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Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/22/2020 at 11:39 PM Post #11
Rules and things are up.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 12:06 AM Post #12
Didn't I start that mini rant tho

Mama Mia here we go let's put my actual dumbest two strong characters together that would have the worst reactions and not been an RP together since they were made
(Not X or any of my gods, X won't fight people at all so he'd suck here fml and all my gods are op af lmao)

Don't mind me I'm still working on these boys


Name: Axis Haile

Approximate Age: 610 star cycles (700 in human years, mental age and appearance is closest to like 29.)

Species: Daarizi

Gender: Genderless like all Daarizi, but male pretty much

Title: Archseer, only my Discord would appreciate this joke tho

Desciption/Image: I actually have a ref for him wow

Daarizi form:

Ignore the hologram and sword bits, but that's what he wears usually.

Snake form: (5ft long and happily shoulder sized)

Here's a human appearance so he fits in with everyone else because I never made him one:

(this one is not my art)

(His weight (120lbs) is consistent across forms.)

Usual Weapons/Tools: He wears a visor over his eyes so he can actually see during the day.
He normally keeps a standard issue Daarizian electric scouting rifle on him at all times with plenty of spare ammunition and a survival knife.

Axis is typically stern, reserved, and analytical, a sharp contrast to his loudmouthed brother. He is extremely serious and goal oriented, having little interest in most people who prove themselves to be a waste of his time. Axis tends to look down on those who do not earn his respect. He can be easily combative and surprisingly fierce if he has mind made up on something. He has a refined way of speaking and tends to conceal his emotions until he is pushed to his limit.
He has his rare soft side that he is extremely sensitive about, but few individuals have actually seen it for long.

Backstory: The former, self-proclaimed leader of the Daarizi Council. Went insane once, digitalized himself, called himself the Archseer, and took over and razed the entire planet of Proxima-117 by force to create a computer god to avoid a calamity. Now exists as a memory clone of a younger version of himself with no memory of these events. He usually serves the Galactic Federation as part of his criminal sentencing as a Logistics Specialist and lieutenant onboard the USS Turaco when he isn't coerced into babysitting a shark alien by the name of A'kars. He is the twin brother to X.

Likes: Head pets (surprisingly, generally in snake form only though, he'll get weirded out otherwise), aquatic animals, food, wine, combat training

Dislikes: Incompetence, humans and other such inferior, biological lifeforms, those who show weakness, misplacing his rifle

Fears: Swimming, a situation being out of his control, death

Worst Flaw: He has a bad temper and is known to react violently if provoked or threatened. He tends to attack his own tails as a nervous tic when he is upset.

Abilities: His species can both generate electric and shapeshift. But he doesn't like to and the most he'll take is either his normal Daarizi, that of a milksnake, or human form.
He can conjure chains of light out of an ability known as Aether that requires his sustained attention to activate and maintain.

Other: He seems to be slowly going insane again, for better or worse. He doesn't trust people and has a low tolerance for individuals that test his limited patience.

If you need a full species description, let me know, but they are basically changeling type, metallic amoeba alien with glowing, electric heartcores.
They can't die unless someone destroys their core or removes it.

They are weak to water (it disintegrates them), magnets (they trip them out), and EMPs/strong electric bursts (that can stop their cores from functioning.)
Strong sunlight blinds them as they are used to living in caves and their hearing is hypersensitive. They have good night vision but their day vision leaves a lot to be desired.
They can regenerate mass as long as they have access to rocks, gemstones, or metal.
Edited By Xedite on 4/23/2020 at 8:21 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 12:13 AM Post #13
When Nic and Astra's weird relationship that we stil lhaven't figure out after a year is the headlines on the newspapers
ERROR 404: Orca is currently busy running form one angry elfboy

Name Nicote Marker

Approximate Age 15-ish, but technically hes like 65

Species Half-human half-elf (huelf)

Gender male

Title: Moon Prince (don't ask, he doesn't like to talk about it)

Desciption/Image: .

Usual Weapons/Tools twin daggers, one of fire and one of ice

Personality Distrustful (oh gosh that's a word wow), prone to ranting and cussing, and way too curious for his own good. And rebellious to a point. Like a cat. He's a Rvenclaw.

Backstory: Well let's see...He was born on Earth in the 1750s, then fell through a portal linking Earth and Terrarine, found out his history, fought in a war, fell in love, got captured by the enemy and stuffed in a box for 50 years or so, got freed, and now has no idea what on earth he's doing.

Likes Pomogranates, pigeons, STEAM, horses, cooking, tech class

Dislikes His siblings/friends/family being annoying, studying, bakeries, pigeons, horse poop, and birght glaring lights. Oh and being bored.

Fears He wil lnever admit it but seeing his loved ones in danger. Not that it hasn't happened before.

Worst Flaw Doesn't trust people very well...if he does, you're lucky.

Abilities (explanation if needed, please) Teleportation.

Other .

Name Lishian Allen

Approximate Age 13-ish, technically 63

Species Half-elf, half-imp

Gender male

Title: The Snake (Scorpius Malfoy the Second)

Desciption/Image white hair, amber eyes, glasses, and IDK

Usual Weapons/Tools He used to have a sword but htat broke so now he uses his backup weapen: twin daggers, like Nicote's but his are Earth and Air, not as powerful but still enough. Not that he can use their powers but still. They're daggers.

Personality Bookish, calculating, smart, and the last person you want to have fighting against you in a battle of the brains. He's a true Slytherin, easily running circles around anything you say.

(His relationship with Nicote I just realized is like Ekko and Ajuna. Whoops. Not what I wanted....sheesh LoL why u make a character so much like my OCs????)

Backstory Involves him worming his way into getting Nicote to mentor him.....and eating paper.

Likes books, reading, anything nerdy

Dislikes The dark, being alone, being in ginat crowds of people

Fears Bees

Worst Flaw He tends to overthink

Abilities (explanation if needed, please) (I haven't actually thought about htem lol, i'll update later lol)

Edited By Orcastration on 4/25/2020 at 3:40 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 2:29 AM Post #14
Finished mine, let me know if the actual war machine is op or not.

If so, I'll sub him out with someone else.
Level 75
High Druid
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 3:41 AM Post #15
Maia Von Ivythorn

Approximate Age



The Red Light (look at her character and you'll see why)


Usual Weapons/Tools
Blinding Light or just talons

Very obnoxious and annoying. Very tough and can be very scary and unforgiving at times.

She was born when a flower planted by the queen had a phoenix egg roll into it. A peacock raised Maia and through this, she gained peacock-like features. Her best friend is a fierce spirit who is called RedTail and always stays by her side.

Fighting, animals, birds, ice-cream, flying really high

Avocado, cheese (it's like poison to her), water, interruptions

Sharks, tight spaces, spiders

Worst Flaw
She does not care for for people most of the time, and this can lead to trouble

Light bending - she can bend light at her will
Venom - due to her being bit by a snake, she developed venom which she injects by scratching with her talons

She's just some character I always use on Sylestia. She's a big art/writing fan.

(P.S. Lark you spelled Description wrong. And I am assuming we put the fom here?)
Edited By Penami on 4/23/2020 at 3:24 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 9:21 AM Post #16
*Drops in* Hello. Totally up to this RP. Is it alright that I include two characters that normally universe hop because it's their job and they just think, "Oh, Jim just sent us here without us knowing!"

*Trevor casually looks at me*
*Katie glares at me*
Katie: What are you doing.
Nothing Katie, go back to sleep.
*Trevor looks confused*
You too, Trevor.
Dr. Xenon: Why do you always choose those two? Other exist too!
Shut up. You a) get along with no one and b) are too powerful for this roleplay.
Edited By Kittyauthor on 4/23/2020 at 2:19 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 9:27 AM Post #17
*Casually pings self to remember this after my math Zoom meeting*
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 9:51 AM Post #18
Sigh, we should probably figure it out xD
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 9:55 AM Post #19
Me: Don't faceplate in the dirt. *tries to help Lark from falling*
Also Me: Accidentally trips because of extreme clumsiness and precedes to cause a domino effect xD

I think I'm doing Astra, but I can't decide between Almon, Exal, and Lorenzo...

Astra Qin

Approximate Age
15 (I guess, that's what age she usually is)



*Lark you gotta be kidding me, these are going to be the lamest titles ever*
Uhhhhn....ummmmmm...suddenly remembers an rp I used her where her title was The Mage of Moonbeams

*Then reads Nico's sign up, hey that actually works*


Usual Weapons/Tools
She always has random trinkets available for her to create tiny objects with, although they usually default to random machines that look like flowers or animals. If she has to fight, she uses martial arts.

She prefers to lurk in the shadows and observe. She doesn't try to be funny when she is, shes just brutally honest and says what she thinks not what someone wants her to say. She also values her friends and anyone else she trusts well-beings, accomplishments, and loves over her own. She is very forgetful, so if you told her something a while ago, you have to jumpstart her memory. She has a quick temper, but it dies away easily and she can never remember enough to hold a grudge. She lacks self-confidence and tends to shy away from unfamiliar situations, or at least see someone else do it first. She doesn't think she's book smart or even got with common sense, but she has a quick wit. She hates the spotlight and flattery and attention she doesn't deal with really well. Usually, her head is filled in her own imagination, so if you don't make sure you get her attention before you start talking, she will interpret it wrong.

When she first meets people, she likes to observe how they act in different environments before she will openly talk to someone. She hates being touched unless its by someone she trusts. The fastest way to earn her trust is to save her friends lives or to be one of their friends.

She enjoys animals as she trusts them more than she trusts other people. She likes them in whatever shape or size they come in. She just does not like those that threaten her loved ones. The animals also like her.

She enjoys storytelling and martial arts. She enjoys storytelling as she is sharing someone elses story and she is just the messenger not the hero. She enjoys martial arts as it lets her use her speed and flexibility to help others. She isnt the best as martial arts as she is terribly clumsy. When she fights she enjoys talking to the person she is fighting as saying words distracts the opponent, but helps her concentrate.

Astrana has more to her than meets the eye. While she normally is bashful, her friends can bring out a confident side in her. In some ways, she is like her animal friends. Playful but reserved, but can turn into a ferocious competitor. Astrana is also competitive by nature and even though her bashfulness can keep her from announcing it to the world, she perseveres and does her best to win. She enjoys tinkering as she can do that in the background and doing things with computers and technology help her to do something with her nervous energy and creativity so she loved her comp-sci classes.

(Okay you know this depends on the second character I use...)

She loves bakery foods, like cake
Martial Arts, Story Telling

Being in the spotlight
Small spaces

Snakes, the one animal she admires from a distance, but if it gets to close it freaks her out of her mind.
She's also afraid of being forgotten

Worst Flaw
She's over trusting and tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. She's indecisive and can be easily manipulated.

She can teleport by create light waves, but that means it has to be light around her, and if the distance is too far or obstructed she either can't or if she attempts could risk dissolving into light beams

(I hope I got everything, except backstory)
Edited By Lalalanmao on 4/23/2020 at 10:32 AM.
Level 74
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 10:14 AM Post #20
*attempts to help the lark and map by flips onto ground intsead* ow I have fins....
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