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Level 63
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Posted: 12/8/2018 at 3:31 PM Post #31
Ooh a baddie... I can already tell I'll love him, he's accepted
Level 75
Joined: 5/23/2017
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Posted: 12/8/2018 at 3:40 PM Post #32
Yeps mysterious bad boy :)
Level 63
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 11:19 AM Post #33
Level 62
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 12:25 PM Post #34
Name: Alusia Brodeur
Gender: Female
Age: 14

School: Fox Fire
Power: Inflictors: can inflict emotions and and pain on others
Family Name: Brodeur
Family Crest Description: A pink rose surrounded by light green vines. Her family is known for their beauty and elegance.
Three Skills: Intelligant, Persuasive, A Good Leader
Three Weaknesses: Sensitive, Cowardly, Hemophobia
Personality: Alusia tries her best to be kind and selfless but sometimes she can be a slight coward. Alusia enjoys leading others and is quite good at it due to her intelligence and persuasion. For this reason she can seem bossy.
Other: Ive never read the books but I'll probably try reading them soon. Also, could Samirah and her be friends? :)
Edited By Sophiegrace on 12/17/2018 at 9:17 PM.
Level 60
Fright Master
Joined: 6/14/2016
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 12:35 PM Post #35
Name: Morgana
Gender: Female
Age: 16
School: Foxfire
Power: Polygot
Family Name: Ashers
Family Crest Description: A round black shield with flashes of dark purple, as if it had been struck with electricity. Coiling around it are two snakes, both are silver. The Ashers are an ancient and influential family with a dark past.
Three Skills: Archery, balance, and quick thinking.
Three Weaknesses: Close combat, tight spaces, and losing her voice.
Personality: Morgana, commonly referred to as Morgan, can seem rather vain and cold at first glance. However, Morgan is a complicated piece of work, due to the influence of her proud father and mother. One thing is for certain, she is ashamed of her wayward brother.
Other: Daven's older sister

Name: Daven
Gender: Male
Age: 14
School: Exilium
If Exilium, why are they there?: Lost control of their power and got someone stuck in a wall by accident.
Power: Phaser
Family Name: Ashers
Family Crest Description: A round black shield with flashes of dark purple, as if it had been struck with electricity. Coiling around it are two snakes, both are silver. The Ashers are an ancient and influential family with a dark past.
Three Skills: Witty, nimble, and good with small short range weapons.
Three Weaknesses: Losing control of their power, bones break easier than others, and horrible with anything requiring strength.
Personality: WIP
Other: Morgana's younger brother.
Edited By Glitterthesylveon on 12/9/2018 at 6:55 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 2:03 PM Post #36
:3 Yes, Yes and Yes. Count me in, can I take Guster and Froster? I will be making twin characters :3

Cintia(Call her Cindy) Paiva
Ice Blue

Exilium, The pair of twin were born into the Paiva household as twins. But unexpectingly they manifested their abilities when born. Causing a commotion, injuring the people present during that time. This continues every year on their birthday till finally when they were 7 years old, their abilities released a level of disaster that the Family had never seen before. Causing the entire city to be destroyed under their powers. When the other elves found out they sent the twins to Exilium and they've been there since.
Frosters, or Cryokinetics, are elves with the special ability of cryokinesis. This means that they can manipulate ice particles in the air to freeze whatever they want. Frosters can also cover themselves with ice as a disguise. Some members in society describe frosting as a useless ability,
Family Name:
Family Crest Description:
The family crest is depicted as an upside-down raindrop covered by a pair of wings sprouting from the back protecting the upside raindrop.
Three Skills:
+Exceptional control over her ability
+Fast with high reaction time
+Good Intuition, is able tell is troubled if he with them long enough
Three Weaknesses:
-Can't do anything without her brother
-Reacts to almost everything
-Overprotective of her brother
Cindy is protective of her older brother(which she claims he only older by 10 seconds) and is carefree to a fault. She's very passionate and is difficult to change her mind on what she believes. Only her brother is able to make her listen. Cindy tries to be a model leader but at times she thinks it to much.
Friends | Open (please be friends with her) :D
Enemies | Open :o

Melo(Call him Mel) Paiva
Gray Blue (Pic will be added)

Or this?

Exilium, The pair of twin were born into the Paiva household as twins. But unexpectingly they manifested their abilities when born. Causing a commotion, injuring the people present during that time. This continues every year on their birthday till finally when they were 7 years old, their abilities released a level of disaster that the Family had never seen before. Causing the entire city to be destroyed under their powers. When the other elves found out they sent the twins to Exilium and they've been there since.
Gusters are elves with the special ability to control wind. Some of the things a Guster can do by manipulating the air are forming tornadoes, slamming and pinning people into the ground, and parting water
Family Name:
Family Crest Description:
The family crest is depicted as an upside-down raindrop covered by a pair of wings sprouting from the back protecting the upside raindrop.
Three Skills:
+Exceptional control over his ability
+Fast with high reaction time
+Notice things quickly. (Sees well.)
Three Weaknesses:
-Can't do anything without his sister
-Reacts to almost anything
-Afraid of Fire
Mel is rather timid when you compare him to his sister. She would always pamper him to the point where he can snapped at anyone but his sister usually stops him. Other than that single problem, he has a good heart and is able to asset in most situation. Rather an observer or researcher if you take his personality.
Friends | Open (please be friends with him) :D
Enemies | Open

Edited By Lightsagafox on 12/9/2018 at 6:35 PM.
Level 63
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 2:19 PM Post #37
Accepted and yes! They can be friends!
Level 63
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 2:21 PM Post #38
Okay so only one male spot is open now, but I'll add one more female for ya Light, okay?
Level 63
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 2:24 PM Post #39
Ack someone already took inflictor just before you Glitter bu they're accepted! Phaser is open!
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 2:33 PM Post #40
Yes! :3 Your going to like the twins x3
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