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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Pokemon School RP
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Level 57
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 12:21 PM Post #51
I added my professor to the post for my first character. What can she teach? Could she maybe be a councilor, assistant teacher for catching Pokemon and breeding, and semi expert on Pokemon types? Or something like that?
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 5/17/2015
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 12:46 PM Post #52
Alex is the teacher for breeding and carrying for Pokemon so if your an assistant to that then your his assistant. While prof. Jas is battle and training. Its up to you on what you teach but if your an assistnt, might want to ask the teacher that teaches that unless its not taken yet.
Level 57
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 1:41 PM Post #53
Oh oops, sorry! Nvm than. what can she teach than?
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/17/2015
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:28 PM Post #54
Hi, Floatsie the Buizel, he's a school pokemon, so would you use him in your demonstrations? You (Alex) being the breeding/care of pokemon teacher?
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:38 PM Post #55
Sure, i don't mind it at all.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:40 PM Post #56
Ok then, ping me if you use him in the classroom :3
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:40 PM Post #57
That is up to you i mean u don't mind if you be an assistant as its up to you.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:41 PM Post #58
Will do, though as of now alex is just watching a battle.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/17/2015
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:41 PM Post #59
I know, i'm reading the roleplay ;3
Level 57
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 2/5/2016 at 2:47 PM Post #60
Can she be Alex's assistant?
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