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Forum Index > General Discussion > Not a fun Fest :/
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Level 74
Grand Protector
Joined: 5/2/2019
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Posted: 11/18/2019 at 7:47 AM Post #11
One thing that is nice is the community. Shortly after I posted that, I got two maj catalysts for free, despite me wanting to toss something at the people.

One thing I have always felt, and this is for any site, is that when the sites have 'exclusive' content that comes only once, such as festival items/pets that are going to retire, those items should be more plentiful and easier to get (note: not super easy to get, but easy enough that by the end of the festival, the average player will be able to get most if not all of them) If too many items are 'super exclusive' where only a handful of players get it, then it tends to drive away the more casual players who realize they will never be able to obtain those items (or pets) and they will forever remain 'status symbols'.

However, if the items/pets do return year after year, or there are other ways to obtain those items, then they can be harder to obtain during the festival, as there will always be a chance for other players to get.

For the summer festival, and to a certain extent the spring festival, and definitely for the patriotic event, this was the case. It wasn't super easy to obtain the items/pets, but by the end of the festival, I could, with work/effort, obtain most of the things I wanted (those darned wild themes remained elusive). Since these are the first festivals I have participated in, I don't know whether these items/pets do return, though it seems like they do. (I assume aged pets are last years, but I don't know whether the pets hard retire after that, or if there are potentially other ways to obtain them during the festivals)
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 11/18/2019 at 9:23 AM Post #12
(Yeah last years is aged, then that's pretty much it.)y

Yeah I mean I usually just splurge on avi boxes since next year I have a shot at getting this years items, wih the amount o boxed I get XD
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/17/2015
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Posted: 11/18/2019 at 1:47 PM Post #13

Every year, pets that are found only in low amounts (as well as expired avi items/etc) become available during the black friday events at the end of Nov...

As to the rest of the thread... I've been enjoying maws. But I've been using it for training (it's great for that!) or as a challenge...

i used to do the arena a lot, and Maws is like that, just harder! (I still havent beaten Maws #8, but I've tackled the rest).

Every fest has good bits and boring bits. I just..skip the uninteresting parts! I mean, its a game and I'm here because I enjoy it! ^^
Level 74
Grand Protector
Joined: 5/2/2019
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Posted: 11/18/2019 at 1:53 PM Post #14
Thank you, I have yet to experience a black friday, so I don't know what to expect really from there. I just hope I have enough diamonds to get something.

Yeah, not everything will appeal to every player, but it is good to make notes on what players seem to like and what they seem to dislike, especially if something is greatly disliked.

My issue is that I *want* to enjoy the other parts, and I did in summer fest and patriotic event, but this one it just seems I am doing the same amount of work, or even more in some cases, yet getting less than I did during those fests.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/13/2018
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Posted: 11/26/2019 at 3:13 PM Post #15
I feel somewhat the same, though more in terms of specific aspects of the fest, rather than the fest generally. Specifically these:
. Not great luck finding wild themeds & nests. This whole fest, Ive only encountered five of the former (Two Night Terror Luporas (Both of which I caught), a Hallowed Moon Sylvorpa (which I ended up killing :(), an Umber Peacock Aurleon (which ran away), and a Fall Harvest Bulbori (which I decided to fight, since Im not a fan of the species)) and two of the latter, one of which had a Night Terror Lupora eggling in it. But thats it. Its better in a way, I suppose, since during the Summer fest, specifically in terms of nests, I found more themeds than I knew what to do with. Also, the number of brewed pets Ive created so far is roughly equivalent (though none of them are Fableds or Majestics as yet, whereas during the Summer fest, I ended up with one) to that. Its still kind of annoying though, because I got a bit spoiled during the previous fest 8D.

. The Maws of Madness. I cant even get past the second stage of the higher-level tower, and all the pets on both the teams I use are Level 60 or above! Its just too hard for me 8/.
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