This is based off of the amazing RP game Test Subject go check it out it's honestly amazing!
I'll try my best to upload a chapter a week. but don't be mad if I can't keep up this schedule ^^
If you have any comments/suggestions/editing suggestions or want to be placed on the ping list please PM or let me know here! me Without further ado here it begins!
Also Quick note if you want to see the chapters exactly when they come out and no delay I suggest you check out my Wattpad where I post them first. here is the link.
Prologue-You are here
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Character Files
I take a deep breathe I can feel the air closing in around me. The space is too small, too fragile. Then my eyes open I can see or rather I know I'm alive. It's dark wherever I am.
My tail flicks and thunks against a glass container. I feel my surroundings only to find I'm trapped. I need to get out.
My breathing comes out in ragged gasps, until I feel broken glass graze underneath my fingertips. I find a small opening! with all my might I ram against the tube or container. It shudders. I ram it again and with a loud cracking sound I spill out.
I land on the hard concrete floor below me, I can already feel a bruise. I stand up carefully and look around. My eyes seem to have adjusted to the darkness but I'm still not sure as to where I am.
It looks like a lab or containment center. I try to remember what happened but my brain is fuzzy. I need to get out, find some light.
I move forward and almost fall over again. My body feels numb as if it's been asleep and movement is foreign to it. I try again and feeling seems to come back.
Carefully I explore. At first I only see endless glass tubes like the one I was in. Some are empty, some look like they still hold something inside it.
Then as I begin to look closer I notice storage boxes, broken mixers with strange substances on the ground. Cobwebs and dust hangs on every fiber of this place. It Looks old and worn, to be fair that's how i feel right now.
Suddenly I hear something thunk to the floor not far off. I hide behind some boxes and pear over them. Looks like something escaped it's tube and is still here. I need to get out. Fast.
I look for something, anything that looks like an escape hatch. I see something far above, it looks like a halfway open hatch.
I try to find the best way to reach it when whatever escaped as well leaps at me. I'm surprised but instincts kick in. I duck and run. I see a stairwell and race for it.
Whatever attacked me is hot on my heels. I take the steps three at a time, the adrenaline is coursing through me, somehow I can't help but feel like I missed it.
I reach the top and the creature steps up behind me. I can't see a way out. It stalks forward. I see some boxes piled up to about this height.
I pause to think whether it's worth it. Before I can decide it lunges and I'm thrown backwards and off the stairwell.
For a moment I'm weightless, just falling then my hand shoots out and manages to catch onto one of the boxes. I'm left hanging there. I try to pull myself up but just can't do it. I take a deep breath and try again.
This time I manage to climb up. the effort leaves me breathless, but I know I need to hurry. I begin to scale the box tower.
Soon I reach the top there are some overhanging vines they lead up to the hatch. This is the first plant life I've seen in a long time. I try to reach one but I'm tired.
I haven't moved in a long time. I need to breathe. Thats when I hear the growling, I look down to see the creature climbing up the boxes. I take another deep breathe and begin to climb up the vines.
It's hard to climb yet i can't help but, look down to see the creature growl with frustration it can't climb! But I can feel my arms begin to give away.
Then I see a crack of sunlight, a single ray. I climb the final few feet and i'm nearly blinded by the light.
When my eyes adjust I think I'm free.
but for how long?
Edited By Grapejuice on 12/29/2017 at 8:20 PM.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 8:21 AM
Post #2
Chapter 1
The first thing I can remember from before the tube is flashing lights, uncomfortable pains and a feeling of weightlessness. Every once in awhile an electric shock would course through my body. But I had a strange feeling that I was used to this.
Then after that everything goes dark. If I try harder I can remember further. I can remember a kind and happy face looking down on me. I feel a sort of happiness and warmth. The kind you get from love. The one thing that stands out that I can see as clear as daylight is a young girl looking down at me.
I remember making a promise. A promise that I would never stop dreaming. A promise that I would come back.
Suddenly Im shaken away from my dreams. The cool breeze on my body brings me back. Its been so long since I saw the sun. I look up and bask in its warmth. The grassy slope feels gentle and caressing beneath my feet. Then Im reminded I cant stay here forever. I need to find out what happened. I need to find out what will happen.
As much as I hate to admit it, I need to leave this place. That's when I notice for the first time the strange tag on my neck. I hold it out and read "F2182003" I mouth out loud. I frown, what could it mean? I look out towards the horizon. I immediately notice a beautiful city not far off.
Perhaps I can get some answers there. With that goal in mind I begin to head out. When I reach the Village its around noon. Immediately I'm met with noise, bustling people and thousands of sites and smells.
Just as it all begins to become a bit much I'm grabbed and pulled down a side alley, I spin around to see a creature. A creature like me. He has a luxurious Lion tail with golden eyes and a russet lion mane. He looks surprised to see me. "Sorry about that! But you shouldn't be out in the open like that!" He holds out his hand. At first I'm unsure if I should take it, but then I realize he's just trying to help. I take his hand and he hoists me up. "So are you new? Came from the containment Center I'm guessing." I gulp and nod "Ye-" My voice breaks. It sounds dry and unused. I try again "yes, Can you please tell me whats going on? I'm so confused" He frowns and looks around "Well look for one you should probably not be out in the open." I look at him in confusion "Wha-What do you mean?" He indicates to the people around us "Do you notice anything about these people out there?" he asks. I take a look at the people. They look normal, they look Human.
I see what he means. They don't look like hybrids. I look back at him "Why are the-" He cuts me off "Look this is not the best place to talk okay? Come with me I Know a quiet place we can discuss the situation. I promise Ill explain everything." He moves off past the alleys. I debate whether to follow him but soon realize he is my best option, so I grit my teeth and chase after him.
Soon we stop by a simple looking shack. He steps inside "Come in, and don't worry This place is completely safe." I step inside and am surprised to see that its pretty cozy on the inside. I enter the living room. There is a fire roaring, an armchair, sofa, and rug. The fire gives off a warm glow. There are two other doors that I can see (excluding the one I came through) The other creature steps out of one of the doors.
He smiles slightly at me then gestures to the sofa "Have a seat. Ill explain everything. I'm Rysor by the way. I sit down." He begins to talk while pacing the length of the rug. "A long time ago, people were said to genetically enhance and mix animals with captured humans, turning them into the test subjects.
Many villagers said it was a danger and ended the tests in the different areas of the world. They put the subjects under a deep sleeping spell, making sure they would never wake up for their sake and the villagers. Something went wrong, and many test subjects began to wake up or break free.
Test subjects like you and me. We are not accepted into the villages too much. We are tolerated but believe me many still harbor hate against us. So its better to keep to yourself." He finishes looking at me, maybe gouging a reaction, maybe trying to read what I thought. However my mind was racing to fast to take any notice. That must be what the collar tag meant, it explains the electric shocks and feeling of weightlessness.
But now what? I looked back up at him "so know what happens? Do i just live my life like this? Feeling locked and imprisoned?" The answer seems to surprise him. "It's a good way to survive." he responds. "But what about the others?" "The others" he looks at me quizzically. "You know the other test subjects." he thinks for a moment "Well I suppose they would be out there. In the other villages." I contemplated this thought for a moment.
There were more like me. Maybe we didn't have to live in fear. I wondered what it would be like in other villages. Where they scorned there too? Or where they welcomed? "I'm going" I said aloud. He looked at me in shock. "What?" I asked. Did I still have some dust on my face or something? "You cant leave!" He says incredulously.
"Why?" I ask. "Because-" he pauses and self consciously looks away "Well because then I'd be left all alone here" He whispers the last part out. I smile gently "Then come with me." He looks up with uncertainty in his eyes. "Go where?" "To the other villages. We can meet others like us. See the world." he thinks about this. "Look either come or spend time alone in your scorned shack." I say firmly. That seems to hit a nerve because he perks up and immediately replies "Fine! Ill come. Just let me pack some food and supplies." I nod and sit back down to wait. Its not until hes left that I realize I want his company almost as much as he does.
I don't think I'm ready to be alone again.
He comes back out with two backpacks. "Here." he hands me a blue backpack, I take it gratefully and follow him out. I look to him. "Where do we go first?" I ask he turns to where the sun is beginning to set. "We go west. We go to Reeftip." He says. I smile and follow him. Suddenly he pauses "You ah, you never told me your name by the way." I look up at him and think. What is my name. I don't recall having one. "I-I don't think I have one." I reply. "Well I have to call you something." he says. "I think Abigail. I think Abigail will do fine." A smile breaks out across his face "That's a good name. Well then let's begin this journey" He pauses
Edited By Grapejuice on 8/12/2017 at 8:28 AM.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 10:19 AM
Post #3
Chapter 2
Unknown POV
My eyes flutter and I look up to see my mom's face looking down on me. "Hey sweetie. Its time to wake up." I yawn and stretch. Rubbing my eyes I step out of bed and get dressed. Once I'm presentable I head downstairs.
I look around and am surprised to see that my parents are looking stressed. My sister has tears in her eyes. I frown. Somethings up. "Mom what's-" she shakes her head and gestures for me to be silent. I follow her eyes to the door.
I can see Shadows moving around there. I begin to move forwards. I ignore my parents hands trying to pull me back. I peer through the peephole. I'm shocked to see men in armor. "Mom whats going on?" I whisper as I back away from the door. "They've come sweetie." I look away so my parents don't have to see my fear. They've finally come to take me.
They've come to experiment on me.
I hear a soft sniffling next to me. I look down to see my sister, I smile gently and bend down. Shes crying. I Look her in the eye and ask "Whats wrong Auraubelle?" she sniffles "I-I don't want to say goodbye." I smile sadly "This isn't goodbye its just see you later. I promise." she smiles hopefully "You do? Bu-But what if they come for me too?" I hug her close "I wont let them. Ill always protect you little one."
Then the door bursts open. They enter the house and grab hold of me, Auraubelle cries and runs towards me but my parents hold her back. Noise seems to fade away. I watch as I'm dragged away. I watch my sister cry, i watch my parents look away. And I realize I might not see them again.
Three years have passed.
The testing is ongoing however I managed to escape. I try to find my way home but its hard. I don't know what they did to me. I can comprehend the wolf tail, the wolf ears. Whatever. but something else happened. Sometimes I can hear whispers, people long forgotten telling me things. I Swear I can hear the dead
Finally I made it to my old home. I can see my sister outside playing. She has matured into a beautiful woman. I cant wait to greet her. My parents watch from the front porch laughing. I smile, soon Ill be a part of that group.
I begin to move forward when suddenly I hear footsteps. I quickly hide and watch as the soldiers run towards my family. With my heightened hearing I can hear the conversations as though I where there. "Listen the girl comes with us. We need another test subject." one soldier said. my parents are crying my sister doesn't want to go. I feel rage boil within me.
The voices are back whispering. Normally I block them out but this time I let them flow through me. My vision blurs into a grey world. The only colors are the soldiers they're a deep red. I rush forward, faster than should be possible.
I grab the first soldier and throw him against the tree with a thunk He thuds lifelessly to the ground. The others open fire against me but the bullets pass me in slow motion. I leap at another, and with one swift movement I tear him apart. I vividly remember me laughing. There is one left. He begins to back away but I wont let him escape. The voices inside me are whispering urging me to finish him. I spread my hands and the ground begins to crack, hes sinking up to his chest then with a flick of my hand he turns into a ghost. Nothing more than a nameless face in an indistinct crowd of millions.
I turn to my sister to make sure shes okay, but shes backing away in fear. I try to tell her that the soldiers are gone there's nothing to be afraid off. Then I realize I'm wrong. she's not afraid of the soldiers...She's afraid of me. I look at her in shock. The voices subside and color returns to my vision "Auraubelle? Come on its okay! Its just me.." She continues to back away "Who-what are you?!" She whimpers. I look at her pleadingly "Its-its Me your sister. Luna." she shakes her head feebly "No, your-your not my sister. your -your a MONSTER!" she screams, then she turns around and runs back to mom and dad the scoop her up and run back inside the house.
But it doesn't matter, My world seems to be breaking up into indistinct pieces. I fell something shatter inside. I try to breathe but the air seems to get thinner. Nononononono, this is all wrong.
The darkness begins to close in until all I can see is my own hands. Theyre shaking, then they seem to switch out to cold, purple callous hands, like they're dead. I shake my head and they're normal again. Before I know it i'm running past the fields and as far away as i can from the scene.
As I run I'm briefly aware that I'm covered in blood. I remember the soldiers. Did I really do that? I can feel hot tears stream down my cheeks. I blink them away but they keep coming
Soon i stop by a pond, I look down and see my reflection staring back. My muzzle is splattered in blood my ears are perked up. But my eyes, my eyes are still there. My eyes are real they are me. They are full of fear and hurt. Words play over and over in my heads. "Your'e not Luna." "You're a monster" "You're not Luna" Those words repeat over, and over and over. Like a broken record. Finally something snaps. My eyes harden my jaw straightens. I wipe away my tears and once more gaze upon my reflection. I take a deep breathe and say out loud "I'm not Luna. Luna's Gone."
"And she's never coming back"
Edited By Grapejuice on 8/12/2017 at 12:31 PM.
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 11:29 AM
Post #4
I like it! Will you continue posting?
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 11:30 AM
Post #5
Yes I will! I'll try to post at least 1 chapter per week :D
Level 75
Ghost Writer
Joined: 3/27/2017
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 11:30 AM
Post #6
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 11:33 AM
Post #7
If you want I can ping you for each installment.
Level 75
Ghost Writer
Joined: 3/27/2017
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Posted: 8/12/2017 at 11:34 AM
Post #8
Sounds good!
Level 42
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 9/1/2017 at 2:47 PM
Post #9
can you ping me too this is so cool
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 9/1/2017 at 5:23 PM
Post #10
Chapter 3
I looked out over the hill we were camping at. I watched as Rysor made his way around the fire and towards me. He sat down on the soft grass next to me and offered me what looked like beef stew. I accepted it gratefully and we sat in silence while we ate.
Finally I broke the silence "So that city you found me in, what was it called?" He paused for a moment before replying "Well that was called Hepothania. Remember how I told you that Humans feared us? Well they feared what we could do as well.
So eventually they locked themselves away. there where too many of us to trap us all, especially when we started to break free. so they created huge cities like those, where only humans are welcome. Any hybrids found there are killed on site. no questions asked." He sighed.
I frowned "Wait, then why where you there?" I asked. He chuckled darkly "Well It wasn't planned I was searching for Lionpride Village and came across it, unfortunately there was a patrol going around when I arrived and was forced to hide. I decided to gather some more materials and information while I was there." I noticed the bitterness in his voice, it worried me.
Another question popped to my mind "You said they feared what we could do. what did you mean by that?" His brow creased and he waited a full five minutes before answering me "Well the tests to make hybrids included a second portion. we didn't only receive some physical attribution like a tail, or ears. No we were also given certain...powers." "Powers?" I questioned.
"Well for example mine is Magic. In other words I'm like the humans version of a wizard without the wand. However it's hard to do anything big without passing out afterwords. It feeds of my energy." I nod so each power comes with a catch. "Do you know what mine is?" I ask.
He shakes his head "No I'm afraid I don't. I wish I could tell you but the best way is to find one of the Hybrid villages. I hear they have ways to find out."
"well then how did you find out that you had magic? and what it did?" I ask skeptical of his answer. He smiles sheepishly "It is a bit embarrassing. I had accidentally let loose a small fireball and set my tent on fire." I can't help but laugh, it's a good clear laugh, loud and genuine. I missed that sound.
"Well then, which village are we going too?" I asked while sub-consciously fiddling with the blades of grass.
"I think we should head to Timbergrove as it is the nearest village from here." He reaches for his bag and pulls out a dusty, rolled up piece of paper.
I watched as he spread it out, and straightens it out. "Whats this?" I inquire before peering over his shoulder to see. "This is the map to the other Hybrid villages." he says before pointing to a city labeled Hepothania. "We came from here and walked along here" as he spoke he dragged his finger in a line to where we went.
"Now here is Timbergrove, and it's the closest one." I nod "It makes sense i suppose." He looks up to the setting sun "Though we should probably get some sleep if we want to reach it tomorrow." Until he said this I hadn't realized how tired I was.
I yawned and stretched before settling down in the grass. Rysor frowned "Aren't you going to sleep in the tent?" he asked. I shook my head sleepily "No, I want to sleep under the stars, I'm done being cooped up. I want to say hello to the stars." I murmur, I see him smile at my words.
"I understand. Goodnight." he says before heading into the tent. I watch him go then look up at the stars, before I fall asleep I murmur quietly
"Hello stars I missed you"
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