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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 8:36 PM Post #21
(I think only blind....? I dunno XD)
*I think I may be in a drastically different timezone XD*
Edited By Mystiria827 on 12/14/2020 at 8:37 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 9:07 PM Post #22
Possibly its 10 here so Im getting ready to call it a night after this reply XP
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 9:25 PM Post #23
@ Scout and Amaniii and Orico
(I think thats everyone in ear shot )

Riker Redero | Kithara

{ Ah thanks Khaalida, I guess Ill talk with her when you all get back!} he said trying to be optimistic though his normally giddy smile faltered. Kitharas voice rang loudly in everyones ears (Bondlings included ) as she stepped up and swished her tail { we have full confidence in you all, Mr sunshine here havent slept or eaten in three days.... I would go with you , however I dont think my Core is very helpful in this situation } she purred giving a reassuring nod.

@ Mystiria

Nikita Featherfield | Roman

Nikita smiled warmly { yeah we have another Hunt tonight so Im glad I got to see you before we head out } she said still holding onto his shirt sleeve {Winter can I ask a favor?} it was very unlike her but she was scared for once. She didnt know if they were going to make it back and if they did she didnt know how she was going to break the news to everybody or if anyone would join her. She had so many doubts but she needed his help. She knew Winter wasnt really about life right now but she needed someone to settle her nerves especially after Rikers comment yesterday. Roman tilted his head as he watched Nikita closely she was worried, and that was always a sign she was getting ready to act out on something or do something out of line.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 10:15 PM Post #24
Oscar | Gideon

"That was not pleasant, I think I understand what you meant by 'uncomfortable echo', Oscar," Gideon said, pawing at his ears from the semi-sudden speech, "Gosh, I am so sorry." Oscar laughed a bit, which probably seemed strange considering the circumstances, and the fact that he was the only one hearing Gideon of course, so he decided it was probably best to stay quieter for a little, at least until we left. It was nice to know someone had some faith, 'everyone's been so bummed since the last hunt, we should totally throw a party or something when we get back!' Oscar thought, though he wasn't sure if anyone would be particularly up to it, it all depends on how it goes tonight. Wow, a lot of pressure for a single night, but he was up for it, right? 'Yeah, totally!'
In a way, this was exciting, in another it was terrifying, but at least he wouldn't be doing it alone. Oscar contemplated only being the defense, his small stature probably wouldn't help very much but he was agile, and somehow almost always managed to find some sort of object to use as a weapon or shield, or a distraction if necessary. But he was thinking a bit further ahead, they hadn't even left the cave yet, he could always ask them when everybody was ready.

[I'm using italics as inner thought, if that was not implied already. He's way too over-confident for his own good, and yet not confident enough at the same time? Just plain dangerous to everything around him, including himself XD not in a good way either.]
Edited By Amaniii on 12/14/2020 at 10:20 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/15/2020 at 7:06 AM Post #25
Winter looks at her, mildly surprised. His eyes are blank and desolate. "Anytime," He says plainly, "Although I am not sure I can be of much use to anyone now...."
(wait, no, if it's ten we're in the same one XD)
Edited By Mystiria827 on 12/15/2020 at 7:07 AM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/15/2020 at 7:21 PM Post #26
Nikita | Roman

Nikita smiled a little { good! Ill let you know what it is when we get back from tonights hunt. } she said patting his shoulder. Roman relaxed a little and nudged Winters Hand again with his nose. It was odd of her to ask favors let alone not ask them right away she was acting strange like she was getting ready to leave for a long time. She had only ever done that once when she was younger and at least then he had Ari and Winter

(Yeah I just work during the dayXP so I dont post a lot )
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/15/2020 at 7:45 PM Post #27
Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida smiles and nods, glad to be of help and glad that Riker and Kithara had confidence in them.
'If it was up to me, I'd not have confidence.' Zoe says. 'The new guys will throw us off.'
Khaalida glances at the gazelle and makes a face. "Be nice, Zoe.' Zoe makes a face right back at her. Khaalida rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to Riker.
"When we're out, you should get some sleep. When we come back with food, you're getting some. You're not allowed to not sleep and eat, Riker." Khaalida says, wanting what is best for her friend. Zoe glances at Khaalida.
'I can guilt him into eating and sleeping if you want. I know a few ways to-'
"Nope, not now, Zoe." Khaalida interrupts her bondling.
Zoe huffs. 'My offer still stands.'
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/15/2020 at 7:59 PM Post #28
Riker chuckles and ruffles his hair { thank you Ill try my best} he said relaxing some as he sighed and leaned against one of the hut pillars { I just dont know how to get her to listen , and I know she wants to do whats best for everyone but shes neglecting to think about herself for a moment...... what happened to the little Shy Nikita who used to only talk to Winter and wouldnt put her neck on the line doing something she knows shes not capable of alone?!} he rubbed his fore head as he spoke and Kithara went and laid down beside Zoe swishing her tail before telepathically talking { maybe she grew a pair unlike yourself } she said sarcastically
Level 75
Fabled Ice Carver
Joined: 2/26/2019
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Posted: 12/15/2020 at 11:49 PM Post #29
(Cara and Blue)
I stroke Blue Caraaaa I'm sssaddd

(Minnow and Gala)
I flip Gala on her back and tussle with her Minnow I give up She mock yelps
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/16/2020 at 9:37 AM Post #30
(Turns out that leaving me to my own devices is mostly a bad idea and I need people to, excuse my french, rein me in. Using the coat and location change as an excuse? Checked. Anywho, apologies for yet another monster, feel free to vent your anger by screaming at the man who rode a horse through an underground city.
@Scoutwolf- If I am awesome then you must be absolutely glorious! I have to write 2 pages to make a decent post and you manage to do it in half the length and tell us more about your characters than I would fit in 4. Against you, I am no competition. PS: I *adore* Nyx and Sai. I am very close to mailing you some adoption papers. :D)

Destrier Tymian & Fauxbreath

This morning, Destrier tied a red, flowing ribbon around the base of Fauxbreaths tail. There was a minor chance that there were equestrians who would recognize the warning for what it was, but Fauxbreath would hardly allow him to tape the sign "Snitches get stitches/mauled beyond recognition" to her hindquarters, so after numerous Fauxbreaths attempts to steal the ribbon from him and tear it to bits, Dez eventually made do.

Turns out, the entire tug o'war was for naught. The ant-like people in tunnels were hard at work, barely paying attention to the pair while making wide berths around them, instinctively straying from hooves the size of generous dinner plates but not wasting a moment to get sidetracked by checking to whom they were connected to. Busy day due to the hunt, it seems- And with Fauxes tail making agitated whipping motions, Destrier knew that their lack of interest was unnerving her. Destrier reached out with the hand that was resting on the horn of the saddle to pat her sympathetically on the neck- and that was when he heard the unmistakable hmpf and felt the ceramic skin beneath his hand soften.

Fauxbreaths color shifts always reminded him of sand falling in an hourglass, the colors on her fake body first shifting like a beach displaced by the ocean and then cascading back on different places, never the same- her tan brown coat paled further and further as it ate away at her stripes, concealing them all at once and settling on luminous beige that matched the hot desert. Only then did several stripes resurfaced in blackish brown, spreading thicker until they created rectangular shapes on her elbows and stifles. They connected to the lines that framed her now white underbelly and joined in the middle of her chest, stretching in a fork-like shape all the way up to her face.

The flexible layer of ceramic material broke away from her mane in form of grains falling onto her thick neck. Destrier used the rare moment to reach out with the hand that was previously resting on the saddle's horn to card through Fauxbreaths true coarse mane before the sand trickled back up, now jet black with the tail following the suit.

He recognized the coat immediately, a favored one of hers- the pattern of a Gemsbok fitted to a horse form, the animal that both he and Faux agreed that it won the lottery on evolving according to the needs of survival in the desert. It was almost a perfect copy, save for the signature white face.

Instead, the blaze on Fauxbreaths face dissolved into pitch black and spilled over its entirety, creating a bald face pattern that made it difficult to see the texture or features of her face. It was almost as if her face simply caved in and Destrier smiled at the memory of the response people gave at its sight over and over again- A half-second of wonder if what they are seeing might just be a horse or is instead a twisted illusion born out of thirst/onsetting madness. The power Fauxbreath held over both her body and the people that saw it never failed to amaze him- her powers were never a disappointment to eighter of them.

It wouldn't be Fauxbreath if she didn't upped the eeriness of her look with each passing shift. She shook her head from side to side, the move too slow even for her natural elegant ways, pressing Destrier to look closer- and that he did and caught a gleam of unnaturally vibrant eyes, irisless and with the shade of midday sun reflecting on the sea that has been reddened by the clay of mesa.

The thought of mesa reminded him of home long gone, of racing through striped canyons to get to the only surfaced grey stones in the area and painting the day away. The inquisitive noise that he made was soft and to Fauxes ears surely revealing, but she met it with the usual deadpan. "If you're so determined to impose your horrible fashion sense onto me, I might as well match it with something. To spare us both the embarrassment."

It took a moment to click but when it finally did, it was like a bucket of pour water right onto his brain. A loud guffaw tore out of Dez's throat before he clamped down on his chortling laughter with the back of his hand- it still wasn't enough to muffle the occasional squeak. The ribbon! Oh, this is the payback he has to live with now. Having to face an unfamiliar, walking hunting party with a demonic prey-shaped decoy. They're practically walking in as a target practice!

The noise finally got few people to look up and as Fauxbreath was definitely planning for, gasps ensued- But Destrier only had enough of time to tip the brim of his helmet in the direction of a man particularly keen on getting away from them, soo keen in fact that in his hare-like frightful haste he threw himself against the walls of the tunnel with a string of curses.

By then, Fauxbreath already transitioned from a walk to a bumpy trot that had Dez belatedly shorting the reins, spurred forward by at last gaining the attention she craved (promptly then yanking the spectacle away from onlookers as the lady she is) and the granting noise coming from the hunter bunks that were only a short trot away.

And ooh, she really was out to get him today. If Destrier didn't manage to get his legs clear of the stirrups and hop off in a launched swing, Fauxbreath would surely just storm through the curtains, effectively ripping off the metaphorical bandaid. With the reins still wrapped between his fingers, he pulled her into a collected halt just few steps in front of the bunks and took a moment for the familiar pain of landing in his spine to subside (At least he didn't death-rolled this time around. Now that was a memory he didn't want to revisit.) "Tell them we rushed after hearing a dying thing's cry. I am not convinced that noise wasn't the hunters starting without us. Look where you're stepping."

Destrier had to wrestle the smile on his smile to look appropriately distressed as he peeked his head into the bunks. Being underground clearly didn't bury her penchant for antics- He was glad. Orderly Faux would be more terrifying than whatever social gaffle awaits him among the others.
"Hi, howdy- Were the outlander volunteers for this hunt, Destrier and Fauxbreath? We apologize for missing what sounded like a riveting inspirational speech. We have lost the track of time somewhere around the fifth instance we hit the dead end of the tunnels on our way here. People of Corpus sure like their puzzles."

Suddenly, a vaguely snout-shaped void appeared next to his face and he yelped as Fauxbreath daintily shoved his head to the side so she could look past him- as daintily as one could manage when their head is the size of a grown man's torso, that is. Destriers helmet harmlessly clanked against the frame of the entrance and his voice took on a despairing tone, mismatched with his silly smirk as he half-heartedly batted away the horse that could soo easily see over his head. "Please, permission to enter and satisfy the curiosity of my kindly bondling before she decides to flatten me.?"
Edited By Oricorio on 12/17/2020 at 11:13 AM.
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