I wake up and find something is covering my mouth. I desperately try to free myself but as my eyes focus I see Rysor looking down at me, one of his paws cover my mouth the other is held to his lips in a sign for silence. I nod once to show him I understand and he removes his paw. I turn to see Alepo huddled next to me.
She gives me a wry smile but it fades quickly as a loud crash comes from outside the tent. I hear voices. Human voices. I can see their shadows now, cast against the tent.
My chest wells up with panic as a hand moves to open the tent. The tent flap is flung open and the human yelps in surprise. His buddies quickly join in and one has a gun. They point it at us but Rysor quickly springs into action.
I watch in frozen horror as he shoots sparks at the one with the gun. Alepo quickly rushes out and takes out a small wrench. She swings at one of the other boys who ducks and punches her in the gut. She doubles over but quickly recovers and whacks him in the leg with the wrench.
I hear a sickening crunch and the boy crumble. I urge my muscles to move but they stay frozen. All I can do is watch as Rysor and Alepo fight off the invaders. One of the other humans helps his buddy up and carries him off. I hear a loud bang and my head whips around at the noise so fast that the world spins for a moment. Then I see the boy with the gun retreat after his friends.
To my horror Rysor is on the ground. I can see blood on his arm. My legs finally move and I'm by his side. I look at the wound with worry. "Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?" I ask wanting to be helpful.
He waves me off "It's fine, he just nicked me. Nothing bad." I ignore Rysor and take the wound in my hands. Immediately a blinding green light shoots out of the space between my hands and his fur. I yelp but can't let go.
The green light spreads along Rysor's arm until it reaches his wound. We all watch in quiet amazement as the light fades and the wound begins to close up. When the light is gone the skin looks as good as knew. "H-How did?" I ask in disbelief.
Rysor and Alepo are both looking at me apprehensively. rather than answer my question Rysor asks "Do you know who we are?" I look at him in confusion "Of course, you're Rysor and Alepo. That's not the most important thing right now! What the heck did I just do?" I ask my voice rising in panic.
Alepo moves forward and for the first time asks in a gentle voice "Where did you meet Rysor" I look at her incredulously "That's a stupid question it was in..." I trail off, I search through my memory for the moment that we met but I can't recall a thing.
Rysor's shoulders sag with relief "Rysor? what's going on? Why can't I remember" He holds his paws out as if to calm me down "Calm down. I'll explain everything." I take a deep breath and wait for him to continue "I think we know what your attribute is. It's one that is called Life. It's extremely rare however..." He trails off, I get a cold creeping feeling up and down my spine
"However what? Rysor tell me right now." He sighs and not meeting my eyes says "Life can heal any wound except death however depending on the severity of the wound and your relationship with the person you're healing you will lose memories."
There is an ominous silence where all I can hear is the wind over the grass. I don't know what to make of this. I stagger to my feet Alepo moves to help me but I shake her off "I-I just need some time to think about this." I gulp and turn around and walk away from them. "I just need some time." I mumble as I clutch my arms to my chest.
I just need some time.
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