young vixen had brought a small staff with her. It was about as big as her so about 5 feet. It had a smooth oak wood color, and was knotted at the end. just below the knotted clump was a blue jay feather, a mini dream-catcher and a beaded chain tied to it. She had been twirling the staff around and accidentally hit herself on the head.

She didn't seem bothered though. Rysor smiled to himself. He was not happy about bringing a child on this journey but it's to late, besides she wasn't so bad he supposed. She wasn't really a child either, she just acted like one.

"Rysor?" Abigails voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up at her expectantly "yes?" "I was asking which way do we go?" "ah of course" I quickly pulled out the map and took the lead "This way to Lionpride. However it's the farthest away I expect we will have to stop at either Hawkridge or Wolfthorne." I explained. Alepo scrunched her nose "So your actually just going to another village?" she asked.

I looked at her with exasperation "Well yes, that's what I said right?" She snorts "so your just goin' to another prison?" I glare at her, how dare she! "It is not a prison! It's a safe haven."

She simply rolls her eyes "It's a prison just in a prettier form. Seriously Your confined to borders and it's frowned upon for you to leave, many times if you do you can't go back." That surprised me.

It must have showed up on my face because she smirked "ha! You didn't know that did ya? well now you do. They don' like hybrids that desert 'im. Simple as that. Just a bigger prison." Abigail frowns at her words and turns to me

"is that true?" I frown and think for a moment "I don't know. But they can't stop us from leaving, that's for sure. let's go see what it's like. It's never safe to hang out in the open like this." As I say this I can't help but look behind me to see if any humans are prowling around. Nothing, we are safe. I'm just overreacting.

In truth I was also a bit nervous of Alepo and Abigail. I knew they had powers. Almost every Hybrid did. I wasn't sure what theirs were.

I need to find out that i was sure of. But not now, no now we needed to focus on other things. We needed to find our way through this world. because no matter what the outside world is a dangerous place.

And I intend to survive it.
Edited By Grapejuice on 12/15/2017 at 11:49 PM.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
Threads: 155
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Posted: 12/16/2017 at 1:35 AM Post #19
Character Files







Power: Magic


Power: Death
Edited By Grapejuice on 12/27/2017 at 3:00 PM.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
Threads: 155
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Posted: 12/29/2017 at 8:19 PM Post #20
A/N: We now have a set schedule for this book! yay! Every second Friday I'll post a new chapter. Anywhoo Here you are. OH and I have a question for you guys. What do you think Abigail's power is/should be? let me know what you think it is :p

Chapter 7
~~Abigail's POV~~

I'm a bit worried about Rysor, what Alepo said seems to have shaken him up. Hopefully he gets over it. I've been thinking about it myself and I can't help but wonder if she's right. From what I could tell about Timbergrove she was right. It felt like I was trapped there. It felt like just another containment center.

I watched as the sun went down on my what was it? seventh, eighth day of freedom? I wasn't really sure anymore. I looked over at Rysor and Alepo I smirk stole my mouth as Alepo watched in amazement as Rysor made a flower float and land in her hair.

That got me thinking though. What was my Attribution. Rysor said all hybrids have one. I wondered if it would be magic like Rysor or something else. A small part of me was hoping to be able to shoot lasers out of my eyes or something. Alepo said she didn't know hers either, but something tells me she's lying. I sigh that's up to her to tell I suppose.

Finally Rysor heads in for bed, I follow his lead and go to sleep in my own tent. I dream.

I look around, it's dark and cold, I've never felt such cold before I'm lying on the floor I shiver and curl into a ball to conserve heat. Suddenly a piercing light hits my eyes, it takes them a moment to adjust but when they do all I see is light.

Just pure light, and warmth. The warmth starts at my heart and spreads throughout my entire body, ending at my fingertips and toes, it keeps going until I'm so full of the warmth that I feel like I could burst.

Something catches my eye and the warmth dies down slightly. I look at the something. It grows bigger, It looks like a young boy. He's reaching up to try and catch a butterfly. Nothing except him the light and the butterfly.

Then the light fades too and all that's left is the little boy. I smile I feel a strong pull to the boy. He's chasing the butterfly and suddenly the land begins to change. He's running up a hill.

But I can see what he can't, there's a cliff. He hasn't noticed it yet. I run and try to call to him, my voice won't work. I pump my arms and race up the hill. I make it to the little boy, he's on the edge, he's hanging onto it by a single hand.

He looks up into my eyes I can see the fear. I reach down to pull him up he reaches for my hand and goes right through me. I watch in horror as he lets go of the edge, and the last thing I see are his eyes starring accusingly up at me. A single thought shoots into my head and repeats over and over.

You could have saved me.
Edited By Grapejuice on 3/2/2018 at 10:17 PM.
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