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Level 75
Fabled Ice Carver
Joined: 2/26/2019
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Posted: 2/9/2021 at 10:30 PM Post #51
Roleplay form:

General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?:
Fantasy, Dragons, Wolf pack, interesting stuff.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.: N/A

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.:
I have my normal OC, Cara, Who I use for human roleplays. I use My dragon OC Cobra for dragon roleplays and Lethal for wolf roleplays

Player information

Average reply speed and length?:
Fridays and Saturdays I can reply like really really really fast. On the rest of the days I have slow reply as I'm at school but I should get a fair few in. I write at least 2 scentaences

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?: Nope

Any other information you would like to provide?: Hi
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 2/14/2021 at 12:45 AM Post #52
OH so that's who you turned into xD
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
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Posted: 2/15/2021 at 2:25 PM Post #53
Pinglist please

General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay: I can pretty much do anything ig! I'm part of a lot of fandoms and the only genres I hate are a pure comedy or a pure romance rp

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe: I'll do anything

What types of characters do you have? Please describe: I have a superhero oc but I can make some nice ocs on the spot depending on what I'm asked to do! I tend to make mostly female and my personalities ted to be 'screw u I do what I want'

Player information

Average reply speed and length: My length depends on what I have to work with and I try to reply at least once a day

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups: No more than 3 people to a rp

Any other information you would like to provide: DM me if you wanna rp! I hear every request ut so don't be shy! Also super autistc if that's important?
Edited By Hibiscusfeline on 2/15/2021 at 2:27 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
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Posted: 2/17/2021 at 2:36 PM Post #54
Surprise XD
Level 44
Joined: 3/3/2021
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Posted: 3/12/2021 at 10:21 PM Post #55
General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?
I tend to jump around, doing my best to keep to the canon of the current environment. Though, I don't tend to do much with fandoms. I tend towards fantasy/magical settings, but am more or less fine with sci-fi stuff.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.
Not really. Though, I tend to find my characters work better as ancillary ones. Having some sort of plot going on that they end up wrapped up in is generally where I run them. They also don't tend to lend themselves particularly well towards romantic relationships. While I'm not averse to such, just note that the characters themselves may be rather difficult to woo. Though, I'd appreciate an ask before having one of your characters get a crush on one of mine.

What types of characters do you have? Please describe.
I have just a few characters who are ready to jump into a new setting at any point due to their access to world-hopping abilities, though such is built so that it's notably more difficult to get back to where they came from. Otherwise, I'd need to make up new ones.

The primary one I like to use is a true shapeshifter that tends towards a black/white palette similar to that of a tuxedo cat. His physical capabilities are fairly strong on paper, but in practice a good number of them tend to go unused or forgotten, as he's both rather forgetful and somewhat simple. His primary acting force is hunger, with a particular desire to snack on sentient creatures to fuel his shapeshifting capabilities. This can readily be taken advantage of to befriend him like one would a stray puppy, and he's rather amicable and loyal towards friends in general, even protective at times. Despite his shapeshifting nature, he's rather easily pacified in combat when he feels the fight isn't worth the energy, and will even go so far as to sit still when 'captured' in a cardboard box or jail cell, despite his physical abilities clearly being enough to escape. On the rare occasion he gets angered, typically from his friends coming to serious harm, there is little that can stop him from carrying out his wrath. Though, he's equally likely to simply become despondent, should no obvious target exist for him to seek out.

The other characters are a collection of hive-minded creatures that travel between worlds in small packs. They're rather imperialistic in nature, and one will nearly always take command of the others that exist nearby through telepathic commands. Despite this, they each have their own thoughts and personalities, and when left alone can be considered their own person. Each individual simply chooses to obey their squad leader's silent commands, with the chosen head of the pack being the only one who tends to actually know the language of the world they are currently in, when such is being first explored. The leader of the pack can access the thoughts and senses of their subordinates, and use this information to relay commands and translate the local dialogue as needed to the more drone-like members. They're generally friendly, but cautious, and do their best to maintain peaceful relations with worlds they visit. The creatures themselves resemble mice, but with four retractable barbed tendrils that sprout out of their backs. These appendages are comprised of slick black metal and are often used for both locomotion and combat, though when broken they can't be grown back or repaired. Depending on their current goals, the particular abilities of the pack may vary. They're also quite fond of castles, and have a preference for living in such despite having access to various magical and technological marvels due to their ability to travel between worlds.

Player information

Average reply speed and length?
My reply speed varies, but I try not to take too terribly long. Sending me a message when I haven't replied in a few days tends to help me get motivated to set down and do a post, though. As for length, it depends on what is currently happening. Generally I'll try for at least a couple paragraphs when possible, but it can be longer or shorter if there's something in particular happening or if my character is simply answering a question.

Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?
Not particularly, though I generally prefer smaller groups. Cap tends to be around 4-5 people, more than that and I risk getting lost/left behind if there's too many posts to read or catch up on.

Any other information you would like to provide?

I'm not averse to darker topics such as violence or autocannibalism. In particular this is in regard to the shapeshifter, whose unkillable nature tends to land him in situations where he allows himself to come to great harm, knowing full well he can simply regenerate later. I also occasionally swear. So perhaps we shouldn't, if you're easily triggered by these sorts of things.

Stories are nice when they have plot with ups and downs. Everything being doom and gloom is boring, as is things being perfectly fine all the time. Having something for my characters to do or work towards, probably to assist someone else's, is rather nice. Though that can be something as simple as making friends and hanging out at a tavern of some sort.
Edited By Polygone on 3/12/2021 at 10:25 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 6/14/2019
Threads: 21
Posts: 613
Posted: 3/28/2021 at 6:34 PM Post #56
put me on the ping list pls :>
(also sylestia doesnt let me have apostrophes for whatever reason, super annoying. apologies for all of the grammatical errors ;;)
General information

What types of genres/fandoms do you like to roleplay?
I generally like fantasy at any time period, although I dont really like highschool type settings. Ive never done sci-fi but it looks pretty fun so Id be down to try it. I much prefer using ocs outside of fandom settings but I might do a Voltron or harry potter setting. Not in a lot of fandoms which is definitely a part of it. I also dont do modern rps hardly at all, sometimes I might write a drabble for an au or something but I probably wouldnt commit to a modern setting. Romance-wise Id rather not unless its with someone I already know/have rped with before, and even then just fluff. Always ask before romancing my characters bc otherwise there will probably be a dramatic rejection or something.
Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
A high fantasy medieval-ish would be really fun as Im trying to get back into it. Or sci-fi. I like to write things that are fairly action-y but with some fluff/good times in there.
What types of characters do you have? Please describe.
I typically play human/humanoid characters, very rarely animals unless theyre a semi-sentient pet or background character. Shapeshifting isnt out of the question either. Ive never written an anthro character and probably never will. I have a handful of ocs but since Im just now getting back into it Ill probably be mostly making new ones. Alignment-wise I typically go for good or neutral types, although villains would be fun to try. I tend to try to get into the mind of my characters when Im writing them so their backstory tends to come after their personality.

Player information

Average reply speed and length?
I love to write really long replies but it can vary depending on what I have to work with. I usually come on to sylestia once or twice a day but if Im in an active RP Ill definitely be checking in more often.
Any requirements or personal preferences for future roleplayers/groups?
Im a big grammar police so Id like to rp with people who can use correct grammar. Id prefer to rp with people who have writing/rp experience just bc bad grammar is a huge turn off for me and makes it so I cant really take things seriously. I definitely prefer smaller groups just bc Im not good at remembering names/faces so Ill either forget a character exists or not remember who they are.
Any other information you would like to provide?
I typically do a fair bit of research if Im writing a character and do my best to make them fit in with the world. I also do a lot of art so if Im in an rp I really love Ill probably end up doing a lot of art for it. I dont have much experience with rps but I do write a fair amount and Id like to say Im a decent writer.
Edited By Mushroomwithlegs on 3/28/2021 at 6:37 PM.
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