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Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:22 AM Post #211
Reuvan blinked, not sure where that remark fit into the situation. Another one? Was this a test? If it was, who were these people? Maybe from other academies??

His shoulder throbbed again uncomfortably and he ignored them for a second to pull back his sleeve and look at it. He winced at the angry red coloration, it would be purple in the next hour. He gingerly reached up and iced it, something he probably should have done as soon as he hurt it.

(sorry I had to go make some life juice aka coffee)
Level 75
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:24 AM Post #212
"This is Nicote." Astra said with a smile. "So your shoulder was hurt." She said as she examined him icing it. "We all just somehow ended up here from a bunch of different worlds. "
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:29 AM Post #213
Reuvan stared at her for a moment. That sounded crazy. Yeah these people were crazy.

But... he looked around him again. Maybe he was crazy.

Different worlds? Well he supposed it wasn't impossible... but certainly hard to believe. If this was true though... oh god, he wondered what his teammates thought when he just fell through the floor like that. Cypress was probably losing his mind, he'd be sure to blame the headmaster, thinking it was one of the Academies tricks.

Well. These people seemed legit enough. He'd trust them, for now.

"I'm Reuvan... how long have you been here?"
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:29 AM Post #214
(sorry I forgot to ping you)
Level 75
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:31 AM Post #215
Astra frowned. "Hard to say, I don't exactly have a clock and since it is still light outside maybe an hour at most." She looked into the sky to see if she could figure out the time, but this world was so different from her own she could not be quite sure. "You know, unless this is like the city I'm from, then it's always this light so we could have been here for days and we would be none the wiser."
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:36 AM Post #216
He wasn't happy she gave his name.
"It is always dark in my world, but we have light dark and dark dark."

"You're hurt." Lishian noted. "you need something on th-oh great Soleli, i don't have my potions." He groaned
Edited By Orcastration on 4/26/2020 at 8:37 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 5/23/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 8:40 AM Post #217
Astra shrugged. "You weren't given your name, it's either that or they call you creepy dude or something else. My world's weird we have light light, light dark, and just an infinite void of darkness."
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 9:04 AM Post #218
Reuvan huffed. Ignoring the others bickering about light and dark. Well then, an hour. He looked at these new people. He didn't want to be bossy, that would be incredibly rude, and he didn't want to come off as some leader-figure (that was Cypress' job, as awful as he was at it). But this was a new world with new things and *many new ways to die*. They didn't have time to wait around just to see if the sun would stay up forever, and even if it did that still didn't mean they were safe.

"We should find a place to shelter, or water. I can siphon some water from the ground but not much, and it takes alot of effort. And my shoulder will be fine... although I... appreciate the concern."
Edited By Sl33pl3ssnights on 4/26/2020 at 9:06 AM.
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 9:06 AM Post #219
(I'm sorry I forgot to ping you again >.> won't happen again)
Level 75
Joined: 5/23/2017
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 9:09 AM Post #220
"Probably," Astra said with a shrug. "That would be smart. I guess all of us were too much in shock from all the chaos this place has. Also who knows how long we'll be staying here."
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