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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Golden Soul Orphanage [RP]
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Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 12:45 PM Post #1
Quick reminder of the rules and we can start! Extra info will be posted below for quick links.
Current time: Later Autumn/ Early Winter. Saturday late morning/ early afternoon

Orphanage Rules (Can be broken)
- Never leave the orphanage without your partner. If joining another group on the outing, let the Old man know or a Guardian.
- Avoid the "Beetles" (MI6/ Police)
- Don't abandon your comrades
- Complete the job and remove all lose ties
- Only the Old man may know your real name

Roleplay Rules (Can not be broken)
- Tell me if you're leaving
- A hybrid is someone with animal ears/ tail/ wings. A morthling is a human with an animal form they can turn into. Morthlings do not have their animals perk while in human form.
- Only the Old man knows your real name. Other wise, you use an alias/ code name. It doesn't have to be a human name, it can be one of an animal or object such as 'Silvergun'.
- Don't be Mary sue/ Gary sue/ OP
- If I want you to change something, it isn't a personal attack
- You may only ping everyone 3 times a day when you are moving around/ something that involves everyone. other wise one-on-one ping.
- No godmodding/ powerplay.
- Under other, do you think anything should be added to the rules?
- Everyone will be assigned a partner
- Magic is very rare. i will tell you if your character can have it.
- You don't have to start as in the orphanage. You can be found by hybrids/ morthlings and brought there while running. This could be a situation if you are from a different country and accidentally ended up there.
- Please use a new post per character, you may have up to 3 characters
- Romance can not go further can kissing
- You can die c:
- Your reply must be at least three lines long.

Ping List
IvyCat, Lightsagafox, Isi, Hawkeye,Sc0ut, Dragongem23, Sheerakat006, Dragonrider1542, Enyo, Unwantedclinomaniac, Nekogirl, Emmybee

Link to sign ups
Edited By IvyCat on 7/22/2018 at 3:17 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 12:46 PM Post #2
Silence & Briar
Tilly Heartborn & Atomic
Fallen Angel & Emerald
Sapphire & Guardian
ArchAngel & The Big Bad Wolf
Frost & Bendy & Midnight Valley
Velos & Leken
Prism & Anubis
Freyja & Mouse

In order of authority.
Old man
Tilly Heartborn
The Big Bad Wolf
Fallen Angel
Midnight Valley

The annihilation squads.
There are two squads - they are the top agents. They are very hard to spot and talented. They are dangerous opponents. They are in charge of capturing you. It is hard to kill them before they can call the police in seconds and use magic gear. They may also, but rarely do, make contracts with demons. They will stop at nothing to get to you.

Squad 1

He can use flame magic and enjoys flirting. He is rarely serious and doesn't like cowards. He fights with a broadsword.

She is young and selfish. She can be quite flirty and forward. She often plays with her victims first. She does know how to bark out orders though. She doesn't use magic and fights with a medium demon scythe.

Squad 2

He is shy but clever. he usual plans what he's going to do and is a very sneaky attacker. He will foten lead and not play defensive. He uses an axe as a weapon and has magic in his blood so he heals fast.

She is determined and good at following orders. She can be quite childish, but doesn't care much. She is the easiest to manipulate and is often getting told off. She is in a contract with a strong demon katana and uses clairvoyant magic.
Edited By IvyCat on 7/9/2018 at 2:55 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 12:46 PM Post #3

You can go other places, but ones suggested below are just.. suggestions.


Anyone younger than 18 will have to go to school unless given permission other wise.

Sport Arena

All sports can be played here, it transforms at will.

The Beetles Headquarters

Recommended you stay away from this area, it blends in well.


Owned by a morthling who lives upstairs. Humans work here. The owner is good friends with the Old Man.


No description. Generally a good place to hide out if chased due to so many people being there.



Golden Soul Orphanage

Dining Room

Where everyone meets and talks, but also where they eat.


Where food is made and cleaning products can be found.


Everyone got to decorate their own, this is only the generic look.

These are all in the Basement

Where weapons training goes on. On the sidelines behind some curtains, it holds a piano.

Tech Room

Where hacking can be done.


They are currently testing for a way to get telepathic bonds between hybrids/ morthlings and a way to make the animal parts on hybrids invisible temporarily.
Edited By IvyCat on 3/23/2018 at 1:30 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 1:56 PM Post #4
I've got the thread up ^^ There's quick links encase you don't want to find stuff.. Added a few new rules at the bottom.

To make it easier, can everyone send me a colour code for their characters speech? Just means there's less confusion.

I also won't be pinging anyone for my post below.
Edited By IvyCat on 3/10/2018 at 2:12 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 2:20 PM Post #5
Velos & Old Man
Velos quietly pushed his fringe back, looking down as he pushed the Old Mans chair along the old creaky floors towards the dining room. The orphanage hadn't been recently cleaned, the Beetles had been chasing a cafe run by a morthling on the other end of town, or so the Old Man'd been telling him.
Velos couldn't help but sigh, "When do you think the tests'll finish?" he asked in a hushed voice, expecting the answer he got, "I don't know, lass." Velos couldn't help but wince a little. he was down in that basement day in day out over seeing the tests. The Beetles were more developed than them, and they were the ones who were supposedly armed with magic.
"May I have the day off tomorrow, Sir?" Velos asked, his mind buzzed. he didn't know why he'd asked it out of the blue, really, but he had, "I don't see why not" the Old Man chuckled as they entered the room. Velos gave a relieves sigh and pushed his wheelchair to the place he sat, backed away and murmured gratefully, "Thank you, Sir"
Velos backed off, letting someone else take over and serve food for the Old man. It was not his turn on kitchen duty, after all. He entered the dusty corridor and gave a small hum, wondering if he should use a feather-duster on it today or tomorrow. he looked up. Prism and Leken probably needed him for a job, he half wanted to check on the morthling across town.

She put her hands behind her head, kicking back in Silences room. She waited for the girl impatiently, lying on her bed. She gave a huff and began playing with the whip, lashing it out and bringing it back towards herself without damaging herself. Briar's eyes glinted with excitment. She wanted to go and do something, not be locked up all day. But if they hadn't been given a job, she was waiting for Silence to make a second suggestion.

Tilly Heartborn
She was sat down on the floor in front of her old fashioned desk and mirror. her dress was wrinkled at the bottoms as she let it lay out of the floor, due to her sitting cross legged. Tilly pulled her hairbrush down her sleeky black hair, bored. She let out a happy meow sound, humming to herself. She was excited to be leaving again, the Old Man had given her some money she could go shopping with. She really wanted a china doll. Plus both her and the newbie rarely got to leave the safe haven of Golden Soul orphanage.
Edited By IvyCat on 3/10/2018 at 2:20 PM.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 2:38 PM Post #6
Golden Soul Orphanage-Flik/ArchAngel:she looked around the corner and let out a sigh...there may be people here,but some halls are still quite...she relaxed and her wings dipped
Level 74
Fright Master
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 2:41 PM Post #7

Leken was currently in otter form in the bathroom. She had the door half closed and was sitting in the sink with the faucet running, an unpleasant habit of hers. If anyone came in, she could hide under the sink. Part of Autumn knew it wouldnt work, but she didnt really care. With a webbed paw, she pulled at the cold tap and relaxed, tail twitching. In just under three weeks, she would turn eighteen. A shame, then she wouldnt be a kid anymore. Hearing someone she shut off the sink and jumped out, running and leaving little droplets of water behind.
Level 62
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 2:46 PM Post #8
(Dragon, you won't mind if I add a three line rule, right? Just for next ping as I throw one in right now :P)

Velos tapped on the wall beside Lekens bedroom. He hoped not to disturb her, guessing he'd end up using a stupid excuse such as "I forgot my pen here". He'd promised the Old Man he'd try talking more as he patiently waited in the corridor to see someone who he could listen to.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 2:47 PM Post #9
(oke i'm fine with that....)
Level 32
Joined: 1/20/2018
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Posted: 3/10/2018 at 2:50 PM Post #10
Prism was quite bored. She walked along the halls, and noticed how dirty they were. She wrinkled her nose at the dust everywhere. She disliked dirty places. She needed something to do, and had no idea what. She hadn't been given any tasks yet, and was waiting for orders. Prism was the kind of person where she couldn't normally sit around for long. She decided to go train for a while. Maybe it would pass some time. She started heading that direction.

She went into the Arena and got her samurai swords. She took off her jacket and started practicing some moves, along with different techniques. She wasn't the best, but she planned on getting better. She started working on dodging and blocking moves, and then moved on to offense and speed attacks. She could feel that the past month of training have payed off. She took a quick break with some water, and started over shin.
Edited By Isi on 3/10/2018 at 2:52 PM.
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