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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 8:27 AM Post #11
Winter Aphelion
Winter sighs and stands up. Another futile, meaningless day on this futile, meaningless planet. He feels around for the wall of the cave, trying to situate himself. His longish black hair is all in his face, not that it matters to him anyways. He wanders into the section of his cave that serves as some sort of kitchen, grabbing a piece of dried fish from a jar. The taste makes him gag, but it reminds him of Ari, the last spot of meaning his life had lost.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 4:36 PM Post #12

Nikita Featherfield | Roman

Nikita entered the Mess hall and immediately noticed Winter. Ari and Roman use to get along so well, the thought of it made Nikitas heart sink as she walked over gently tugging Winters shirt sleeve as she normally did to let him know she was there. She wasnt sure if anyone had tried to tell him about the accident the other day but she didnt want him to worry not that he would but still. Roman presses his cold wet nose against Winters hand. It smelt like Dried fish..... Ari use to smell like that. He missed his old friend dearly and he was disappointed that loosing him had drained what little happiness Winter had left.

@ Scout & Amaniii

Riker Redero | Kithara

Riled flung the red curtain to the side walking in the Bunks { Hey, any one know if Nikita headed out already?} he asked rather loud ruffling his hair. It was odd seeing so many new faces in the hunting bunks at one time and the memories of the last hunt made his stomach turn again. Kithara was close behind and when she walked in she could sense Rikers uneasiness { relax you look like they are dead already...} she said swishing her tail.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 4:51 PM Post #13
Oscar | Gideon

Oscar hopped over, excited for someone to actually talk, "She went off somewhere, not sure where, I wasn't really listening to her whole speech.." He chuckled nervously, but smiled.
"I swear, do you have any attention span?!" Gideon scolded.
Oscar crossed his arms, "I do!" he stated, sounding like a child.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 4:57 PM Post #14
(Whoops- I hope i can be forgiven for the length of this, being the beginning and getting the pair to move. Sorry for ruining your eyes, everyone! I promise to keep it much shorter next time around.)

Destrier Tymian & Fauxbreath

Underground corrals of Corpus would look like a long-abandoned thing, with the ancient dust practically holding the entire structure together and the unmistakeable stifling reek that is left when the very last animal has been taken away- but, to detriment of everyone who sleeps in its proximity, for 2 days now the place has been buzzing with heavy hoofs on stone and earsplitting noises of what could only be described as a hog choking on a goose that's determined to go down singing.

That particular analogy rewarded Destrier with Fauxbreath grabbing a mouthful of his cherry-printed jacket and pulling him sharply back, tearing him away from the hoof he was picking. The man didn't even get to finish his own spluttering sound of outrage before he decided to save his favorite article of clothing over what was left of his dignity, surrendering to the hold of nearly 7 feet tall beast and landing on the ground with a thud. With the quick recovery of someone who has been through this before, he collected his arms in his lap and pouted at his bondling and best friend.

"Oi, Faux. I would understand a betrayal while I was adjusting the cinch, but throwing a fit at having your hoofs cleaned? Lady, please. You do know that now this dusty tush is eventually going to end up in your fancy pantsy saddle, right? And here I thought we will win the hunters over with our clean, city folk charm."

Not that there has been a city charm to speak of, truly. They are off well, definitely both more filled out than most inhabitants here but not having to split everything with hundreds of others does that to you.
They made the bright decision to lay off deliveries for a while and instead help the local hunters in their efforts- No coins out of the starved city, Fauxbreath has said ever so helpfully back then, but Dez was sure she had agreed to this arrangement mostly out of the thrill and to stray the wild herds away from the hunter's view.

But now? Oh, Fauxbreath was not a being of compassion. And while Fauxbreath turned around to her side and did what Daz known to recognize as her shoving the stirrup into his face (Despite it barely carding through his hair) to get a move on, the ears pinned dangerously close to Fauxbreaths neck made him wonder if Fauxbreath was about to place a curse on all of them.

"For all I care, they can be one with that hog of yours. Most of their numbers are barely out of their sibling's clothes, the rest old enough to likely had a hand in overhunting their homeland. Tell me, while you're still being a poet- why haven't they moved?"

When they were first tentatively offered to join the hunt (Offered being a loose word, as Dez practically invited himself and everyone back then seemed too desperate to tell him off.), Destriers grin was just a moment away from permanently splitting his face from all the nostalgia the mental image of group hunt brought him. What if a once in a blue moon event happens and they stumble upon a herd of buffalos? Sure, they haven't seen a full-size herd in... oh, definitely in double digits of years but who knows. Cutting with other riders again would be yet another wonderful memory to turn to once they'll be out on the road again...

But the hunting party of Corpus wasn't what eighter of them were used to.

So far, they have been kindly instructed to "keep miles away from their hunting party with that damm thunder parade" twice (An local idiom, perhaps? What are the odds!), several people had an odd, half-crazed look in their eyes that hinted that they got the bright idea to hunt Fauxbreath herself instead and to top it all off, they suffered barks of poorly restrained bloodlust and disbelieving huffs from hounds that Faux has quickly silenced by a showy stomp that might have left an imprint of a horseshoe in the stone pathway and nearly rid one particularly testy hound of his snout.

They haven't seen another rider as of yet. They could scatter the hiding animals out and then steer them toward the hunting party with the help of Fauxbreaths sand constructs- but how close could they get, before the party would be sabotaged with the noise they make? This has never been an issue he had to ponder. There are no silent hunts on horseback and he certainly wasn't taught the etiquette of the ground version. Too little, too late on learning it right now too. He should have thought of this sooner, huh? But with Fauxbreath being at least 70 percent of his impulse control, he waited for her to lay out the plan she must have already considered.. and then waited some more until it was clear that both of them ended up in unfamiliar waters and they were about to take a nosedive to sharks layer.

They can either still scatter the animals in distance and hope that at least a few runners will eventually end up in the party's way- or hunt on their own as always and then just meet back up with them and hand everything over.

Destrier sighed and stretched his back before grabbing a hold of the saddles fender to pull himself up, Fauxbreath barely moving as he used her for balance except for the exasperated huff. Her question was good though, Dez thought as he dusted himself off with a dog-like shake of his entire body and had his point-toed shoe glide into the stirrup before Fauxbreath could take a step back to save her newly brushed coat. As he pulled himself up by the horn and swung his leg over, Fauxbreath was staring back at him, partially checking if he got up just fine in one of her silent shows of affection- the rest was all the raise of not existent eyebrows, still waiting for an answer that Dez provided alongside a blank minded shrug while he tested the buckle on his helmet, his free hand fishing for both reins.

"I imagine it's not easy to claw an underground city into existence, Fauxbreath. That sort is permanent by virtue- Give it a few generations and people eventually become the city. The defining trait of the store is that it doesn't have a tendency to migrate, as far I know, why would you expect its people be any different? We don't know what a homeland is, Faux- but these folks? It's written in both their walls and in their bones. Let them have it."
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 5:54 PM Post #15
I looked around worried as I closed the book to go help on the hunt, Shadow followed his paws hitting the floor making a clicking as his talons hit the stone, I huffed in unease as I stuck the book in my bag and looked around for the others in worry. 'You seem uneasy?' Shadow asked moving his head to the side in confusion as I shrugged gently "Why should I be uneasy?" I said looking at my companion 'I don't know... You unease is coming off you in waves and it makes my fur ruffled' he said and I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly.

(Accalia is open for interaction ._.)
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 5:59 PM Post #16
[Jesus has left the chat]
Edited By Amaniii on 12/14/2020 at 5:59 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 6:12 PM Post #17
Winter turns to face Nikita. "Oh, it's you," He says lifelessly. "Hello, Nikita. Another day, eh?"
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 7:11 PM Post #18
(@Oricorio - Now I feel obligated to write more than you. Why? No clue. I'm just competitive, I guess. xD Anyways, I enjoyed reading it and didn't mind its length! You're an awesome writer.)

Res Adler | Azar | open for interaction
Res tries to keep all the rules and information tucked away in his head. Man, being a hunter is a lot harder than it seems. Who, why, when did they create all these rules? Sure, they're to keep people safe, but seriously? Res had joined the hunting party to try and escape rules.

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe | Riker Redero & Kithara, Oscar & Gideon
Khaalida looks to who had entered and smiles when she recognizes Riker. Khaalida laughs when Oscar admits to having not played attention to the speech. "Yeah, she went to the mess hall." Khaalida points Riker in their friend's direction. Oscar's short attention span had it's share of curses and blessings when on a hunt. Lets just hope it serves well this time.

Sai Revanche & Nyx Revanche | Sonia | open for interaction
Nyx has somewhat calmed down, calmed down enough to help Sai with his metal working. Nyx didn't know exactly how this new invention of his would work, but it's definitely a weapon of some sort. The questions Nyx had tried to ask were always shot down with one excuse or another. Sai hoped what he's making will help the town protect itself from the snakes and night howlers. His fingers slip down the smooth surface, finding the niche in one of the pieces and motioning for the piece Nyx is holding. He slips the piece in place and continues, fingering another gap and then taking a scrap to mold to fit and help the machine. Nyx starts talking out loud, not that Sai would hear. She hoped someone would hear, someone would come and relieve her of the silence.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 7:30 PM Post #19
I entered the hunters bunk and hummed slightly and Shadow purred as he sat quietly and I glanced at him confused as he looked around his ears twitching "what's with you?" I asked him and he huffed 'Nothing to talk about... And people are either too excited or gloomy and it makes me uneasy' He said making a purring noise and I rolled my eyes amused as I stretched my back out.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 8:35 PM Post #20
(Is he deaf and blind or only blind?)
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