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Forum Index > General Discussion > Not a fun Fest :/
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Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 4:26 PM Post #1
Am I the only one that isn't having much fun?

There's lots of fun things to do, and yet.... they are all either too time intensive to be fun, or too expensive for what you get.

I love the Maw of Madness, and I wouldn't call it too hard... just too expensive! Re-setting and re-doing it costs either 500 coins per stage, or 50 diamonds per stage... x8, or 4,000 coins or 400 diamonds to do the whole thing. Its fun, but the lower levels are just not worth that sort of investment.

Why are the coins such an investment? Because to get 500 coins, you have to do all of the coin daily tasks (300 coins) and add ingredients to 50 brews, after first getting the additives for 50 brews. And that's for just one stage. Multiplied by 8 stages? That's brutal. So realistically, it'd be one stage of MoM per day for coins, and the free one, and the rewards just aren't there to want to do all that work for two battles a day. Not at the lower levels.

The ToT is fun, but the rate of eggs from the handfuls of candy are atrocious. Multiple people are reporting going hundreds of handfuls with just one egg. I'm not too interested in the eggs, but after a certain point ToT is time intensive, repetitive activity and interest wanes.

For the Brewing, that's nice but getting ingredients is super time consuming, and the coins have the same problem as MoM: it is expensive to get stuff and takes an extreme amount of time.

The Zone is fun, but again.... the rewards are few for the amount of time you need to spend. The Named are very stingy with Avatar items, and it just feels very eh.

I usually have a lot of fun during the Fests, even those I don't do too much in. But I'm having very little fun this one, and I've put in a decent amount of time into it.

Am I the only one feeling like I'm swimming hard and getting no where fast?
Level 70
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 4:35 PM Post #2
I got lucky and managed to get most of what I needed early on. Now? It just feels like a chore. Do boss runs to get coins, spend coins on MoM, repeat. Before that, I was just spending my coins on the HH instead. The most fun I've had has been with Brosilla's forum game, and he seems to be MIA.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 6:20 PM Post #3
It's also what i was thinking, i am mostly running around between the eternal grind for avi items that i actualy want, the daily tasks and the HH. It's repetitive and feel more like a low reward task then an actual festival to me. I compleatly gave up on the MoM and in almost 500 handfull of candies i got 1 themmed egg.

I have somhow manage to finish two of the fours task about brewing but asside from the vials, catalyst and maby the essences the loots for the items surrounding this is way too low,last festival i didn't knew what to do with them most of the time but now i am actualy waiting on brewing pets while i stock the various items for gender (collect 6 from te gender you want), trait selection (2 by traits) and carryed traits (2 by traits) to the point where it's a bit ridiculous. Last year the HH was at least reliable with those items in the first two floor but this year it's mostly low amounts of coins and maby one avi or two thrown into the mix if you are lucky, unless you are aiming for the rares items of the third floor it's not realy worth the numbers of coins / gold / diamond you have to give to keep going there once you have compleated that task.
Level 74
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Posted: 11/16/2019 at 10:13 PM Post #4
I'm on daily (aka way too mcuh) so this probalby opnly applies to me...

I gave up on beewing cuz I cnat' be on every hour.

ToT? That's fine. It's doable on mobile, whcih do i use a lot yes i do

Bosses? Too stingy. Sumemr and spring fest I could fight all of them, get at least 3 avi items. Now? 1 or 2 a day. IN fact i've pretty much givne up on them. And in spring fest (or summer, odnt remember) i did the 100-named challenge and came home with 2 invent tabs full of stuff. Which i gave most of to newbies.

HH? Eh. Ive been getting luckier, figured out techniques after the first 10 times. But really, floor 1 prize s are like the sandbox game in sumemr fest (worhtless unless you get an avi box) and floor 3 stuff.....well, i aint' got dia to spare :P

MoM? I jsut use my two keys for hte day, skip the reset, progress. All my coins go to boxes.

Zone? Eh. I mean, i get more stuff from the chedsts then form the enemies...

But i'm a little tired of fest :P. Even though i know it's been like this for a while, a whole a bit much. Im ready to move on to other stuff and prepare for wintertime celebrations.

Unless a special thanksgiving thing pops up, i'm about 80% done with this fest. Even though i know others might not be, I am.

Otherwise, the fest is great. I got a lot of avi items i wanted, i got themeds to sell, i got more themeds then summer fest :)
Level 74
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Posted: 11/17/2019 at 6:25 PM Post #5
I think compared to summer fest, which is the only fest I really remember, and the vague memories of the tail end of spring fest, this fest seems lacking.

It is hard for me to explain, but summer fest, despite near the end not getting enough brewing agents to complete my brews, was still fun to explore and try to obtain the items, and fight the bosses.

this fest I seem to be having a very hard time getting anything other than regular catalysts. While I understand that fabled and majestic catalysts are meant to be rare, it is still not fun to not even be able to buy them because they are so rare. Haunted House is nice, but for me is so laggy that it isn't fun, even with the items I can get from there. I do think the rewards and return is much better than the beach thing from summer fest.

For the fest zone itself, it seems so huge, yet there really isn't much there. Named bosses rarely drop anything truly good, so I just do them for the task. I have had horrible luck with themed, had good luck with finding eggs for the first few days,but now I have the same luck with eggs as I do with wild themes.

All in all, I am more doing the festival out of it being a chore and I want the end reward, rather than enjoying the festival for what it is. It doesn't help that I don't really like many of the themes or pets from this festival, but the ones that I do are among the harder pets to obtain because they are fabled/majestic or come from the handfuls of candy. I got three pets quickly from them, two RC ryos and a Halloween Nyte I believe, but since haven't gotten one.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/17/2019 at 7:24 PM Post #6
I have a little bit of the same feelings but based on all the changes Krinadon has made concerning the festivals, a bit of troubleshooting is to be expected. It won't be fun for a while but as we keep learning what is wrong, we can fix things, one by one, to make them better.

This fest is the first fest after Krin rearranged everything so once this fest is over more and more things will change until they are even more fun than before. :)
Level 74
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Posted: 11/17/2019 at 7:30 PM Post #7
Author: Cececat
Time Posted: 11/17/2019 at 7:24 PM
I have a little bit of the same feelings but based on all the changes Krinadon has made concerning the festivals, a bit of troubleshooting is to be expected. It won't be fun for a while but as we keep learning what is wrong, we can fix things, one by one, to make them better.

This fest is the first fest after Krin rearranged everything so once this fest is over more and more things will change until they are even more fun than before. :)

This is how I feel. That is what gives me hope for future fests, because Krin is so willing to listen to feed back and make changes.
Level 74
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Posted: 11/17/2019 at 10:24 PM Post #8
Ah wel, THanksgiving is coming and soon December will be popping with its chrimas celebrations
That might help clear the bad air a little-I can't relaly see much Krin could do to change stocking stuffing :)
Oh drat I need to start workign on my Christmas stuff! *runs off*
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/25/2019
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Posted: 11/17/2019 at 11:31 PM Post #9
It does seem overwhelming, very time consuming, full of things that are too costly (time and money), slow, and like the effort isn't rewarded very well....

I like the premises...but as a newish player with fewer options of gear and 'good' pets/teams, lower funds to work with game currency wise, and little ways to make good money fast while still doing Fest stuff to 'keep up' it gets discouraging. Especially since the amount of currency going into doing stuff greatly out weighs any income.
Edited By Fiddy on 11/17/2019 at 11:49 PM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 3/8/2014
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Posted: 11/18/2019 at 2:17 AM Post #10
I like the Maw of Madness, if only for training abilities, and I'm only doing the free ones, so it's only sorta worth it every other day, really. I usually enjoy the zone most, but I've given up on it with how rare avatar drops are - it's easier to just buy them. Haven't even bothered brewing yet, but maybe will do one or two. Overall, yeah. ToT is the only part I'm still invested in, but the candy isn't giving me much of anything, other than the avi stuff I bought with the coins. I'm doing it because I enjoy looking at avis, not because of the reward.
Edited By Olooriel on 11/18/2019 at 2:17 AM.
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