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Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 5:20 PM Post #1
(So we are starting off all in a tribe in Corpus, it is mid day so everyone should be down in the city and the hunters are gearing up for the evening. Just a reminder this is gonna be kind of a free for all RP you can add characters at anytime and there wont be many if any NPCS)

Almost empty........ the world had been that way for close to half a century now since the Great Disaster Only the elders remember what happened but everything after was never the same. After the Great Disaster humans shared half of their soul with animals the connection granted the beast great power in return for their loyalty to the human with which they were bonded. Some tragically lost their connection by death and both the animals and humans effected were called the Souless, completely separated the animals no longer had great power and were aggressive and wild mindless beasts and are often hunted for food, and the humans were blind and deaf unable to sense the world about them And outcast by their own kind..... but for those connected to the world around them there will soon be another great change.

A city that is mostly underground but they do go up durning the night to hunt, the heat is too hot during the day(because thats what heat does it is hot...)

The day had been long and the heat was scorching as Usual heating up the caverns and tunnels to a comfy 80 F however there was thick tension in the air and it was not the humidity.....
For the past week the hunters had been plagued with nighthowlers and sand snakes, and food was running low not to mention they had lost half of the crew in their last excursion..

(Im gonna post may characters in a bit but keep in mind they all know each other !)

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Edited By Katelynn4545 on 12/13/2020 at 9:00 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:09 PM Post #2
Riker Redero | Kithara

Riker found himself back in his medicine hut pacing, it had been a hard week patient after patient death after death he was burning lavender and onion grass oil just to take his mind off of the memory of the smell of sand coated wounds. He ran a hand through his whispy almost white hair as he ceased his pacing in the middle of the room. Kithara who was laying in front of the door way flicking her tail her ears pinned back sighed before her voice entered Rikers head { I could sooth the memory of it you know..... it would help with your sleep} her tone as reassuring as possible Riker dropped his hands to his sides { You know thats only a temporary fix, what Im worried about is Nikita and the others going out again tonight we just lost five hunters to the sand snakes yesterday!! Is she insane?! } he snapped making Kithara stand up her hackels raising a bit { she is trying to keep us fed! She knows very well of the loss yesterday, but she also knows that with that the sand snakes will be full, and the night howlers were on the move two days ago so they will be resting, she know tonight is the only chance the remnant of us has left! We cant all make it to the Oasis in a night many of the men are wounded and on their death beds as is, give the girl a break she is a ton braver than you here sniveling in your little hole for days!!} she hissed in his mind her tail lashing back and forth she had grown tiered and Ill if Riker didnt sleep neither did she, if he didnt eat she stayed hungry and he knows Kithara was right he had been hiding and avoiding the others{...... hhha.... alright, your right she deserves and apology...} he admitted walking for the door stroking the large cat behind the ears befor the two of them trotted out into the open cavern the roofs lit with bright electric lights that shone brightly on the stone as he made his way to the Bunks where most of the hunters were getting ready.

Nikita Featherfield | Roman

( Spines are like the crochet sandals but these have a sharp metal spike at the base of the ankle like a weapon with maker spikes up the calve and matching sleeves hat are spiked at the elbow and down each arm they call them Spines)
(The Mouth is the entrance to the caverns the place with all the tent over hangs and what not )

The stone was cold Under her feet as she strapped her Spines on mumbling angrily to herself { is what the Med Tech said earlier bothering you?} Romans voice rang loudly in her mind { yes it is...... But honestly I dont care, we have to go tonight or the rest of us will starve..} she said shoving her duel blades into their sheaths at her waist she glanced around the bunks as she pulled her long white hair back into a ponytail it seems what she had said had unnerved some of their companions { tonights gonna be a good run, we will make it back, we have too...... be ready in a hour at the Mouth, Im gonna go on ahead..} she said with a reassuring smile before her and the large Canine headed out a tinge of blue electricity shimmering off of Romans Coat as he moved. Once out of ear shot she glance down at him { you seem ready to roll tonight, whats the rush } the black Beast growled his mouth glowing a light blue as his voice growled in her head { Im ready to kick some ass.... they took from us...... they wont make it out alive this time}. Nikita Smirked { good I dont plan on going easy on them, I have mouths to feed} she said the two of them heading towards the Mess Hall
(Sorry for the super long post XP its just a lot to set a feel for the things )
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 12/13/2020 at 8:09 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:22 PM Post #3
(Can I do the 'I' perspective or do you want me to do third person?)
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:29 PM Post #4
Whatever your comfy with but if you do use first person (I) then have your character and bondling name at the top so folks know who is speaking
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:33 PM Post #5
[what a fricking novel, how do I match this?????? Hhhh gimme like forty mins, love]
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:38 PM Post #6
Lol I had too much fun its been a while since a I did a free for all with little to no plot line XP I bottled it up
Level 75
Fabled Ice Carver
Joined: 2/26/2019
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:50 PM Post #7
I stroke Blue, deep in the caves. Someone had growled at her today and Blue was sad 'sorry little one'
I play with Gaha, I loved these times, the times where we didn't have a care in the world
Edited By Blackstar576 on 12/13/2020 at 9:00 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 8:52 PM Post #8
I am going to Italics for Shadow and leave Accalia open.

I sat reading quietly to study more for linguistics, Shadow purred quietly his head resting on my lap as I hummed gently, "I heard about the hunt... I wonder how everyone is doing" I mumbled and Shadow sneezed 'No kidding' he sighed gently. I tapped my fingers on the book gently that was faded "I wonder how the others are doing..." I mumbled as I flipped the page and looked around the area humming. 'I am sure they are fine, when can I get a peach?' he asked moving his head to the side his ears twitching in thought.
Edited By Toothless3342543 on 12/13/2020 at 9:54 PM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 9:42 PM Post #9
(Let me know if I need to change anything. All my characters are up for interaction. :D)

Res Adler | Azar
Res bounces next Azar. He is eager to get out of the cave and hunt. He didn't exactly like the hunting part and the danger that came with it, but it's an excuse to get out of the cave. It isn't all dangerous, someone would watch his back. Azar fairly glares at Res.
Let it be known that I do not agree with your idea or your plan. Azar ruffles his feathers and turns on his perch to face away from Res.
Come on, Azar, it can't be that bad. They need more people, I'm young, stubborn, and full of bad life choices. Nothing can go wrong! Res grins at the eagle, though his smile falters. I promise I'll be safe.

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida puts on her hunting equipment carefully, testing to make sure it works. One of her friends had gotten bit with a snake thanks to her equipment malfunctioning. She sighs and brushes her hair back, clipping it in place. Eventually she is satisfied with her equipment. She waits for her team and the new guy who decided to try and help. She looks at Res, deciding that he won't last long anyways and she shouldn't try to keep him alive. The rest of her team she had gotten emotionally attached to. The new guy? Not so much.

Daeril Kritana | Gahiji
Daeril had done his best that day to try and heal those who had gotten injured. He had done his best and still failed. Daeril heads over to his sister but pauses a few feet away to let Khaalida finish her conversation with Res, run him through with the rules and get him acquainted with how things ran.
Khaalida spots Daeril waiting and turns to Res, "Go to Nikita, she'll tell you anything else you need to know." Then Khaalida jogs over to Daeril and gives him a big hug. "I already promised you I'll stay safe during the hunt. What are you here for?"
"To make sure you're ok for as long as I can." Daeril says, giving her a hug back.
"You do remember I'm older than you and it's my responsibility to look out for you?" Khaalida pulls away and puts her hands on her hips.
"Only by a few seconds... And being older or not doesn't matter; I can look out for you too." Daeril counters. Khaalida smiles and ruffles his hair.
"I love you too." She smiles.

Sai Revanche
Nyx Revanche | Sonia
Sai 'listens' to his sister rant about how much she wanted to become a hunter and help everyone.
"I'd be helping you! You have to let me join. They're half a team short! Come on, Sai, stop being such a stuck up idiot. Let me go! I promise I can be good. I'll stay safe. I won't be reckless. What do you want to hear me say before you'll let me go? I love you?" Nyx signs into Sai's hand. Sai stops her, putting a finger to her lips.
"No. I can't let you go. You'll die. What use will you be then? Stay, please. I don't know what I'd do without you." Sai says, blind eyes staring at nothing in particular. Nyx storms and doesn't bother keeping her outburst quiet since Sai couldn't hear her. She wants to go and help hunt. Nyx didn't want to give Sai a heart attack, though, if she suddenly disappeared, but running away to help with the evening hunt sounded like a much better idea to help her brother and the rest of the people more than staying in the cave and helping elsewhere.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 10:07 PM Post #10
Oscar | Gideon

"Oh please, was their any doubt we would? I'm totally ready to beat some bondlings!" Oscar was much more excited about this than he probably should be, and his words seemed to have hit a nerve of his own bondling,
"That's vile! Are you really comparing me to those beasts? They're not really bondlings anymore, are they? They're soulless." Gideon huffed, brushing his fur with his paw, ignoring the 'beat' part, "I'm far more civilized anyways."
"I've seen how you get before breakfast." Oscar snorted, stuffing his extending blade into his belt, Oscars retort resulted in Gideon facing away, staring at everyone else, but at least it appeared to have lessened the worry of tonight's hunt for his bondling. But unfortunately not his own, He did indeed consider himself 'brave', but he wasn't exactly ready to put his life on the line to test that out.
"So.. how are you guys feeling about tonight?" He asked the group, wary but definitely ready to kick some butt regardless.

[I imagine Gideon sounding like a British git tbh]

[this is a little short but as this is just beginning of the role-play I don't believe there is a lot necessary for my character's. I would like to introduce the soulless grandma later. That sounds absolutely terrible but I think you know what I mean.]
Edited By Amaniii on 12/13/2020 at 11:05 PM.
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