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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 7:23 AM Post #41
With another sigh, Winter sits down on an outcropping of rock, cutting himself on a sharp stone and cursing silently. Be safe, Nikita. All of you, actually.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 10:38 AM Post #42
Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Zoe looks at Kithara when she speaks to her. The gazelle can't help but smile and chuckle at the cheetah's comment. It sure isn't a normal sight to see, prey sitting down and relaxing next to something that would usually be a predator but these bondlings aren't exactly normal animals.
Khaalida starts when Fauxbreath sticks her head into the hunters bunk. "Hello! Yes, you can enter before your bondling flattens you... Though we're just about to head out." Khaalida says, taking up the last of her hunting tools and looking for the exit which the newcomers have taken up.

(Thank you! You can adopt them, they need more friends! ^^)
Nyx Revanche | Sonia
Nyx holds her breath as she slips away from her brother, not that she had to hold her breath. She could be as noisy as an elephant learning how to roller skate and still get away. Her brother being deaf and blind had its perks. Once she is far enough away, she takes off, hoping the hunters hadn't started the hunt.
She had hoped her brother would allow her to go, but he hadn't. However, he hadn't prohibited her from watching them leave and wishing she could go with them! She wanted to wish them luck and dream about a time where she might be able to go with them. They were brave, those hunters, and Nyx wants to prove she can be brave too. Nyx didn't know Sai's opinion on hunters, but she supposed it'd be along the lines of them being fools.
Sonia bounces at her side, sometimes separating when they weave through the crowded streets where they lived, but they always met back up again. Nyx slams into Fauxbreath.
"Ey! Watch where you're stalling!" Nyx says angrily as she stumbles and falls backwards. Then she pauses and corrects herself with a small sigh, "I'm sorry, I should have watched where I was going better." Sonia hops up to her side then dances about her, looking at the horse warily. She knew the dangers of hitting a horse in the wrong direction, having gotten kicked many times from different animals that looked a lot like Fauxbreath.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/18/2020 at 11:03 AM.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 1:43 PM Post #43
(Aiai, I fear Nyx might not be eager to be their friend after this one. I did say unfamiliar touch was one of Fauxes fears so,, I better own up to it, I'm soo sorry. Here we go.)

Destrier Tymian & Fauxbreath

Destrier gave Khaalida a smile soo bright that if photographed, it could genuinely be used as a tool for world peace. Not to call local people unfriendly, but hearing a kind voice has recently become an uncommon treat that Destrier couldn't help but to cherish.

"Meeting another ungulate bondling sure makes up for our lost bench time, don't you worry. Kind sir, desert's blur, I don't know how you two deal with all constant yapping and enclosed spaces and I must salute you. But let me not delay ours bondlings well-deserved laps, hmm?"
Dez patted Fauxbreaths chest in a silent plea for her to step back, but her gaze remained locked on the antelope for few more moments before reversing with the press of Dez's encouraging hand still on her chest.

It's been months since they saw a herd of similar animals, yet the day with them was fresh in both of their minds- Fauxbreath and Dez were destined to lose against the nimble white antelopes, but Daz genuinely remembers the antelopes always stalling just enough for the two of them to catch up, prolonging the race and then letting them settle amongst them for the night. There hasn't been any hunting of antelopes since the morning they left.

Following weeks after that, Daz told Fauxbreath that he wasn't looking for them during his patrols. Unlike him, Fauxbreaths pride never allowed her to lie- And so when she got focused on searching for tracks despite the two of them hunting earlier already, she simply didn't respond.

But she wasn't silent now. The blank canvas of her faces parted with an outraged, beastly bray, escaping past the nightmarishly too-white teeth. But it wasn't a warcry- No, this was pure fright filter by a creature that believed she herself wasn't plagued by it. But Dez knew, and his vision blacked out for a precious moment as only the repeats of it and his own heartbeat rung through his ears.
The familiar metallic screech of horseshoes scraping on the floor hit him like a sledgehammer, and he barely was fast enough to wrap his fingers through the center of Fauxbreaths breastcollar.
If it was not for his painted cry as Fauxbreaths powerful body threatened to pull him alongside it, there might have not been anything to stop Fauxbreath from turning around just enough to strike.

Did the girl know how lucky she has been to stumble on a horse like Fauxbreath? One composed in her own movements, one who didn't want anything else than her own face to be the last thing her opponents see? Those who walk away from such a close buck delivered by a draft horse are a miracle- and as fate would have it, usually martyrs only a few days later.

Fauxbreaths muscles were twitching with a barely restrained charge, wide red eyes following the human's movement- and with the pure resentment shown soo clearly in them, one would have a difficulty choosing whose the vulture in this situation. "Toxic colors fit for a snake but with scales barely worth a boot.."
She was all snarl but there was something soo exhausted in that baritone voice of hers. Destrier found himself collapsing into her, heavily leaning against her shoulders with a hand above his thundering heart, the one in the ring still clutching it like a lifeline.

"Sunglazed hijinks- the blind spot of death, ladybug! That ribbon ain't there to be a target. You better stop that cycling before Fauxbreath gets a second breath for a show. Goodness... " He tried to make it clear in his voice that he didn't blamed the girl- but it was difficult with him being soo out of breath. But what anger could be felt was nothing in comparison to the horror of yet another in a long line of close calls.
Edited By Oricorio on 12/18/2020 at 1:49 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 2:24 PM Post #44
(It's fine. Nyx's fault for not being as attentive as she thinks she is. ^^)

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida smiles and nods her head. She follows Dez and Fauxbreath out of the bunks before taking the lead to head to the mouth of the cave. Zoe bounds after her, jumping in fright when Fauxbreath brays loudly. Khaalida has to calm Zoe down as well before her startled bondling could take off and race on without her.
"Is everything alright?" Khaalida turns around to ask Dez and Fauxbreath, her hand steady on Zoe to keep her from bolting.

Nyx Revanche | Sonia
Nyx scrambles away from the horse when it screams. Loud noises, really loud noises like the horse's screaming and screeching of horse shoes, sent her heart racing in a way that not many things could.
She somersaults backwards and gets to her feet, stumbling a few more feet but at least she can run out of the way if the horse decides to pull away from its bondling. She tries to brush the horse's reaction off, it had been Nyx's fault after all for running into her, but she can't help but feel attacked.
Something trickles over her lips as she licks it away, inwardly groaning when she recognizes the metallic taste as that of blood. Nyx grumbles and brushes a hand under her bleeding nose, "Now is not the time to get a bloody nose, Nyx. Your brother will kill you."
Sonia hops behind Nyx, "We have angered them! We must leave. My levels of panic will not help me in trying to calm them down!"
Nyx brushes her red bangs out of her face as she leans down and picks up her bondling. "I'm sorry for running into you," she says to Faux before turning to Dez, "and for startling your bondling. I, um, we will go now."
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 3:30 PM Post #45
Riker | Kithara

(Sorry I be Late)

Kithara smirked at the gazelle pleased that her remark was amusing, but she was quickly on her feet hackles Raised as the large hoofed Mare entered the tent, the man with her seemed fine enough though Kithara was still on edge. As the group made their way out the Mares loud Call of anger and fright Caused the Young Queen to Spin on her heels Her hackles raising and her ears pinning back as she attempted to asses the situation. after a calming stroke from Riker who was equally unsettled she relaxed and shook the tension off her fur. As she waked a little closer to make her presence known her voice penetrated everyone's ears { Nyx, Newcomers.... If you are against one another or on edge on the sands your chances of coming back in one piece is low.... I implore you all to relax, I don't want Riker wrapping anyone up when you get back} she stated to the group before addressing Faux only her whip like tail slashing back and forth { Furthermore, if I may mare. You seem very aware of your surroundings I know its a lot to ask as we've only just been acquainted, But in the hunting party you will find a small girl with hair like fresh snow and skin like sunbaked clay, she likes to work alone, if she does wander into danger, let me know immediately, I'll scouting at the back } she held her head high as her voice echoed in the mares head. As she finished she trotted off to the Mouth.

Riker stayed back as the group headed out Kithara trotting with them, he knew she did this when she was worried or angry, only this time he couldn't tell which it was. None the less he separated from them and made his way to the mess hall. As he walked in he saw Winter and sat a good ways from him taking a small sliver of dried meat to chew on, now there would be a few hours of silence.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 3:32 PM Post #46
Winter feels Riker's presence nearby and sighs. If only I wasn't.... like I am. Maybe I wouldn't scare him as much.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 3:35 PM Post #47
( think I'm gonna be making a couple more characters for the folks that are sticking in the caves.)
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 3:37 PM Post #48
(hm, okay!)
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 4:46 PM Post #49
(It's alright. ^^)
Daeril Kritana | Gahiji
Daeril hums a hello to Winter and Riker when he heads inside. "What's up, Winter? How are you doing?" He asks as he heads to sit across from Riker. Daeril worked with Riker when there were any injuries. The two made a great team at the same time offered each other some competition. Gahiji is at Daeril's heels, tail wagging as busily as ever. The eager pup hops on the table and licks Riker's face in greeting.
"Hello, my human friend!" Gahiji says to Riker.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/18/2020 at 4:48 PM.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
Threads: 2
Posts: 120
Posted: 12/18/2020 at 5:01 PM Post #50
(I also apologize for my lateness! My bunny decided that midnight is the best time to get stuck behind a wardrobe. He's fine and preparing for a nap while i bunny-proof it all over again. :D)

Destrier Tymian & Fauxbreath

Destrier without a smile is an unnatural thing and it shows. As if he didn't learn to emote anything other than happiness, his face shows no emotion other than fatigue and a tiniest head tilt like a puzzled dog. His mouth is open for a moment, torn between an offhand compliment towards Nyxes agility and a chorus of Sorry, sorry, please, don't blame her, they have done this and she's doing whatever she can, sorry we couldn't warn you-

Of course, it wasn't their fault for a while, was it? They are gone and both Faux and Daz have no excuses to use anymore. Destrier signs and rubs his scarred hand across his face to compose himself, but at the sign of blood he can't quite pull off the previous smile and it comes out as a small, half-defeated thing.

"Startled? Were going on a hunt, ladybug. Treat this as helping us keep on our toes. I - we - have to apologize too. Things...happen sometimes. Just make sure they won't repeat, alright? For both your sake and ours. We don't want to hurt." He himself wasn't sure if he meant hurting someone else or getting hurt themselves, but if something like this repeats it might as well be both. They were doing soo well since now...

Destrier notices that Fauxbreaths spasms gone deadly still and he raised his hand to brush under her chin, mostly out of comfort but with intentions to grab the bosal were she to strike again- but all Fauxbreath did was is to shift her front legs like a person letting crossed arms fall, red sand trickling down her cheeks and gathering atop her bridle before vanishing- her eyes, now their natural brown of scorched earth and bears winter coat, return from whatever storm they were lost in and assess Nyx with a dismissive nod.

It's miles away from an apology, but it is also the closest to solidarity Fauxbreath will manage. The snake has repaid her mistake by unearthing a weakness of her own, and she has no qualms about letting her go.

With that, she easily moves her entire attention to the spotted feline, imploring Daz to do the same with a jerk of her snout. Destriers eyes widen upon the realization that an unfamiliar animal bonding is speaking to him but he barely holds himself from snickering just how less jolting that is compared to what happened before. With a composed presence (and commanding? He's been around here before, so no one thought to give him a quick explanation of hierarchies- The fact that he never spend more time here than just enough to pick up a commission and prepare for another journey was lost on them. Still, he's in no place to risk anything) in front of him and the voice of that kind man somewhere further up the tunnel, he made some return to his usual spirit and raised his voice just a little louder for Khaalidas's benefit. Ah, how poorly they are repaying their guide by bringing commotion at his feet. That's yet another apology he has to make.

"We truly apologize, ma'am. Fauxbreath shouldn't be touched- she wears the ribbon warning of aggression and till now, people have been respecting her with a distance. It's on us for growing careless and unprepared in that comfort. We won't leave this place with a grudge and we hope to gain the same- from now on, we promise to keep some of that spunk for the hunt itself."

Meanwhile, Fauxbreath wasn't far away from a smile herself, the mere seconds apparently out of her eye, out of her mind- Aware of your surroundings is not a common compliment but from a feline, a king's cheetah at that? It's not something she would be swayed by in any other situation and the felines rank is not a factor to anything pertaining to Fauxbreath only when Destriers safety is not challenged- But not even she is as heartless as to refuse when all the cheetah is asking is just for her to keep her eyes open. It's been a long time since she had a task entrusted to her that wasn't logging and she recognizes admirable grace when she sees it. "May the deserts stand firm under your hooves while you await my message- but for you and the friend of yours, I will hope I won't have a reason to deliver it."
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