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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Golden Soul Orphanage [RP]
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Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 1:22 AM Post #71
"Well then, do come along." Anubis swapped his staff from one hand to the other again, offering Prism his elbow. "To the cafe, shall we?" He smiled. "My treat." He had often watched the cafe from afar, but had never gone inside due to a little shyness, so he didn't know what it had to offer. All he knew was that it wasn't bad, so he decided it wasn't a bad choice to go to.
Level 62
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 2:09 AM Post #72
Velos shut his mouth and looked down at the floor, standing still for a bit. He then slowly followed after her, not wanting to disturb leken. he guessed he'd watch her train for a bit, not wanting to fight with his partner. He looked around the training hall, trying to spot where his weapon was lying or if it'd been put away.
Level 32
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 10:02 AM Post #73
Prism lightly took it. A small smile.
" Thank you. " She has been to the cafe a few times, all of them she had been alone, she normally needed a boost in the morning, she wasn't a morning person at all. It had been quite good every time she had gone. She looked forward to actually going with someone this time.
Level 75
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 1:48 PM Post #74
"Brr, it's kinda chilly out," she said with a glance outside. Her fingertips took on a soft yellowish glow, barely noticeably with the other lights, and the faint chill to her fingertips faded in a couple seconds. "Okay." She entered the basement and held out her spear. Leken took a breath and started spinning, jabbing, and slashing in a fierce, complex manner. Barely breathing, she spun it over her head, twisting as if some of the otter stayed with her, and finished, breathing hard, with it pointed directly at him. Leken blew some hair out of her face and sighed. "It's still not enough." Then she grinned a little, just a crack of a smile, and morphed into an otter, scampering up his leg to his shoulder.
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 5:54 PM Post #75
Anubis politely led Prism to the cafe, entering it for the first time himself. He looked around, amused at the warm-hearted place and gave a small smile before going to a booth and sitting down, picking up the conveniently placed menu card and handing it to Prism. "Tea, was it? Take your pick."
Level 32
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 6:02 PM Post #76
Prism sat down and gently took the menu. There were herbal teas, berry teas, chai teas, she didn't really know what sounded good. She picked out a vanilla chai tea. Chai was most likely her favorite.

" Vanilla chai sounds great to me. Are you getting anything? " She asked, handing the menu back to him. She tucked her tail next to her legs, sometimes it was a pain to sit down with.
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 6:47 PM Post #77
"Ah, no. I won't be getting anything to drink." Anubis explained politely. "Vanilla chai, is it?" He stood up and walked to the counter, placing the order down along with an order for a butter cookie (because why not). He came back to the table to wait, folding his hands together above the table, facing Prism. "So, while we wait, could you tell me about the orphanage?"
Level 32
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Posted: 3/13/2018 at 9:33 PM Post #78
Prism thought for a moment. She didn't know how to put it. It was a safe place, and a home, but it had other feelings mixed into it.
" In my personal view, it's a safe place for those who need it. To all of us, it means something special, we were all at one point lost and afraid, and this orphanage changed everything. In a more general view, it is a nice place, with all of everyone's requirements. An arena for training, a field for games, a tech lab, and more. I personally love hacking and training. "
She said after a bit. It was a bit hard to explain, but she thought she got the gist of it.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2018 at 1:22 AM Post #79
Anubis nodded. "Makes sense to me. So... what are the jobs like usually? Do we get hired out or what?" He nodded a thanks to the waiter that brought over the tea and cookie, sliding it over the table to Prism.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2018 at 2:47 AM Post #80
He watched before stretching out his arm so the Otter could have a more comfortable perch, "It doesn't seem like your lacking skill. If it's enough to finish a job, that's fine." he saw his weapons, but decided not to grab it. he always kept his gun in his pocket and knew that he needed to practise with it more.
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