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Forum Index > Roleplaying > ouroboros {finished}
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Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 9:05 AM Post #11
The two stay to themselves talking in sign language in getting to know each other more
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 9:26 AM Post #12
She gave the most annoyed sigh ever before harshly barking out, "Lei. I'm Lei."
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 9:42 AM Post #13
i give the harsh woman a small wave, pouring myself a glass of lemonade and taking a sip as i polish the rest of my bread. i feel a bit odd, but i brush it off. it's probably just nerves and excitement, i should just drink a bit more.
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:00 AM Post #14
She gave a sharp jerk of her hand back that could've been a wave maybe before wandering over to the water cooler and filling up her bottle, going back over to the wall to sip at it while glaring at everybody
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:03 AM Post #15
"so, when do the creators of the group show up?" i ask, downing another glass of lemonade. the others have food and drinks from the table too, and is it just me or are they getting a bit...pale? i'm sure that's just em, and i probably shouldn't stare. i fact, i think i'll just close my eyes a bit, the lights are so bright in here, where do you even get lights that bright?
Level 61
High Priest
Joined: 11/9/2020
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:08 AM Post #16
Haru : I walk in a ball of nerves but i look around to see if i know anyone when i dont i feel like im in the right place i check the adress on the fyler and see its the same .Calming down i sit in the chair wth my legs crossed looking around ......
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:09 AM Post #17
Firenze swerves into the parking lot. "Jeez, that took an unexpected amount of time." He struts into the waiting room, arms crossed.
Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:15 AM Post #18
They kept communicating in sign language as Lilly kept eating her candy and Matthew has been finished his sodas
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:15 AM Post #19
Lei went to sip her water again before gagging slightly, god she suddenly felt horrible. Maybe she was sick? Doesn't matter at all, you've gotten through worse you can get through a stupid interview with a TINY bug.

Just in case though she sat down on the ground with her head on her knees. A small nap wouldn't hurt...
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 10:18 AM Post #20
Adelia blinks slowly. "What the h- Firenze?" She hisses, noticing the tall man walking in through the door. He stuffs his face with food (typical Firenze.)
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