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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 5:20 PM Post #51
"Perfectly horrible, as usual. You?" Winter replies dryly.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 9:08 PM Post #52
Nyx Revanche | Sonia
Nyx smiles slightly, the 'ladybug' name growing on her. She also smiles to try and lift Destrier's spirits. If it is her fault to cause him to stop smiling she felt it her responsibility to get him to smile like he had been before again.
"I'll try not to repeat my mistake." Nyx shifts Sonia in her arms to distribute the weight more evenly.
"My brother's right. I'd probably end up getting myself killed on a hunt. I'm not as alert as I think." Nyx mutters her realization through gritted teeth. She didn't like admitting that Sai is right, though he usually is anyways.
Nyx takes a deep breath and resumes her smile. She decided she couldn't hold a grudge against Destrier or Fauxbreath since the whole accident had been her fault. Yes, her fault, and she hates to admit it.
"Good luck on your hunt." Nyx smiles at Destrier again and gently places Sonia back on the ground. The cottontail has calmed down some and is able to keep herself on her toes.

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida begins to wonder if she should go back, it is calm after the sudden outburst. However, hearing Destrier's voice calms her down some. What he says is slightly less comforting. If someone had knocked into the aggressive Fauxbreath, that could end up in disaster in a million different ways.
Khaalida backtracks until she is closer to the two newcomers. She breathes a sigh of relief at first when, at first glance, she doesn't see anyone injured. Then she does end up noticing Nyx's bloody nose. "Nyx, are you ok?" She slips forward and makes sure the rest of Nyx isn't injured.
"I'm fine." Nyx swats Khaalida's hands away. "I can hold my own."
"Ok If you or your brother ever need anything, I'll be here." Khaalida says, taking a step back from Nyx. There is some unspeakable tension between the two.
"Right. And you've got your hunt to get to. Enjoy!" Nyx smiles at Khaalida, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

Daeril Kritana | Gahiji
Daeril smiles at Winters, not that he could see it. "In a chipper mood despite having to worry about Khaalida gettin herself killed."
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 9:56 PM Post #53

He was dazed out when Daeril and Gahiji arrived, the pups affection bringing him back to his senses as her scratched gently behind his ears { hey there bud! Keeping out of trouble?} He says not being able to with hold his smile. However it faded at Daerils comment to Winter and he spoke without thinking { I really cant take anymore death this week, Nikita really should have re considered this hunt after such a big loss, but she wont listen its like shes going out there for something she should leave alone} he said rubbing his templos in a circular motion Kithara had been right he needed sleep badly, but he couldnt do that without knowing they would all make it back okay
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/18/2020 at 10:09 PM Post #54
(This is for everyone who is going on the hunt, I will only be able to reply a little so dont wait for me!)

Nikita | Roman | Kithara

Nikita and Roman sat at a large rock wedged in the east corner of the Mouth Roman was stirring watch silently as Nikita sharpened her blades on the stone and twirling them in her hands stretching her muscles in her hands. { Do you think we can bring one down just the two of us?} Roman asked his cobalt eyes glancing at the small girl in doubt { not if you keep that attitude up, but yes I think we can, if we can bring down the female that should be a buffer, I think there are just two in this region anyhow, lets just hope she hasnt laid eggs yet} Nikita said coldly her gaze now filed outside. Moments later Kithara trotted up { Afternoon Nikita, Im sorry about Riker the other day, he should have held his tongue, he was well out of line } he feline said dipping her head apologetically before sitting next to Roman. { the others should be here soon its almost sun set} Nikita remarked as the skit turned and eerie purple and red and the light began to dissipate. However with the fading light cave a cool breeze and the desert was now accessible on foot and the hunt could begin
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 8:15 AM Post #55
"Great to hear it," Winter replies, a little bitterly. "Sounds positively wonderful."
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 10:44 AM Post #56
(At this point I will stop promising that my posts will become shorter eventually, because I am obviously a menace and I apologize. I hate this post and had a difficult time around writing it and yet it's a long one again.
Also? "There is some unspeakable tension between the two." Gay rights? I feel there's a sad backstory and I am living for it. Make sure to give me a heads up so I can go and make some popcorn, would you?)

Destrier Tymian & Fauxbreath

It's like a visible weight had dropped off his shoulders and Destrier suddenly could breathe easier. They tended to leave cities with blame- Blame becomes gossip, and that is bound to eventually trickle down to his employers.
Oh, how they long for the day they can get enough of a firm grip to pull him and Faux into the crime network officially-not maliciously, really. To some, having a stronger control over their asset was appealing enough on its own, but Destrier knew the rest were merely being protective, for all the good reasons.
When you associate with hitman and thieves for so long, the lines whose officially 'in' and 'out' become blurred. If anything bubbled up to the surface, city officials would especially not care for that distinction at all and without the underground protection at his back... It wouldn't be pretty, that's for sure.
Destrier wouldn't be able to constantly deflect the talks for much longer if the gossips became actions and the city's population shunned them to the 'bad news' box.

But it wasn't all about the work and having to add "capable of smuggling a draft horse out and in of meeting places" to his rsum. The greater importance was that the poor girl wasn't traumatized. (Judging by Fauxbreaths snort to his side, she had a different opinion on the manner but that is a can of worms meant to be opened while making a fire, not minutes before a hunt and in front of ladybug herself.)

Ladybug who was in another line entirely when deities were installing humans with an inside-head voice, oh my. He chuckled lightly and the expression seemed to light him up with new life as he pointed an accusatory finger on Nyx, not unlike in banters between schoolchildren.

"I didn't quite catch that, living with Fauxbreath does that to you, but I might have detected some self-deprecating tune in that. Ladybug, running into a mountain-sized horse was perhaps not your brightest moment, but you sure did a great job of getting- or, hopping- away from the situation. You're more than welcome to see us off if you promise to not bleed out on us, we will need all the good luck charms we can get."

Fauxbreath was polite enough to let him finish but still made it apparent she didn't appreciate the comment on her loudness as she passed him, whipping her tail to the side and directly into his face and making him splutter just when he was about to greet Khaalida. She hasn't been this eager to get straight to the task in a while, but her walk was slow and controlled while stuck close to the walls to avoid Nyx and Khaalida.
"Prff- you arrived just in time to see Faux's meanness streak continue, Mister! We had a little bit of a collision here, but nothing communication and vaguely queenly talking cheetah couldn't fix. You're free to gossip behind our backs, as Fauxbreath apparently isn't planning to wait for me for much longer. And Nyx, was it? If you really do need to get that checked up immediately, I wish you luck in whatever antics you pursue next. When we do return, ask for Destrier and Fauxbreath- I think we owe you and your darling bondling some root vegetables to make up for the scare."

Fauxbreath of course waited for him, wouldn't dream to even go behind a corner where Dez couldn't see- She must have watched the cheetah leave towards the Mouth, Dez guessed from the impatient pawing of sharp hooves. (Lighter than usual, Dez could barely hear it. Uh-Oh, would not be the first time Fauxbreath grew soft on someone who scared the life out of her but Destrier thought he was a special one.)
She continued her walk forward immediately when he joined her and in his occasional moment of brashness, went on his tiptoes to put an arm around Fauxbreaths shoulders as much as one could, burying the side of his face into the scratchy ceramic coat and closing his eyes with a hum. "Well, that went well. Now for the actual hunt." "You're going to fall and they will put us in the back like the jokers we are." "Worth every gold fleck, Faux."
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 1:52 PM Post #57
(Sure, I'll give you a heads up, if I get to writing it or thinking it all through a million times over... Who knows if it'll pop up. ^^)

Daeril Kritana | Gahiji
Daeril nods in silent agreement with Winter and Riker. Being able to not have to worry about much is positively wonderful and the death rate is not looking better despite their best efforts. Gahiji's wagging tail smacks Daeril in the face when he sits down and a few hits later he manages to get away. Daeril quickly moves to sit beside Riker to keep from getting hit in the face again.

Nyx Revanche | Sonia
Nyx pinches the bridge of her nose to stop the bleeding and does her best to ignore Khaalida beside her. Sonia settles dkwn next to Nyx's feet and watches Zoe warily. Zoe returns the hesitant look.
Nyx can't help but smile when Destrier compliments her on getting out of the way. "Yes, I suppose so. Thank you. You are kind." Her voice sounds different with her nose closed as it usually does.
Her eyes lit up more when Destrier says he'd allow her to 'see them off' as he had put it and promised her root vegetables. "Thank you. Shall do. You are very kind." She repeats breathlessly. She trots after Destrier Fauxbreath and Khaalida and Zoe, making sure to hold her nose until a few minutes after she felt it was done bleeding.

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida smiles and nods her understanding to Destrier and begins to walk to the mouth of the cave again. She curses under her breath when she realizes just how late they had been to the beginning of the hunt. She heads out of the cave, Zoe by her side, to begin the hunt.
"Good luck! Stay safe!" Nyx calls from behind her, watching the two leave with childish glee.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 6:01 PM Post #58
Nikita | Roman | Kithara

Nikita heard everyone else aproching the mouth and in the dim light she tightened her spikes the metallic spines at her ankles glistening as the sun finally sank below the horizon. { Everyone ready?} she asked to Khaalida who was one of her most trusted Comrades since the accident { I know we got a lotta new faces her . I want to thank all of you for coming along weve had a rough couple of weeks, but tonight is the best night to go out the night howlers should be farther off in the east sands being the serpents payed us a visit yesterday and the swarms at moving out on that side, so they shouldnt bother us...... but still keep on your toes! I need all of yall to come back in one piece ya hear! Lets move !} she said loudly so she wouldnt have to repeat herself it was nerve racking enough she had to talk in front of people to lead the hunts off, however the small girl stoped Khaalida for a moment before everyone headed out { hey, would you and Zoe like to take the lead on this one? And I would feel much better if I could keep and eye out for anything from the back} she suggested Roman wagging his tail in agreement

(Yall ready!!!!)

He chuckled a little as Gahiji walked Daeril in the face { well I see at least on of the four medics isnt tiered } he said before remembering Kithara had gone off on the hunt { I think the other one is worried} he said with a half smile Ruffling his hair it did make him worry when She went out on her own like this { hey uh Winter was Nikita alright earlier? I assume she came to talk to you at some point } he asked curiously
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 6:56 PM Post #59
Winter tilts his head slightly. "She came to be earlier," He admits. "She.... seemed a little shaken somehow, but she was adamant that she was fine."
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 7:41 PM Post #60

Riker sighed the word Shaken made his stomach turn a little { I hope she is, I know she wouldnt lie to you anyhow, not that shes a good lier in the first place } he said with a smirk in an efforts to calm his nerves a bit
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