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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 7:52 PM Post #61
Winter blinks, not looking wholly convinced with Riker's statement.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 8:00 PM Post #62
(As ready as we'll ever be. ^^)

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida nods her head once when Nikita asks if the team is ready. "Ready as we'll ever be." Khaalida chirps, repositioning her weapon and fiddling with the rest of her equipment to make sure it's locked in place. During the speech, she smiles at Nikita as reassuringly and confidently as she can while battling her own fears and doubts.
"Again, I think this is dangerous" Zoe says as she gently headbutts Khaalida's side.
Khaalida runs a hand over her bondlings short fur. "When is it not? I think, therefore I am. Let's not choose to think about the negative that might happen, but the positive."
"At the same time, let's not jinx it." Zoe can't keep still, her hooves beating the floor steadily as she waits to be able to run free, hunt something down and hopefully not be hunted.
Khaalida smiles when Nikita asks her to take the lead and heads to do as Nikita wished. "I would be honored to. If there's anything happening in the back, Nikita, don't forget to alert the rest of us so we can help." There's always the unspoken 'alert us so we have time to get out of the way if it's too late' option but Khaalida didn't voice it because she didn't want to think about it.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 7:15 AM Post #63
Destrier Tymian & Fauxbreath

Destrier seemed like he could fall asleep at any moment, but he still tipped his helmet at Nyx with the unvoiced 'Thank you.' He's always trying for that and will never stop as long as he can help it, much to Fauxbreaths chagrins when he gets played or made fool of but the opposite of kind scares him too much to ever give into it on his own will. He isn't interested in whatever would be left of him after that, and Fauxbreath sure doesn't deserve to be stuck with it.

Before Fauxbreath was able to reach over and forcibly pry him off her, having enough sentimentality for the day, Khaalidas swears jolted him out of the reverie. He straightened up fast like a spring in a way that must have made him dizzy to wave her away, shutting down the loud whoop of goodbye upon hearing what much have been another inspirational speech.

He could listen while moving, vaulting himself with a hop into Fauxbreaths saddle with a swiftness that was quite commendable, considering his own size and that it was clear that one should preferably not mount a horse as tall and feisty as her from the ground if they want to keep their joints in working order.
"And this is where we part, ladybug. You better be in the welcome-back committee later on, I have a hunch we bring back a feast worthy to take a peek at, free vegetables included. Take care till then!" He reached over to untangle Fauxbreaths ribbon with a single tug, playfully waving it at Nyx as a lady would wave off a marching soldier with a handkerchief while he prompted Fauxbreath forward with a soft press of his heels to her sides.
She herself gave Nyx only a wave of her tail that might as well just be her swishing flies away, her gaze searching for a- And there, that was not difficult at all. The small woman reminded Fauxbreath of caged exotic cockatoos sold by the most well-traveled merchants- Fauxbreath hasn't ever seen snow, but Nikita's skin was a darker shade than that of most mole people here, yet still light in comparison to Destriers. Sunbaked clay it is. "The leader is trusted to be on her own but I have been told to keep a protective watch over her when she wanders off. I trust you to be my ears forward."

"And I trust you, Fauxbreath. Do as you will." Destrier freed the reins in a move that would have any other equestrian fainting, letting go of control over Fauxbreath completely while he removed the protective cloth from the spear that was hanged on the saddle's right side, taking it into his hands and tying the red ribbon around it base with a smile.
Fauxbreath studied Klaalida for a moment more before choosing to join the formation at the very back, keeping a generous distance from the crowd to allow her to easily part from it without trampling fools in the way.
She felt Destrier move to lean down to make small talk with some huntsman, and part of her hoped he would be asking what their strategy was- But it was Destrier, so the words coming out of him were wishes of good luck and talks about the how wonderful weather for the hunt it is.
Fauxbreath wasn't able to blame him, her Dez strived for interaction as hawks for herd's disease. They both walked the desert on their own for soo long that prolonged interactions like this were minimal on a grand scale, as was their knowledge on how to move collaboratively with a hunting party. It was once as natural as breathing, but that was a long time gone. Dez silently wouldn't agree but Fauxbreath knew that it was good riddance.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 3:29 PM Post #64
[hey, feel free to take me off the roleplay, I have to go on a hiatus for personal reasons, and it will probably take a while. Happy holidays.]
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 4:45 PM Post #65
You too!! Would you like for me to just have you on hold so you can jump back in later if you want ?
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 4:59 PM Post #66
(Aaa, what a shame, I really liked Oscar and Gideon! I hope I will get to enjoy more of your writing upon your return, you're really great at it. I wish you the best with your personal problems and hope you will come out of them with peaceful content. Happy holidays, don't forget to take an extra cookie/sweet of your preference for all of us, you certainly deserve it!)
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/4/2019
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 6:37 PM Post #67
[Okay, and thank you both for your kind words.]
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 6:55 PM Post #68
Agreed! If you need folks to talk to you know we are here!
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 10:46 PM Post #69
(*slaps a bunch of writing down on the table and then retreats to the shadows again to take a sip of hot chocolate in peace* Hopefully no one will be angry at me with this... this mess of words. OwO)
(Edit: Also, I hope things go well for you, Amaniii. Happy holidays!)

Nyx Revanche | Sonia
Nyx smiles and waves a goodbye once more. "I will be here to greet you. Hopefully. Take care as well." She watches the hunters leave, sighing as she wishes she could be among those that went but knowing that Sai would be furious and all alone if she did.

Sai Revanche
Sai had noticed Nyx's absence. He had first taken notice when the fire had gotten cold; Nyx usually kept it going. Once he had realized that, he noticed that he had been doing the work alone, not even bothering to ask Nyx for help after the first few questions sent her way. He hadn't questioned why Nyx isn't helping at the time it happened, but once he noticed Nyx is really gone, he took it into account and wonders why he hadn't noticed it before.
Sai curses quietly and heads to the exit of the room only to hesitate at the door. He knew he could easily get lost in the place that seems to always be shifting and changing and, if his internal clock is right, the hunters were already off. It would be useless to head after her if she had left with them; she'd be long gone. Sai retreats from the door and tries not to think what could happen to her. He knew what could happen, he had been on one before a long time ago, and that had cost him his bondling. He hoped the same wouldn't happen for Nyx.

Khaalida Kritana | Zoe
Khaalida is planning on going to where she saw tracks last. It had seemed that a scout of the animals had gone ahead. She hoped that it had thought that it would be a safe place and would bring the rest of it's group their way. She itched to run ahead to check herself, but that wouldn't be very leader-like of her to do. She wouldn't be keeping the well being of her team in mind if she left them to fend for themselves.

Daeril Kritana | Gahiji
Daeril is only half paying attention to what Riker is saying, paying more attention on making sure Gahiji doesn't accidentally injure himself as he jumps about and begs Daeril to play fetch with him with a piece of meat he promises to eat later because the two of them didn't want to waste any. Daeril throws the piece of meat t Gahiji and allows the dog to bound after it as he returns his attention to Riker.
"It is a very good thing we have his alertness to help us... Hopefully his eagerness won't get in the way, right bud?" Daeril notices that Gahiji had eaten the piece thrown and is now bumping his head on Daeril's leg and making unnecessary comments to get his attention. Daeril grabs another piece of meat for Gahiji and throws it. The dog goes bouncing after.

Aasuu Kritana | Natasha
Aasuu is currently doing... um... worrying. It's her favorite hobby and pastime. And... My brain died. I don't know what to write. I'm sorry Aasuu.

Res Adler | Azar
... Should I still have him on the hunt or would Minnow prefer to be able to interact with him? (I don't want to take over every character role...)

Jack McGriffin | Xhso
Brian Oliver McGriffin | Arthur
Jack stumbles out of his room, still sleepy from being just woken up. The sun is still setting and the moon would begin its rule soon enough. That meant that Jack and Brian had to be up and take the other guards' station. Stacks of books and a mixture of weapons were cradled in Jack's arms in preparation for the 'day'. Even though Jack is there to help him protect the city, Brian still made sure that Jack had a good education and would do fine if he ever went away unexpectedly.
"Brian? Do we have to keep guard today? Can't we ask someone else to do," a big yawn interrupted his sentence, "to do it for us? It seems like I just put my head down to rest." Brian greets the young lad with a big bear hug and offers him a breakfast in return of giving him the supplies in his hands.
"Of course we shall do it today, my wee one. We've got a job to do an' we'll be doin' it well." Brian sorts through the books and weapons and sets some down on the table, heading back to the shelf and cabinet to gather a few different ones.
This is the usual start of the day for the two. Brian would be up with the moon and Jack would be tumbling after, so to speak.

Noeul Sorenson | Nova Jessica
Zing, zing, zing. The dagger in Noeul's hand sings through the still twilight as she sharpens it. Zing, zing, zing. The sound of the flutter of feathers is carried away by the soft breeze blowing through the desert. It didn't matter, it is the pungent order of Jessica's last meal that still clung to the bird that alerted Noeul to Jessica's presence. Zing, zing, Crack! The knife easily tore through the dead woods thick trunk as Noeul put it there for safe keeping. She jumps down from her perch in the tree without a glance to Jessica, who keeps shuffling her talons nervously and had almost taken flight when the sudden movement of the knife coming down had startled her. She didn't lift off because she knew Noeul would then easily take out an arrow and her bow and take her down in one shot as Jessica had seen her do to many other unfortunate Souless.
"They are coming our way?" Noeul says, her voice barely a whisper. This doesn't keep it from travelling to Jessica's ears and still sound strong.
Jessica bobs her head. Her amber eyes flash briefly, whether out of fear or resentment towards the raven haired and well equipped Souless before her.
"Good." Noeul smiles and rests her back against the tree, her dull black eyes searching the horizon for her prey - the foolish hunting party that would stumble right into her hands.
(Edit: I keep forgetting it's Souless! Not Bondless! I'm not wrong though, am I? Anyways, no, there isn't a plan for her as I have not come up with one completely... Her minions are probably waiting to ambush. Also, I bet that slamming a knife into a tree isn't good for it, but that's a problem for another day.)
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/21/2020 at 10:35 AM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 345
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Posted: 12/23/2020 at 10:10 AM Post #70
(Sorry this is long but I added the new characters so those who havent been active for a while will still have folks to interact with! Kuro and River are both open to interact with!!! Also if anyone is good at maps and wants to make one feel free because I just realized how confusing cave systems are XP)

The Hunt

Nikita | Roman

Nikita trailed at the back of the group only a few paces or so behind the beautiful mare as Roman paced himself directly at Fauxs side. He had enough experience with large hoofed animals to know behind was not a place for someone with teeth like his to be, and quite frankly he wanted to keep his canines in place as long as he could. The two were quiet as they followed but something felt off . However as the full moon lit the ocean of sand ablaze Nikita spotted what the two had come for. {Roman, to the left do you see it?} she asked pointing out the unmistakable waves of sand made by the sand snakes. Roman nodded and swished his tail [ Should we warn the others?] he asked stopping and looking back at her. She shook her head { lets keep going if we see more signs farther up we will warn then and give chase, its to early to let them out of sight} she said pulling out her thin sharp blades and holding them at the ready as Romans Coat sparked with cobalt bolts of electricity as he paced himself back with Faux.


The feline had placed herself about mid way of the group, it had been a long time since she was on a hunt, but that didnt change her stature. She walked low her shoulders bouncing a little as she did to conserve energy. She noticed when Roman fell back in line showing his bright warning signals that she noticed the Snake dunes that were left in the sand and decided it best to at least alert the group gently { everyone keep your eyes peeled, seems the Snakes have been around here recently, remember that they should be full, but dont let your guard down} Her voice rang in the groups minds

The Mess Hall

Riker nodded, {his alertness with be helpful lest just hope he doesnt eat the tools too... } he said with a chuckle he enjoyed the happy go luck pups company and it was nice to have some time to not be working. He laid his head down on the table allowing his eyes to rest. {Speaking of which we may need to get some new tools made maybe we can see what Kuro and Rosco found as far as metal goes, you think Sai could craft some?} he asked tilting his head to look at Daeril

The Southern Caverns
(Just to the left of the Mess hall )

Kuro | Rosco

Kuro held tight to Roscos reins as the big Bull carried a days load of gems and precious metals that seemed of almost no use now. Since they had stoped trade with the other cities after the sand snakes arrived which made him bitter about his work. { at least theres less people with the Hunters out...} he mumbled to Rosco to witch the Bull bonked him in the head with one of his horns { Social skills are good for you, especially if the Trades open back up} he exclaimed tossing his head back proudly making Kuro chuckle a little { trades wont open back and you know it ..} he said his smile fading a little. Rosco stoped for a moment the sad expression on his friends face was all to familiar { well, uh I did overhear Nikita and Roman last week talking about going after the Snakes so they can make a trip to Litigo to maybe open some sort of connection with them, its been two years since the snakes can but Im sure they would be open to trade if we can clear a path. } he said whipping his tail back and forth trying his best to be encouraging. After all it had been two years since Kuro had really talked to the others......

The Main Hall
( the cave that leads from the mess hall to the Mouth )

River| Cleo

River kicked Cleos flank as he dozed off mid walk { youll have time for that latter sleepy head!} she said ruffling the fur between his horns as they slowly made their way from the market to the mess hall her Sister Nikita seemed a little off today before the hunt she was always quiet but it was odd for her to let someone else take the lead. { Stop pondering the situation River, Im sure they will be fine } Cleo said with a yawn that ended in a high pitch Bleat making some of the passerbys cover their ears and cut River a nasty glare She patted his neck scratching behind his ears after a while { yeah, Im sure your right but I just cant shake it..} she said with a sigh as the two continued on to the mess hall.
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 12/23/2020 at 10:20 AM.
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