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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Fallout: Magi
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Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 11/28/2013
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Posts: 576
Posted: 12/7/2013 at 1:17 PM Post #1
In the year 2085, humanity was destroyed was by a mysterious virus. At first it was isolated, but it spread to all the continents. The symptoms were simply but horrible- it turned the unfortunate victim into a mindless flesh eater. Humans dubbed them "zombies", despite not being reanimated corpses. Eventually, most of the humans were wiped out-either by the zombies or by each other.
Except one group.
This group, called the Magi's, are made of a number of teenage boys and girls all with magical powers. These powers come from an artifact they carry with them, given to these people by a mysterious cat named World. They go through a transformation, think a magical girl-ish like one, they all a weapon, which they use to kill the zombies. All Magi's specialize in one type of magic- Offense, which entitles the user to flashy and tough spells, and Defense, which is used to create force fields and to heal. Don't be fooled tough, they both types of magic can be used for big damage.
The Magi's live in a rather large home, which they call base, but they still have to savaged for food and supplies.
Well, are you ready to become the planets only salvation?
1. Be nice to other players.
2. No power playing. Mary Sues banned.
3. No pulling powers out of your butt. I might have all of us get another move later, but only all at once.
4. I will be the leader of the Magi's. My rule goes.
5. *edit* Type at least 2 sentences per post. I want a good story going.
Sign-up sheet-
Name- First, last optional. Nothing crazy special or anything like that
Age- From 12-16, please.
Gender- Male, Female
Magic Artifact- Can be a bracelet, necklace, ect. Has to be something they can carry around. Can't transform without it.
History- Just one or two sentences.
Attitude- How your character acts.
Looks- How your character looks. Prefer pictures.
Magi Form
Transformation Name- Like, "Black Raven" and such.
Weapon- Shotgun, sword, ect
Magic Type- Offense, Defense, descriptions above.
Move- Your main spell, like "Feather Storm, rains down storm or enchanted feathers"
Looks- Weird ears, tails, impractical outfits, odd hair colors, weird/creepy eyes, wings, and other strange things allowed. Picture preferred.
Clean Sheet-
Magic Artifact-
Magi Form
Transformation Name-
Magic Type-
Thanks for signing up! I will click some of your eggs when you sign up!
Edited By Kitsumetails on 12/8/2013 at 4:03 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 11/28/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 576
Posted: 12/7/2013 at 1:41 PM Post #2
Name- Katherine
Age- 14
Gender- Female
Magic Artifact- Necklace
History- After seeing her family die before her, World gave her powers and saved her life.
Attitude- courageous, tomboyish, and strong
Magi Form
Transformation Name- Evanescent Heart
Weapon- Shotgun
Magic Type- Offense
Move- Nightmare Blast, causes her gun to transform into a Gatling gun, fire hundreds of magic bullets

Name- Jasper
Age- 12
Gender- Male
Magic Artifact- Bracelet
History- He was already an orphan, then World visited him and gave him powers.
Attitude- Shy and caring
Magi Form
Transformation Name- Serene Angel
Weapon- Staff
Magic Type- Defense
Move- Heavenly Shield, protects allies and hurts any opponent who nears the shield.

Also, I play World.
Level 66
Joined: 8/31/2013
Threads: 365
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Posted: 12/7/2013 at 9:06 PM Post #3
Edited By Crystal25152 on 12/7/2013 at 9:08 PM.
Level 66
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 12/7/2013 at 9:07 PM Post #4
Name- Luca Skywind
Age- 16
Gender- Female
Magic Artifact- Ring on her index finger on her right hand. It is black and red. Ruby and obsidian. The design is like bird claws clutching a red egg. (Ruby) The claw is the obsidian. The ring will grow hot sometimes, but doesn't bother Luca. There ruby looks like it has fire in it.
History- She never made any friends and didn't care when her "foster" parents died. She always hated them. She played the drums and piano. She had a small accident that made her right eye blind. It has a scar. She is very intelligent, but does not say she is. She loves fire. Her parents abandoned her, leaving her only with mother's ring. She always has matches in her pockets.
Attitude- Cold toward everyone expect for ones who she really trusts. Lonely, and feels trapped a lot. Angry as well. She is a tom-boy and is very distracted.

Magi Form
Transformation Name- Firewhip
Weapon- Sword and whip.
Magic Type- Offense
Move- Fire Blast (shoots bolts of fire with her hand that has the ring or with her sword.)

(I can't show the rest of her body because it was n*ked.)
Edited By Crystal25152 on 12/8/2013 at 7:00 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 11/28/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 576
Posted: 12/7/2013 at 9:22 PM Post #5
Thank you so much! I shall message you when it starts!
Level 66
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 12/8/2013 at 12:10 AM Post #6
Name- Conner Stark
Age- 14
Gender- Male
Magic Artifact- His necklace. It represents a dragon and looks like one. It is black and purple. The eye of the dragon is an amethyst-like gem. There is a cloudy/foggy mist in the gem.
History- He almost caught the virus. He was staying at a close friend's house when his friend got killed, too. He was saved and now he feels very guilty for his friend. His parents never really paid any attention to him and disappeared right before the virus hit. He heart is hardened by fear, hatred, and guilt. He had gotten mnu injuries after the virus hit.
Attitude- Very guilty and stressed. He feels dark and cold. He feels fear and hatred as well.

Just make him look more, boyish.
Magi Form
Transformation Name- Shadowcry
Weapon- Sword
Magic Type- Offensive
Move- Shadow Fire: Makes fiery/cold shadows that can overload nerves and quite a lot of damage. The power comes out of his necklace and takes form as a black dragon.
Edited By Crystal25152 on 12/8/2013 at 9:50 AM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 11/28/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 576
Posted: 12/8/2013 at 1:29 PM Post #7
Good! I'm not sure how many people we need, but I want a couple more.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/24/2013
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Posted: 12/8/2013 at 1:57 PM Post #8
Name- Silverina
Age- 12
Gender- Female
Magic Artifact- Hair flower
History- After the world ended and her family and friends died, she had magical powers. She has no clue why, but it just happened.
Attitude- Courageous, girly, speedy, very intelligent
Magi Form
Transformation Name- Rosalina Cloverleaf
Weapon- Her hands change to really powerful weapons
Magic Type- Offense
Move- Controlling the elements
Edited By Dunefairy on 12/8/2013 at 1:58 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 11/28/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 576
Posted: 12/8/2013 at 2:01 PM Post #9
Thank you, Dunefairy! I shall take care of some of your eggs! I will also message you when we start!
Level 16
Joined: 12/7/2013
Threads: 4
Posts: 562
Posted: 12/8/2013 at 2:57 PM Post #10
Name-Delilah Kumo
Magic Artifact-a necklace that has a circular metal piece on it that has a form of a skull and red rubies on it.
History-Before the events that have happened Delilah was once a heiress to a rich family but with recent events her family is most likely dead as well as her friends.
Attitude-Cold,wise,strong,and brave.
Magi Form
Transformation Name-Spider Queen
Magic Type-Offense
Move-Deadly whispers-a attack that envelops one in fiery shadows as their screaming voice becomes nothing but a whisper.
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