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Level 57
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 12:22 PM Post #11
Yes, I shall be cruel and make him a Soulless... Sorry, Sai (or am I?). However, I can give him someone who hates him but will still watch his back. I present to you... Nyx Revanche(added it to my first post). ^^
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 12:25 PM Post #12
Name: Destrier (Dez) Tymian
Age: 17
Gender: Trans Man
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual (This doesn't stop him from yearning deeply for a partner of any kind.)
(The art is from a Picrew made by r4spberry!
It's difficult to imagine that a man like Dez spends most of his time alone in the desert- with a boyish smile, unrestrainable hair that he fondly flicks out of his view hundreds of times a day, and cheery clothes straight out of stereotypical eighties highschool movies. All around quite charming, in the in the smiling-wide, dandelion behind the ear way.

How he managed to pull that off, standing at 5'8 and having the stocky build of an experienced dock worker is an all-around miracle. Perhaps it's constantly being accompanied by the giantness that is Fauxbreath that makes people decide to rather be intimidated by the snapping warhorse than poster child of summer.

To match his saddle life, he wears brown heeled cowboy boots with a side image of the rising sun and feather-like rays, blue overalls, and a repurposed firefighter helmet with a red design and symbol of a bronze woodpecker with spread wings at the front.

Dez seems like a constant beacon of joy and happiness. You won't catch him without a smile on his face and hands always ready to settle on your shoulder or spin you for a dance- He thrives on turning everyday life into a story and seeks beauty in the smallest and foulest things.

A bit of a blabbermouth who simply just adores people and thrives in loudest and warmest environments. He attempts to charm and joke his way out of situations, due to him having a particularly mean streak for the anger that he has been confining for years- without a push from Fauxbreath, he might not even raise a disagreement, on a chance he pushes others away once gets too confrontational.

He grew up in a community of traveling merchants. Crossing the desert to deliver packages was his routine from day one, but due to the single life event he doesn't go around sharing, he forced himself to leave and is now on his own. People would rather entrust their packages to a group than a lone person, but Dez found a niche of people who would much rather give their trust in hands of one, provided that if something happens during the travel, there will be no one getting the courier to a medic who would snoop through the package.
It is definitely an under-the-bar sort of business and he never quite knows the caliber of what he's delivering but the pay is good and Dez gets to mingle in a criminal cycle, full of whacky if deadly personalities that Dez has long since grown fond of.

But he always travels with only Fauxbreath and although he recognizes that returning to his old family would be a disaster, he can't help but to wish to have something akin to it again and suffers in the constant and so unfamiliar loneliness.

He longs to one day to settle down, but he has never known an empty house and the idea of it scares him.
With the constant trips through the desert, there's at least an easy explanation as to why no one ever seems to settle by his side- He dreams of someone one day following him into it.

Fears: Being found by his past group, fire, being confined to loneliness, leaving Fauxbreath behind.
Likes: Crowds and populated places, daydreaming, singing in the desert, trailing animals and hunting with Fauxbreath (Fauxbreath has to routinely stop him from hunting when there's no need. Still, she permits him a game of bunny chasing when Destrier gets particularly melancholic.)
Dislikes: Comfy folks (His biggest pet peeve are those who get really emotional about the use of leather and try to impose it on him.) and his anger slipping through. Occasionally Fauxbreaths outbursts, but most of the time he just finds them charming.
Strengths: *Knows sign language! Among merchants, it was important to use for traveling through deafening sandstorms, accompanied by a protective visor that Baz managed to recently break.
*Survivalist through and through. Knows his way out of the protection of Litigo and isn't ever above hijacking an animal corpse to make it through the coldest night and all the brutish likes.
* A make-shift spear, truly just a long branch with a tanto-bladed knife attached, that gives him the ability to hunt/protect himself while sat atop Fauxbreaths back. Quite strong from the life full of hauling heavy packages.
*The man has stood his ground against roaming souless and harvested his own pelts since childhood- it takes a bit more than gore or a charging beast to shake him up.
* His frequent isolation and desire to connect leads him to oversharing and get quickly and strongly attached with anyone that seems at least a bit semi-permanent. A prime target for manipulation and a horrible liar.
* His open and touchy behavior might drive some people away.
* With Fauxbreath being the one constant in his life, any slightest separation brings him into a panic.
* While Fauxbreath provides, he lacks speed and agility of his own.

Name: Fauxbreath
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Aromantic
Made in a creator by Dolphy
Draft Zorse / 19hh - 6'4 feet (Horse's height is measured down from shoulders- use this to get an idea of her might, considering the rider is Is 5'8)

The massive size Fauxbreath possesses was never a desired trait in the breeding of draft zorses in Tymians family and hints at a Percheron that snuck past the fence to sabotage the trademark zebra/belgian only line- Due to this, she might not outrun the enemy outright, but her heavily muscled body promises to surely outlast them and even outlive them if they won't get bored soon enough for her liking.

Her tack makes it clear that while its Daz that holds the reigns and neverending work has been a long priority, restricting Fauxbreath in anyway was a no-no since the very beginning. It is compiled of woven breast collar, saddle blanket and breeching all matching in color, material, and pattern. They are all clearly homemade and trustingly-old. The breast collar and breeching have several additional d-rings to hold saddlebags or to secure and tie up a bigger package on Fauxbreaths back.
That's all attached to a saddle that is anything but old- a beautifully crafted western saddle with saddle strings made out of strong, elegant ribbons and golden conchos stylized as sundials. The carved design in the saddle depicts an overgrown ravine. It was a gift from Destriers' most loyal and possibly most wealthy customer- If it was a genuine gift of thanks or just a bribe to hold Dez's silence on how exactly the man makes his money, Dez doesn't ever plan on figuring out. Instead, Fauxbreath has to stop him from refusing any payment for the man's deliveries as an eternal thanks.
Finalizing the tack is much more conservative rope bosal with long, black split reins.

Personality: At first glance, a dame through and through. Despite the life of hard and dusty work, Fauxbreath carries herself with an air of importance and pride of both herself and her Daz.
Fauxbreath has always been very protective of Daz and can make a switch from a dressage-worthy observer to a feral force, fully willing to use whatever she can to protect Baz and defy predators overconfident enough to take her on. Don't seek compassion for fellow herbivores eighter, she's just as much of a hunter as Daz and an opportunistic carnivore at that.

Her protective streak borders on overprotectiveness at times and she has a mean habit of staring down people she suspects treachery from (Which is,,, actually, most people.) You have to let her pick your entire being apart twice before you will be allowed to touch Baz without the danger of a particularly heavy hoof ending getting too close to you or your bondling on Destrier's way out.

Fears: Fire and Dez's spiraling mental health, not being enough to keep him safe.
Likes: People admiring her from a respectful distance, listening to Daz, scaring others with all kinds of color changes, and scoring difficult prey after a long day of work.
Dislikes: People touching her, rains in desert and mud, stillness.
Core: Sand Cloning- Provided she has access to sand, she has the ability to create up to 2 clones of herself. This power gets more convincing and controlled the closer they are to the desert, with only being able to call upon a single mule-sized and wispy construct at the centre of the Litigo. They are physical and able to help with the weight load, but if they attack you should be more worried about sand-infected scratches and sand ending up eighter in your eyes or your lungs than the brute might Fauxbreath possesses.

Akin to the constructs, Fauxbreath wears a hardened layer of unnatural clay-like sand over her body at all times. This is a result of attempting to grow a clone around herself for armor, but it changed upon contact with her body- It admittedly isn't much of an armor, but leaving with a mouthful of clay proves to be all some animals need for discouragement.
As opposed to the earthly tones her constructs have to adhere to, Fauxbreath is free to manipulate the coloring of this layer as much as she wishes to, which allows them opportunities for camouflage or scaring animals away with unnaturally bright, poisonous coloring.
The clay layer has long since seemingly accepted Daz as simply another part of Fauxbreaths body and when in contact, it can spread thin to cover him too- Of course, since it doesn't mellow to his body perfectly as it does to Fauxbreath, is just a step away from being pretty much buried alive. You can imagine that even after years of experience the entire ordeal isn't very comfortable.
Edited By Oricorio on 12/14/2020 at 1:57 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 12:34 PM Post #13
Self ping~
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 12:43 PM Post #14
No worries its no limit on characters
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 12:45 PM Post #15
Looks good I think I might actually let you pick wither he is blind or deaf instead of both because thats an almost impossible character to play
Level 57
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 12:54 PM Post #16
Okay. I think I will try to do blind and deaf, but if it doesn't work, I'll choose one. ^w^
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 1:34 PM Post #17
Okay! Sounds good
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 1:42 PM Post #18
Hey guys Im gonna try to post the RP thread later tonight if you cant sign up before then its okay Ill give a recap when you are ready to jump in. All of our player will start in the same city and thy will all know each other so feel free to discuss connections and backstory etc.
Level 75
Fabled Ice Carver
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 2:01 PM Post #19
Name: Cara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Fiery, Hot-headed, Fast, Sly, Cunning, Stubborn, Short-tempered, Wary
Fears: Massive water buffalos, Endless desert.
Likes: Snakes, Sand, Rain, Fire
Dislikes: Snakes being hurt, Snake charmers
Strengths: Sand (But not too much), Strong, Sly, Fast, Cunning.
Weaknesses: Massive water Buffalos, Massive armies, Too much sand

Name: Blue
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Fiery, Hot-headed, Fast, Sly, Cunning, Stubborn, Short-tempered, Wary
Fears: Massive water buffalos, Endless water.
Likes: Snakes, Sand, Rain, Fire
Dislikes: Snakes being hurt, Snake charmers
Core: Fire, Mind-reading
Edited By Blackstar576 on 12/12/2020 at 2:03 PM.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 2:45 PM Post #20
oh i forgot to post mah sheet oops
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