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Level 19
Fancy Pants
Joined: 4/8/2018
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 12:32 AM Post #31
Name: Aidan
Age: 15
Quirk:He has wings which change their appearance according to his emotion. And he can feel/control others pain weather it be mental or physical. He has no way to block others pain from himself.
Quirk description:
Reason for wanting to be a hero:
work in progress
Level 65
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 2/6/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 8:31 AM Post #32

I haven't watched the show, but I'll give this RP a try!

Halsey Ivinue



Animalistic Shapeshifting

Quirk description:
Halsey is able to shapeshift into any animal, big or small. She is able to use the powers of the animal as shapeshifts into. For example, if she were to shapeshift into an elephant, she'd have immense strength.
The downside to this quirk is that she can only shapeshift into an animal that she is in close proximity of. If she is close to a dog, she can shapeshift into a dog. Even if the dog is far away, she'll be able to hold the form for about an hour before her body runs out of energy.

Halsey is the quiet type. She is very shy and gets flustered rather easily. She can't control her quirk that well, and sometimes her form comes out a bit deformed, which causes her to get even more flustered. She doesn't mind the occasional "hi" or a small chat, but she gets really uncomfortable in public situations. A classroom full of people is not exactly her forte.
Halsey has a bit of a temper. She can control it easily, but certain things tick her off. If someone insults someone she's close to or if someone is mean to her, for example, she goes absolutely ballistic.


She wears this hoodie and these leggings. She has pink converse with white dog ears superglued to them.

Reason for wanting to be a hero:
She wants to be able to protect the ones that she loves, all the while proving she can control her powers.

Halsey got her quirk from her mother, who also has the ability to shapeshift. Though her mother didn't need to be around an animal to shapeshift. Her father is quirkless, which explains why she has trouble using her quirk. He younger sister's quirk is Shapeshifting. She can use it better than Halsey.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 9:14 AM Post #33
Name: Evan Draconi AKA Lizard Boy (dont call him that)

Age: (14-15) 14

Gender: Male

Quirk: Godzilla Power

Quirk description: basically gets the powers of Godzilla. They arent too strong, and he doesnt become huge, but he gains a tail, spikes on his back, and can shoot a ray of atomic energy at enimies. It wont kill anyone unless they are hit with it or are too close too it. He gets tired after using that, though. And his roar is ridiculous. Also gains super strength.

Personality: kind, lonely, depressed


Reason for wanting to be a hero: is always lonely, and wants to help people. So, he got up, punched his bullies, and walked away, just to start helping people.

Other: is an orphan. He thinks that his parents had powers like him. Lives in a dump with his sister. Wears a necklace thats enchanted to be able to communicate with his sister with his mind when hes far away.

Name: Sarah Draconi

Age: (14-15) 15

Gender: Female

Quirk: Animus magic (from Wings of Fire)

Quirk description: can make any wish (doesnt matter if she says it out loud, or says it with her mind), and itll come true. The price? If she uses it too much, or does too big a spell, she loses her soul and will probably become evil and a killer.

Personality: kind, cold after using magic, supportive


Reason for wanting to be a hero: because she wants to use her magic to help people instead of using it for food for herself and Evan everyday.

Other: same as Evan. Also an orphan. Carries a bracelet thats enchanted to tell her whos good or evil when she looks at them. Also wears the same kind of necklace Evan has. She thinks her parents had powers like hers, or one had Evans powers and the other had hers. Shes not sure, but doesnt want to bring them back from the dead to chat. Shell lose her soul in a heartbeat.

(Neither of the pictures are mine)
Level 69
Joined: 6/7/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 9:22 AM Post #34
Yeah, sure!
Level 69
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 9:25 AM Post #35
Looks good so far, ping me when you're all done
Level 69
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 9:33 AM Post #36
Halsey is lookin all good!
Level 63
Joined: 6/2/2017
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 3:10 PM Post #37
Kole Fanadhar




Quirk description:
He has snakelike eyes and bronze scales at the corners of his eyes. He has snake fangs that can inject venom, they are retractable, but he's still learning to control them and they often come out when he is angry, excited, or smells a new scent. He has faster reflexes as well, being extremely agile and having great balance. Rarely he can turn into a snake, but he has no control over that and it's only happened once, and the snake is a regular size. Can communicate with reptiles- but note this does not mean he can control them.

Kole is a control freak who wants most everything to be orderly and clean. He avoids large crowds or groups because he gets easily infuriated by those who don't understand the concept of personal space. Kole feels he doesn't need to depend on anyone- after all, if he does everything himself, why would he ever need them? He loves shade and sand as it makes him feel calm and at peace. Kole may have a bad temper but he really is sweet if he trusts you and gets to know you.


Reason for wanting to be a hero:
He wants to prove his parents wrong. They say he won't be a good hero, but he wants to prove that he can be, even with powers suitable for a villain.

-Hero name is Copperhead
-Has a pet snake, female, named Nagi
-Hero outfit
-His mother's quirk is Gamble, in which she can exactly calculate which solution to a problem will have the highest percentage of success and come up with a plan for nearly everything. His father's quirk is Aflame, in which he can set himself on fire and be immune to damage heat as well.
Level 69
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 4:37 PM Post #38
All good lookin'!
Level 65
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 2/6/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 4:49 PM Post #39

Since there are plenty of characters, are we able to start the RP now, or no?
Level 69
Joined: 6/7/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2018 at 5:01 PM Post #40
I'm just waiting for Dracontamer to finish their character
Edited By DruidOfBees on 11/18/2018 at 5:02 PM.
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