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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
Threads: 40
Posts: 5,901
Posted: 12/29/2020 at 1:17 PM Post #41
General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?
I like Dystopian Sci-Fi, Wings Of Fire, and medieval fantasy genres. If anyone made a RP based off The Dragon Prince I would hands-down just JOIN XD

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.
Not really, but I love 'battle party' type setups where several (sometimes a lot) characters band together and kick antagonist butt.

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.
For whatever reason I far prefer playing male characters, and I have a soft spot for aliens, elves and mage-type OCs. I also tend to play 'mad scientist' or 'cold jerk' tropes often. I like to make a new character for every RP because sometimes I get attached to their backstories and can't imagine them any other way.

Player information

Average reply speed and length?
On weekdays, I stalk the forums and reply pretty much immediately. I update my status constantly on my profile, so that's a pretty accurate measure of how I'll reply. On weekends, weekdays after ~2:30pm server time, and holiday breaks I tend to be slightly less active. I'm not the longest replier, but I consider myself to be quite literate and rarely make grammatical or spelling-related errors.

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?
Too much swearing kind of puts me off, and I find it chaotic working with too large a group. I prefer groups from 3-5 people for simplicity's sake.

Any other information you would like to provide?
I'm bad with knowing who exactly to ping, forgive me XD
Could I be added to said pinglist? I'm constantly looking to RP.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 1/3/2021 at 7:50 PM Post #42
Pinglist: Yes please

General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?

Fantasy, Furry, Crime, Police/Armed Forces, Sci-fi, --Anything really

Fanfic style - SPN, DC, Marvel, HP, Sherlock (BBC), WOF, Warrior Cats, Blue/Ao No Exorcist, Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson and/or Alpha and Omega or Steal the Dragon based)

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.

No, but I do really like werewolf rps (full-shift - human to wolf (wolf features when human is fine, I just don't like horror movie style)

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.

I have a large variety of OCs saved up for different types of RPs or PRPs -Fantasy, Fandom, Genre

Player information

Average reply speed and length?

I am normally on most of the day or check it quite often. My reply length depends on the length of my other RPers posts. If you seem to like longer posts with details, I can do that and prefer it (best done in PRPs). If it is a RP with a lot of players, I do tend to keep my posts shorter or have a 'summary' part and a 'detailed' part. As it makes it easier for those who don't want to spend a bunch of time catching up or are dyslectic.

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?

I prefer LGBQT+ friendly as it is easier for me... I also prefer fantasy or fandom styled things (Creator Characters are not my sort of thing - ex. playing Harry Potter in an RP (I don't play other people's characters well in, in-character style)* Darker themes or evil (or evil-ish) are something I am good at.
Character Development is a strong suit of mine.

Any other information you would like to provide?

I don't tend to get triggered by triggering things... I do well with darker themes. Most of my characters have dark pasts (mainly abuse) but, I can edit that to be less triggering.

*With a twist, I can manage to play other people's characters. But, only if I know a lot about (ex. and/or I am a fan of them like Draco Malfoy or Sherlock Holmes(BBC version - Sorry RDJ) --RP or PRP request thread
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 1/5/2021 at 8:21 PM Post #43
(Don't know if I was suppose to ping you or not)
General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?

I like any genres/fandoms really.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.

No I am not currently seeking a specific roleplay. I do like

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.

I have a variety and can make new OC's if I don't have one for the rp that I am doing. I am currently revamping my OC thread to get the right genre and such in the right group I will edit this for the new thread if I need to make a new thread for it. You can ask me though on what my oc's are though or if you want to use them.

Player information

Average reply speed and length?

I try to replies as fast as I can. I usually type 1-6 sentence depending on the rp player. I try to be on most of the time but I am currently in Highschool so the replay will be slow during the school day and replying to other rp I am in. I try to be literate and not have grammatical or spelling errors in my replays but if I do please tell me so I can go fix them.

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?

I prefer LGBQT+ friendly as it is easier for me but I am aright with straight characters. I would also like if people will tell me if they plan to be inactive but if it's sudden and you tell me the reason once you are active then I am fine with that and I will try to do the same for them. I don't do well playing with other players oc's because I will probability make them different then the character sheet that they made. I don't really play the Creators Characters in an rp as cannon and will make them ooc so be warned on that if I do that in an rp of the fandom rp.

Any other information you would like to provide?

I don't tend to get triggered by things that can trigger people but I can edit them to not have any triggers in them if you tell me if you have any.

This is my prp or rp thread that people can ask to do an prp or rp group with others.
Edited By Lovador on 3/9/2021 at 4:31 PM.
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
Threads: 105
Posts: 3,186
Posted: 1/5/2021 at 8:32 PM Post #44
General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?
i love a good scifi, medieval, fantasy or absically anything that's got enough work put into it

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.
sot at the moment, feel free to ping me if you think i might be interested in your roleplay

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.
my characters range from cold and callous to warm and bubbly and everything in between, so yeah that probably isn't helpful

Player information

Average reply speed and length? i reply quickly, within 15 minutes usuallly- if i'm not taking a break to eat or sleep

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?
please for the love of all that is holy use quotations around your speech and put some thought into your plot. i am a writer, that stuff is important to me
Any other information you would like to provide?

i'm a writer, so i'm kind of picky about my plots. i don't like clich's or mindless plots that go nowhere, and i do well with darker themes. violence? war? the questioning of ones moral stand points and destruction of everything one knew? sign me up!
Edited By Stringworms on 1/5/2021 at 8:33 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 8/24/2019
Threads: 1
Posts: 33
Posted: 1/20/2021 at 6:19 PM Post #45
Could you please add me to the interest pinglist? Thank you.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
Posts: 3,984
Posted: 1/21/2021 at 2:20 AM Post #46
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
Threads: 91
Posts: 40,330
Posted: 2/8/2021 at 11:48 PM Post #47
Howdy there!! Mind puttin' me on the pinglist?

General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?
- My favorite genres are fantasy, steampunk, dystopian, and sci-fi.
- The three big fandoms I'm in are Sonic, Pokemon, and Undertale (Yes, I'm a sucker for the multiverse stuff too.)
- Other, smaller fandoms I'd join a rolepay for include Splatoon, Legend of Zelda, Brandon Sanderson's Cosmier, and Kirby.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe:.
- Not particularly, but I'd love to get in on something new and original!

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.
- Generally, I enjoy playing either reserved-but-fun and quirky-and-upbeat charthers. If your roleplay runs soley of of angst? You can count on me to repaint a small corner of hell with baby blue.
- I tend to lean more towards playing male charathers.
- When playing an older male charather, there's a chance that he'll unintentionally become a father figure. I have no idea why this keeps happening.
- I can play both my own OC's and other people's charathers, if I know enough about them.

Player information

Average reply speed and length?
- I'm a bit slower these days, but I try to reply to stuff every couple of days.
- Length ranges anywhere from a sentance to a few paragraphs. Typically, the more you give me to work with, the more you'll get in return.

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?
- On this website in particular, I work best in small groups.
- Honestly though as long as everyone's following the rules, typing legible english, not being a manipulative god-modder and keeping the plot rolling? We should be a-okay!

Any other information you would like to provide?
- Magical balancing and world building. It's fun, I'm good at it, I'll help you do it if you ask!
- Teams are also fun.
- I love angst but if it doesn't have a happy ending I no longer want it.
- I'm typically not huge on shipping... If I DO ship one of my charathers with one of your's? You somehow got extremely lucky.
- That said, I'm a huge sucker for platonic relationships and friendly rivalries. Free hugs all around!
- I used to be GoldenNautilus I just changed my user you guys--
Edited By Awkwardmollusk on 2/9/2021 at 12:23 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 2/9/2021 at 7:15 AM Post #48
Can I be one the rp interest check pinglist?
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
Posts: 3,984
Posted: 2/9/2021 at 1:33 PM Post #49
Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/14/2019
Threads: 162
Posts: 4,947
Posted: 2/9/2021 at 2:04 PM Post #50
General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?

I generally like playing fantasy or sci-fi roleplays.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.

Not really, mainly because whenever I end up seeking a storyline for a roleplay I normally make the roleplay myself.

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.

A random mess of characters, but mostly alien or fantasy characters.

Player information

Average reply speed and length?

I generally reply quickly and medium length, but sometimes my replies are a little longer depending on the amount of characters Im playing and the scenario.

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?

All I really ask is for the roleplays to be relatively small and to have some form of fantasy or sci-fi. Also I would appreciate if the characters would be LGBTQ+ because quite a few of my characters are apart of the LGBTQ+

Any other information you would like to provide?

For some weird reason I can't keep 90% of my roleplays alive :(
Edited By Yamii on 2/9/2021 at 2:09 PM.
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