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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Pokemon School RP
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Level 10
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Posted: 11/4/2015 at 5:40 AM Post #31
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 2/21/2015
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Posted: 12/21/2015 at 4:54 PM Post #32
Name: Sophia Blake
Nickname: Sophie, Phia, Plastic two-faced %*$#!
Gender: Female

Personality: (I feel like trying something new, so my character will be that girl. Yes, that girl. The one that thinks she is the uh... Pretty much just direct all your hate and rage towards me. Thanks ^0^) Sophia loves being the centre of attention. She's up to date in all of the latest fashion trends and is always doing something new with her hair every day. She maintains her popular image by showing her prized pokemon in contests. At first glance you can tell that she does't know the first thing about battling. But that's where you're wrong. Despite her ah... unique personality Sophia destroys her opponents in battle through amazing strategy and devastating techniques.


Name: Gemini
Pokemon: Amaura
Gender: Female
Lvl: 5
Personality: Proud, Loyal, and Determined.

Name: Trixie
Pokemon: Sneasel
Gender: Female
Lvl: 5
Personality: Sly, Witty, Mischievous

Name: Misery
Pokemon: Seviper
Gender: Female
Lvl: 5
Personality: Powerful, Cunning, Wise
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 12/21/2015 at 8:06 PM Post #33
Sweet. You're in. Looks like we've found ourselves an antagonist!

Roll on through to the rp.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 12/21/2015 at 8:09 PM Post #34
Link is om the 3rd page
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 5/17/2015
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Posted: 12/24/2015 at 4:33 AM Post #35
Name: Shadow Hunter
Nickname: Shade or Hunter
Gender: Male
Personality: Laid back, a bit of a pain when it comes to making him do things he does not want to do, loves his pokemon and enjoys making sure they are ok.

Pokemon #1
Name: Flame
Pokemon: Houndour
Gender: Male
Lvl: 5
Personality: A pain in the butt for Shadow but still his friend to the end, Flame likes to stay out of his pokeball and in Shadow's jacked when it's zipped up.

Pokemon #2 (if zoroa is a legendary, I will change this)
Name: Kuro
Pokemon: Zoroa
Gender: Female
Lvl: 5
Personality: Shy and once abandoned, Shadow found her and took her in after his mother said it was ok. Since then, She has been his go to friend besides Flame. She too stays out of her pokeball.

Pokemon #3
Name: Blue
Pokemon: Riolu
Gender: Male
Lvl: 5
Personality: level headed and swift to help Shadow, Flame, and Kuro. Usually stays by Shadow's side though will enter pokeball when needed.
Level 66
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 1/4/2016
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Posted: 2/1/2016 at 6:31 AM Post #36
(If I can still sign up I'm SOOOOOOOOO bored!)
Name: Mazer
Nickname: Maze

Personality: Maze is that sort of sarcastic and aggressive type that you do NOT want on your bad side. She is a total tomboy, and she's very smart. She's a tech girl, but she's traditional at the same time. Loyal to the end.

Pokmon #1:

Pokemon: Piplup
Name: Pingu
Lvl: 5
Gender: Male
Personality: Curious and loyal, easily frightened, cheerful. Can always make Maze smile. It was a gift from "a friend"

Pokmon #2:

Pokemon: Pidgey
Name: Wis
Gender: Female
Lvl: 8
Personality: Born in the wild, Wis had a tough life being a orphan. The scratch marks all over her tell you that. She is loyal, but quite gloomy. And also calm, no matter what.

Pokmon: Dratini
Name: Bluey
Gender: Male
Lvl: 7
Personality: RPO
Edited By Dunno on 5/10/2016 at 6:38 AM.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 2/1/2016 at 6:49 AM Post #37
Go on through, the link to the rp is near the bottom of pg 3, tho we're a little dead.

Also Zora is like a placebo ledgend or a sub, but not officiallt and you can catch it so go right ahead.
Level 61
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 2/1/2016 at 7:53 PM Post #38
Name: Ashlyn Parks
Nickname: Ash
Gender: Female
Personality:Shy but trust worthy. Ash knows everything there is to battling. Tidus was her first pokemon and she loves her! She also enjoys talking with her few friends at school.
Pokemon #1
Name: Tidus
Pokemon: Vaporeon
Gender: Female
Lvl: 8
Personality: Shy like Ashlyn but will stand up for others. Was given to Ashlyn by her brother(that why evolved)
Pokemon #2
Name: Tempus
Pokemon: Deerling
Gender: Female
Lvl: 6
Personality: Loves to explore
Pokemon #3
Name: Vida
Pokemon: Absol
Gender: Male
Lvl: 9
Personality: Brave, Strongest of the three pokemon. He is always getting in to trouble. Sometimes is a little to proud.
Pokemon #4
Name: Dicephalia
Pokemon: Girafarig
Gender: Female
Lvl: 7
Personality: RPO
Edited By IiPurePoison on 4/23/2016 at 9:05 AM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 5/17/2015
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Posted: 2/3/2016 at 7:28 PM Post #39
(as long as no one minds this one is a speaker/teacher or helper)

Name: Alexander
Nickname: Alex, Prof. Alex
Gender: Male
Personality: strong, calm minded, always willing to help, and is Shadow's dad

Pokemon #1
Name: Max
Pokemon: Mightyena
Gender: Male
Lvl: 100
Personality: Fearless, Strong, Protective, and always there to keep his comrades safe.

Pokemon #2
Name: Hound
Pokemon: Houndoom
Gender: Male
Lvl: 100
Personality: Reckless, loyal, and competitive, he keeps Alex on his toes.

Pokemon #3
Name: Blaze
Pokemon: Arcanine
Gender: Male
Lvl: 100
Personality: Loyal, Obedient, And always on guard, he is the guard when it comes to keeping those on his side safe.
Level 57
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 2/3/2016 at 10:03 PM Post #40
Name: Ever Styl

Nickname: Ev, Evy, Evs

Gender: Female


Personality: Fiery, intent, loyal, determined, and passive aggressive. She will stop at nothing to make her Pokemon the very best, and will always defend others, be they Pokemon ir person. She loves sarcasm, has a sharp tongue, and loves friendly teasing and banter. She also has a soft side, she will always help a friend or person in need. But if you get on her bad side, be ware, she never forgets. And unless you have a good excuse there is no third strike. Two strikes and your out. She can also be a bit OCD, always needing to finish any assignments as soon as she gets them, or they will claw at her mind until she does.

Pokemon #1


Name: Flicker

Pokemon: Ponyta

Gender: Fenale

Lvl: 3

Personality: Hot headed, Flicker will never back down, and can be hard to control. However, once her loyalty is won, it is undying.

Pokemon #2


Name: Fletching

Pokemon: Fletchling

Gender: female

Lvl: 1

Personality: Fletching is shy and curious. She is eager to please and a hard worker. It is easy to earn her trust, but if you ever lose it, it is gone forever.

Pokemon #3


Name: Sphinx

Pokemon: Shinx

Gender: Male

Lvl: 0

Personality: Lazy and adorable, sphinx has yet to battle. He will use all his charms to get out of situations he finds distasteful and hold grudges. However, it is clear that once he has grown up, he will become a fierce and cleaver opponent.


Name: Autumn Colt

Nickname: Professor Colt, Colt, Auty, Professor Auty, or just Professor

Gender: Female


Personality: Autumn is a kind and humorous professor. She is always willing to help students and Pokemon alike. If you disappoint her she will not yell at you or get angry, she will give you your punishment and a sad smile and leave it at that. Everyone messes up, but if it's bad enough, sorry won't fix it.

Pokemon #1


Name: Persian

Pokemon: Persian

Gender: Female

Lvl: 100

Personality: Cleaver, fierce, and a slight prankster, she is s kind Pokemon. She will always help, but night lead you in circles first.

Pokemon #2


Name: Pyroar

Pokemon: Pyroar

Gender: male

Lvl: 100

Personality: Pyroar is strong and furry. He is grumpy and has quite the temper at times but only if he or others are threatened. He is more like the wise old and slightly grumpy grandfather than anything.

Pokemon #3


Name: Sawsbuck

Pokemon: Sawsbuck

Gender: Male

Lvl: 100

Personality: Steadfast and loyal, Sawsbuck will try everything in his power to help, and if much like his trainer when he is disappointed.
Edited By Gill on 2/5/2016 at 12:17 PM.
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