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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Fallout: Magi
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Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 11/28/2013
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 5:20 PM Post #21
Katherine frowned. "Alright, no food for you."
Level 16
Joined: 12/7/2013
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 5:24 PM Post #22
Delilah growled."yes,food for me.You just dont wake someone up by yelling."Delilah said as she rolled her eyes.huffing in annoyance she pouted."besides what type of 'leader' would let a ally starve?"She said as she smirked as her red eyes light up."hm?"
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/24/2013
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 6:55 PM Post #23
Silverina, hearing the shout, groaned irritably and got out of bed. Her hair was a rat's nest, her nightgown wrinkly. "No!! I can't go downstairs looking like this on any occasion!" She walked to her big closet, and looked through it to find a dress fitting for her mood. She chose a silver dress with rose petal designs. She brushed her hair as fast as she could and stuck in her pink hair flower, a rose. She slipped on her pink bunny slippers and ran down the stairs. She smelled breakfast. "Yum!! hat's for breakfast Katherine?? Hi Delilah! Lovely day today isn't it!"
Level 16
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 7:26 PM Post #24
Delilah growled and clamped a hand over the girl's mouth."No one should be so bubbly in the morning i have a headache."She growled as her eye twitched.When you wake Delilah up in the morning with a headache and someone was being unreasonably hyper in the morning she was not very happy,then again when is she ever cheerful?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 7:37 PM Post #25
"Delilah! What is up with you!! Are you ever happy!! Try to be normal and act fun! Playful! Like a normal teenage girl! Seriously!" Silverina strode to the table, humming to herself, and sat herself down in her pink fluffly, warm seat next to Katherine's seat. "Katherine?? Do you want me to go wake the others up?? I think they're still sleeping."
Level 16
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 7:47 PM Post #26
Delilah just looked at Silverina with a p***** off look as she smirked."you want to know why i don't act normal?i grew up with a unnormal family full of insane people that may as well be considered psychopaths.Not everyone can be miss sunshine."She said rolling her eyes.
Level 66
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 9:05 PM Post #27
Conner didn't go back to HQ. He never got back. He clutched his bleeding arm painfully. He opened the door. "Get me some help, people!" He yelled. He recalled last night's encounter with the group of wolves.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 9:34 PM Post #28
Emily got up and slipped on her favorite clubbing dress. It was tight and sparkly and showed off her curvy body well. For being fifteen she really took care of and grew into her body. She slipped on her platform heals through on her eyeliner till it was the thickness she liked and walked out of her room. she was shorter than most the people in the house so she was constantly wearing heals to feel taller. She didn't feel like talking to anyone and besides she never talked to anyone without someone else starting the conversation. She knew Jace wasn't going to get out of bed so she was the person who usually wakes him up. She slammed on his door as hard as she could over and over again till she heard him groan then she walked away. She walked down the stairs slowly and turned for the kitchen. "Good morning Jasper." She said and gave him a smile. he was the only one she really left her room to talk to. She found him odd and endearing.

Jace jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom attached to his room. He liked taking showers in the morning because it made him feel alive. He took his shower and then headed back into the room. He slipped on a pair of old black jeans and and a dark green T-shirt and headed for the door. Stepping out in the hallway it felt much cooler without the steam from the shower. He went downstairs and stood next to Delilah. "Good morning." He aid in a smooth voice. "Grumpy are we today?" he asked. She was usually on her bad side in the morning and he liked to mess with her hoping hoping that he could make her feel better. He coudln't wait for breakfast his stomach was growling. it had been a few hours since he had anything to eat.

Caleb jumped out of bed ready to start the day. He couldn't wait to eat breakfast with his new family. He put his white jeans that were ripped and dirty and black T-shirt on. He knew that they would have to go hunting for food and that gave him even more time to socialize with people. Caleb shook his head. he knew the only reason why he wanted to go downstairs so bad is because Silverina was there. He really liked her and maybe one day they could be together. He doubted it. he was never any good at talking to girls and when he did it was usually about gross stuff that they wouldn't like. He put on his shoes and headed downstairs. Stepping into the kitchen was like a party everyday. there was always a group of people in the kitchen that he could talk to and Silverina was there to. "hey" he said walking up to Silverina. He hoped he didn't make things awkward between them. he knew there main goals were to stay alive and that always came first. He couldn't let his personal feelings get in the way. he ran his hand through his hair hoping she would respond.

June wasn't a morning person and she literally had to role herself off the bed to get herself up. She liked socializing but most people ignored her. She slipped on her jeans and T-shirt and headed downstairs to the kitchen. About this time usually everyone is there and she was always last. No one really ever talked to her, she was just the shy one in the corner who minded her own business. She was scared to start conversations with people and just ignored that they were alive. she hoped that Connor was there but he wasn't. She didn't know were he was but she didn't see him last night either. It was strange but maybe he was just over sleeping. She sat down at the table and put her head down. She heard connnors voice and ran to him. He was all bloody and she was scared that he was hurt to bad to fix! "Connor! What happened?" she asked scared.
Edited By Sarahbug1020 on 12/10/2013 at 9:37 PM.
Level 16
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 9:35 PM Post #29
Delilah cursed seeing Conner's arm and ran to go get a first aid kit.Running back she point to a chair."sit now,let me see it."She said as she held the first aid kit in her hand.Okay Delilah hates to admit it to people but she was actually kind to people hurt.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 12/10/2013 at 9:35 PM Post #30
((Crap I forgot to ping!))
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