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Level 74
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 10:48 AM Post #31
Nah I need some so I cna make mor ebooks on the world
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 11:22 AM Post #32
Phoenix or Haid'yn? The latter is far more interesting of a character but I never got to use Phoenix's quill-bindy thing in an RP
Level 72
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 11:38 AM Post #33
Name: Lyss Tarek

Age-ish: mid teen years

Species: Hooman person

Gender: female

Title: Dark Mage Apprentice
//not the edgy kind

Image: (not perfect but close enough)

She actually has a middle part and long bangs... her eyes aren't covered... she has more freckles like that... her clothes match the current fashion of her world, unlike in this... she's a little less curvy... she wears ankle-length boots... her cape has a hood... but whatever, it works well enough

Usual tools/weapons: She doesn't carry any, but can use small broadswords. Anything that takes two hands is something she cannot use.

Personality: She's very shy to the point of being mistaken for introverted, but enjoys the company of others. She will often watch their actions and eventually start copying others' behaviors. At any time, she can call upon these learned personalities, usually to play small pranks on others. She's very protective of her friends but can't handle infighting between them.

Backstory: She likes to keep most of her past to herself. She spent most of her life separated from people, but the day she was reunited with her brother, that all changed and she settled down with a regular group ever since, happy and finally able to train with her powers.

Likes: Video games, her brother and friends, danishes.

Dislikes: Prison and evil.

Fears: She has a fear of thunderstorms, blood, and dark rooms. Most living things don't bother her, though she will exercise caution around creatures she knows can be dangerous.

Fatal flaw: She has a hard time separating truth from lie, bakery, and can be easily manipulated.

Abilities: The world she comes from is filled with mages of different assortments. Most mages summon and control elements and such. Two types of mages, dark and light, are the only ones who can't summon elements or souls or anything like that. Light mages, like light reflects off of white surfaces, can deflect the magic of others. Dark mages, like Lyss, can absorb magic through their hands for a one-time use. This is based on black surfaces absorbing light. They cannot change the kind of magic it is, but can store it for about a week with exponentially decreasing power for reuse. She still has very little control over it and has trouble storing magic. She also has a harder time absorbing electricity than any other magic.

Other: She's left-handed and keeps her right hand hidden under her... cape... thing, never using it for anything. She has a distinct love of foreign language classes.
Edited By Alphadawg on 4/23/2020 at 1:36 PM.
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 11:44 AM Post #34
Ahhh im interested but pressed for time right now, so give me until later, or tomorrow to fill in a sheet yeah? I'll dump somebody in.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 11:51 AM Post #35
Name: Achtzehn "Trevor" Berquilis (Pronounced "ben-quill-ick-cus.)

Approximate Age: 42

Species: Human with possible fairy heritage.

Gender: Male

Title: The Logical One (It's his fault it's so lame lol)


Made with this.

Usual Weapons/Tools: Doesn't really fight too often, but he always carries around a pocket knife and a pocket multitool.

Personality: Out of the pair, he is the more logical, calmer thinking one. He thinks his actions and words through (most of the time) before speaking them. He is really good at math and has enjoyed it since his childhood. He is insecure of himself and always double guesses his thoughts (except math stuff). He hates his name and prefers to be called "Trevor," his agent name.

Backstory: All anyone knows is that, since five years old, he grew up in a normal, not-magical town with normal, non-magical parents and had been a math teacher before figuring out he was magical. He lived a normal childhood, wasn't bullied much, had girlfriends and the like. When he became an magic agent, it was the most exciting, never-ending adventure he's ever had.

Likes: Math, reading, people that aren't annoying, Jim (friendly), Katie (Friendly), exploring new places he's never been to, the smell of the nearby bakery in the morning, being alone.

Dislikes: Compliments, Katie's attitude, tyrants, murderous people, his true name, the color black

Fears: Killers, vampires, total darkness (like "You can't see anything at all" darkness).

Worst Flaw: his insecurity (non-magically) and "holy" object (silver, holy water, crosses; magically) The former always causes him to second guess himself, even if the his answer/idea was right or perfect the first time. The latter burns him (think Harry Potter touching Lord Voldemort, except without the burn blisters.)

Abilities: Telekinesis, but only if there is enough magic in the air.

Other: I toned down his abilities a bit because I didn't want him to be too OP. Also is 6' 4".

Name: Synquoilis (pronounced "sin-quill-uh-qwis") "Katie" Sweets

Is dead in this roleplay because she was taking it over and tried to show off. Then fell into a hole.

Approximate Age: 18

Species: Half-fairy, half human

Gender: Female

Title: The Half-Fairy Agent


Very mad

Fairy form

(Except barefoot)

Usual Weapons/Tools: Good with daggers.

Personality: Out of the pair, she is the bossy one with the sharpest tongue. She doesn't mind being blunt and pointing out your flaws. She acts like the one in charge of the pair and is in charge of short-term plans/goals. She usually decides left or right. She hates not being the boss in a certain situation. When she's weak or during one of her odd moments she can actually be pretty nice. She is stupidly brave, as in "You're going to walk into FIRE!""I don't care. I'm not scared." brave. Due to her sharp tonged nature, she hates every subject except German.

Backstory: She lived with her mother until her mother's death when she was 18. She had a regular childhood, but learned to be sharp-tongued from her mother. She never had a father because fairies could reproduce asexually. She became an assistant to her mother at the agency at 14. Before becoming an agent, she wanted to work at a bakery.

Likes: Being the boss, not being angry all the time, thinking about the present, strawberries, pancakes, vegetables.

Dislikes: Jim not liking her jokes, Trevor not agreeing with her, Trevor being the boss, anyone else being the boss, people screaming at her.

Fears: She stupidly brave, but secretly fears losing Trevor or being killed herself.

Worst Flaw: Her stupid bravery (again, willing to WALK INTO FIRE!) and holy objects (just like Trevor).

Abilities: Transform into fairy form: She is able to switch between her fairy form and her normal form at will. To transform into her fairy form, there has to be magic in the air. There still has to be magic in the air while she is in her fairy form or else she'll revert back to her normal form.

Nature abilities: She can minorly control water in her fairy form, enough to lift a sphere of water with a diameter of 2 inches out of a pond of water, but that requires a lot of energy, so she'll mostly lift 3-4 drops out of a body of water.

Flight: In fairy form only.

Other: I can tone her down a bit more if need be. Also is 4' 11"

Name: Dr. John Xenon

Approximate Age: 35, although he looks twenty something

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Title: The Zeitiummaniac The Time Master


Made with this.

Usual Weapons/Tools: He doesn't fight with weapons or tools.

Personality: Overthinking, intelligent, and tending to like experimenting with his powers, Dr. John Xenon is the person who talks when he feels the need to. He'll introduce himself, then go off to solve a problem that he finds exists somehow. He is emotionally supportive, especially if it helps people that could be "used" to solve the problem. He tends to act reserved until you talk to him enough and become friends. He keeps his ideas to himself unless he is teaching. His flaws are that he overthinks on a problem if he dwells too long on it, like how to fix the run-down bakery, he typically doesn't pay attention to anyone else why he thinks of solutions, and that he is human, capable of making mistakes and being killed if he's not paying attention.

Backstory: Growing up, his parents didn't believe he was magical. When he was sent to a private school for magic, his parents pretended that it was just a regular school and paid no attention to claims it was not. They were proud of their son for passing school with flying colors, but they didn't believe he had any magic. Or that magic existed. They just believed that he is currently majoring in philosophy, his favorite subject, when, in reality, he was teaching magic philosophy.

Likes: Tea, being alone, time to think, his powers, not being emotional support.

Dislikes: Death, people that major in telekinesis, being shoved into a new world, being Time Master.

Fears: Losing his powers, failing to solve a problem in a timely manner.

Worst Flaw: He will continue to solve a problem until he solves it or a new problem arises. He rarely stops once he starts. (No, he's not going to constantly solve problems, I promise.)

Abilities: Time powers. He can slow and stop time for himself and one other person. Slowing and stopping time with someone else drains his energy really fast. He can rewind time for himself by 5 seconds, but this extremely drains him. He rarely alters time with someone else. He only stops time for himself to make it seem like he's teleporting. The longer he slows/stops time the more he'll be drained. He hates stopping/slowing time for more than 5 seconds as it extremely drains him. He can't run while slowing/stopping time as the air is extremely hard to breathe as is in a time bubble. He can't fast-forward time without killing himself as the planet will move without him on it and he'll freeze to death in space. He only stops time to teleport if it is absolutely required to do so. He prefers to slow down time to himself versus stopping times for himself.

Other: He's 5' 11" And by "extremely exhausted" I mean "He's going to drop to sleep any moment."

Edited By Kittyauthor on 4/25/2020 at 8:47 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 12:46 PM Post #36
I think I forgot to accept you lol
Edited By Larkien on 4/23/2020 at 1:31 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 1:32 PM Post #37
Alphaaaaaa read the rulessssss
Unless I missed it
Level 72
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 1:33 PM Post #38
I did read them, then I had to do something in the middle of making the character thingy and forgot to add them X3 Thanks for the reminder
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 1:38 PM Post #39
xD Accepted!
Edited By Larkien on 4/23/2020 at 1:38 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 1:58 PM Post #40
Ping because finished.
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