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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Wasteland Post Apocalyptic RP Sign Ups
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Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 5:28 AM Post #61
Lol dont worry k do t sleep well enjoy the good sleep XP
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 6:30 AM Post #62
Name: ella
Age: 17
Personality: quiet/shy/timid/sweet
Fears: insects,spiders
Likes: candy/cake
Dislikes: people under estimating her
Strengths: She can be smart sometimes
Weaknesses: she can take things to far without thinking

(Bondlings can be played by others or yourself , just be sure to post it as a pair On your sign up so that way they are not mistaken for separates)

Name: Feechi
Appearance:(a owl)
Personality: Out going/fun/aggressive at times
Fears: big things.....
Likes: bugs
Dislikes: rude people
Core: wind/hunting/tracking
Edited By Jolynnnarry on 12/14/2020 at 5:37 PM.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 1:59 PM Post #63
Aaand done! I admit to not fully being happy with it but I can work with that. It's on page 2! I'm really that your roleplay got soo much interest, I cant wait for what an amazing story you have in store for us. :D
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 345
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 4:03 PM Post #64
Air planes isnt a really rational fear being there are none in this time line .... also her size dose have to be normal unless he core is size related
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 4:04 PM Post #65
Lol thanks its a Free for all for the most part I only have tiny plot points Im gonna make up as I go
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 5:37 PM Post #66
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 6:31 PM Post #67
Yeah good to go
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 6:34 PM Post #68
where do i jump in
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 8:31 PM Post #69
The RP link is on page one you can just read around and find a good spot to pop in ^w^
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2020 at 9:20 PM Post #70
okieeee ^^
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