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Level 57
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 10:29 AM Post #71
More chaotic characters I may never use! Yay! XD

Name: Brian Oliver McGriffin (aka, The Bi Guy)
Age: unknown, but around 37-ish?
Gender: male
Sexuality: very bisexual
Personality: very stubborn and loyal. Sticks to what he knows and doesn't trust much else. Trusts a few, loves fewer. Won't give anything for other's thoughts on a topic if he has an opinion.
Fears: That the Souless will become too powerful; that he won't be able to do his job and protect his city.
Likes: Fishing, showing off, helping out
Dislikes: That kids are the ones arunnin' out there, doin' all the hunts, and gettin' their heads achopped off!
Strengths: He is physically and mentally strong, tough, and not one to be swayed in one direction or another unless it comes to sexuality.
Weaknesses: Is stubborn and won't adapt with the rest of the world.

Bondling Bear
Name: Arthur
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: Very cuddly and clingy, a very loving bear. Isn't afraid to spill the blood of his enemies, or those that hurt or threaten that which he cares about.
Fears: not being strong enough or brave enough or be able to protect enough
Likes: cuddles! Protecting others.
Dislikes: those sand snakes. Chaos and problems.
Core: Size manipulation. This bear prefers to stay the size of a chipmunk and hitch a ride on Brian's shoulder when they walk around. If the cave is threatened, however, Arthur will easily double the size of a normal bear and protect what is his. Arthur has armor which he changes size with him so he doesn't have to get new armor when he's smoll bean and then big bear. ^^


Name: Aasuu Kritana
Age: 47
Gender: female
Sexuality: chaos; had a husband, he died on a hunt, and she swears never to love another.

Personality: She worries a lot. She doesn't have to be worried about something big, just something, at all times. If she isn't worrying or anxiously awaiting some thing that even she doesn't know what it is, someone should start to worry for her.
Fears: She fears change and for the lives of her little ones, Khaalida and Daeril.
Likes: Khaalida, Daeril; the dark; being able to help
Dislikes: that Khaalida's response to her father's death is to go on hunts to continue his legacy; that Daeril's response to his father's death is to help in the healing hut where the festering wounds there are not something a boy as young as he is should be worrying about.
Strengths: She is a hard working creature, very loving and caring. Gains many friends when she helps.
Weaknesses: Is worried constantly, and that saps at her strength and, well, everything. Mental health is shaky, she is clumsy and sometimes says things that don't pertain to the topic you were just talking about with her.

Bondling Elephant
Name: Natasha
Gender: female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: loving, caring, and kind, but not afraid to pound you into the sands of the desert and leave you there for the buzzards to wonder where the corpse is.
Fears: Something sneaking up on her. Losing more of those she loves.
Likes: being with those she loves, knowing everyone is safe
Dislikes: not being able to see; others touching her
Core: Noise manipulation. Chaotic, if you think about it. Can amplify noises, or mute them.


Name: Noeul Sorenson
Age: 28
Gender: female
Sexuality: is afraid of getting close to people, so even if she does orient herself one way or another, it most likely won't happen.
Usually wears some beige, light weight, breathable but durable assassin-like garb.
Personality: Cold, bitter, out for blood. She is a Souless that is dangerous, cold, dark, and deadly. One has yet to meet her and survive to tell the tale. Has murdered before, and is trying to bond with the now Souless creature in hopes of gaining her hearing and powers back. Has gathered other Souless to join her in her quest for blood.
Fears: getting close to people (then having to leave).
Likes: Very little. Enjoys a good kiwi and banana. Rainy days bring her some joy.
Dislikes: Those that still have their Bondling; it isn't fair.
Strengths: Has a very keen sense of sight and smell.
Weaknesses: is deaf. Has vivd nightmares about a past she won't talk about.

Bondling Vole (deceased)
Name: Nova
Gender: female
Sexuality: asexual
Personality: Was a very simple creature that always looked out for others. When she was around, Noeul was also a lot more carefree and loving.
Fears: letting Noeul down. Fire.
Likes: warmth, contact, and kind words.
Dislikes: fights, cold, absence of others
Core: small control over wind, not that it matters any more.

Bondling Hawk (the one she caught; she used to have a vole)
Name: Jessica
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: She used to be fearless and bold. Now, she fears the slightest noise, afraid that it will be Noeul coming to punish her for one thing or another. Used to be confident, now she is extremely unsure.
Fears: Noeul
Likes: flying.
Dislikes: being grounded.
Core: weather manipulation (can whip up a sandstorm fairly quickly!)


Name: Jack (McGriffin, I guess, since Brian took him in)
Age: 7
Gender: male
Sexuality: he definitely likes males better
Personality: Patient, almost uncannily smart and calm. Is apprenticed to Brian, who is teaching him how to guard the cave in case Brian ever needs an extra hand or Jack grows up. Is cold and silent, some say he is mute since only a few, very close, people have gotten close enough to be spoken to by this small child.
Fears: No one knows what he is afraid of, he almost never shows fear since he finds that a weakness. However, this doesn't stop him from being deeply afraid of the Souless and doing anything to keep a distance of a mile between them and himself. He's also afraid of females for some strange reason.
Likes: cool nights, males, Brian, playing(even though he can act and say things in a more grown up way than a child his age usually does, he isn't afraid of a game)
Dislikes: females, starving, hot days,
Strengths: Keeps calm under stress, patient. Flexible
Weaknesses: He isn't strong and can't do everything, he's just a child for goodness' sake!

Bondling Vulture
Name: Xhso
Gender: female
Sexuality: asexual
Personality: hates to work, preferring to shadow other characters until opportunities to take the glory for herself arises. She circles these situations with impressive patience and has an uncanny ability to determine when the moment is ripe. Only when assured of a reward will she swoop in and take control.
Fears: Souless(not just the animals but the humans too), being separated from Jack, being dependent upon others
Likes: Jack, Mr. Brian, flying, hot days
Dislikes: cold nights, sticking to the ground, rules, her past
Core: Necromancer. Can raise or talk to the dead. Xhso uses her powers mostly to allow Jack to communicate with his dead family, all killed by Souless creatures. Still getting the hang of her powers.

Again, on all of them, they aren't my art/picture.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/20/2020 at 9:44 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 2:19 PM Post #72
I love them all!!!! Thats great though because I need characters for the other city too
Level 57
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 8:54 PM Post #73
^^ Thank you!! I can always make more characters if needed/wanted. OwO
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 5:33 AM Post #74
Always wanted 0w0
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 4:55 PM Post #75
Oh my, leave it to Scout to singlehandedly populate an entire city, wow. How are you soo good with balancing soo many characters.
I would die for the giant Bi scottish dad already (Also,, Praise you for having the gay brain cells to give him a bear, that's genius-) Also, we get to meet The Mom, oh gosh!! Let the found family trope roll, the one with the most adopted characters wins.

I think Destrier will get along especially swimmingly with Aasuu- or they will clash like falling buildings due to their similarities, but we will see. Oversized bondlings squad!

Also, you just gave us our first villain and I'm not going to lie, I am actually terrified now about the hunt. She's giving me some major Gobblers from His Dark Materials vibes and you better believe Dez will try to talk to her and probably get himself mauled in the process.
Level 57
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Posted: 12/20/2020 at 10:38 PM Post #76
Lol, I wish I could. An entire city needs more people, like the miser character that is always believing themself better than the rest or the haggling, conniving salesman who can't be trusted in any situation unless money is slipped into their hand and perhaps not even then, or maybe there still needs be that one unforgettable, calm, angelic like character that is always there to restore peace and keep a fight at bay. There's a lot more characters that can be added to make a city flourish. ;)
I don't balance them, not really. As I have done so far, I've only used a few at a time... Thank you, though, for your confidence in my abilities even while I may not. (I will get to replying to the rp as soon as I have sent this, hopefully.)

Aaah, let's hope I can meet expectations of my characters! Again, I'm not confident in my abilities to make them charming and come to life, lol.

Hopefully the two get along, there's no need to add more stress to the two's plates. :D I also love the metaphor. Again, I adore your amazing writing/style of writing.

I've never heard of the Gobblers or His Dark Materials, sorry if I don't meet expectations due to this. She will most likely maul him before he could get the chance to speak - he has a bondling and, according to Noeul, one of them will have to go. I must go about and create her side kick... Should she have the side kick be a Souless animal - apart from Jessica since Jessica isn't much of a help and can't be relied on in any situation in Noeul's perspective - or another human? I shall go scheme now. OwO
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/20/2020 at 11:14 PM.
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 8:35 AM Post #77
Gosh, even your bare character concepts are wonderful. If more authors put this much thought into published books, I tell you i would gobble up half the library arsenal for the world-building alone! Everything you do just feels soo alive.
I apologize for not being able to help you with the world-building through characters- I already proved myself to by a clinic info-dropper. I like focusing on one character (Well,, duo, in this case) and invest proper depth in them only, if I scattered by thinking across two then my stress would sacrifice quality for just getting the job done, if I wouldn't end up prioritizing one over the other- and yall would have to deal with double the amount of writing from me. I imagine I would have to supply you all with antidepressants to stop you from clobbering me to death once I inevitably get too talkative.

I understand that you're self-conscious about your writing (I am practically majoring it in so, mood) but trust me when I say that i adore it- Using just a few at a time is not the opposite of balancing, it's just smart thinking! If I would have over 3 names to write for, I would end up crying and taking a mental health break before finishing one. You already skyrocketed past my expectations and my confidence in you only soars, getting to read your and Katelynn's response is practically my main reason for getting out of bed in the morning. :D

Aaa, apologies, I act as if everyone read that masterpiece- to give you a short version, they are an evil organization who kidnap children and their "bondlings" with the intention of separating them. There are fetal consequences for that, but they brush those off the table. They have a strange relationship with their own bondlings that makes it look like they aren't really connected that is practically a parallel to what Noeul and Jessica have going on.

Hmm... With a proper soulless animal guard, you can unleash some feralness that a panicky hawk or Noeuls blades simply can't reach. I imagine it would also be easier than having to come up with an entire new personality since they are truly too far gone to be anything than a desire to hurt.
Meanwhile, with a human, you could make up for Noeul's hearing loss and maybe make them a double agent to feed her info from the inside- With that, you wouldn't have to bend over backward to explain why she's able to keep track of the party soo well. There's only so far tracking and spying from high above can take her.
You might also get to write an enemies-to-friends redemption arc once the person realizes that they actually grew to care about the party,. if that is your cup of tea, (I know its mine and that's why personally cheer for this one-) then you might want to go with that, if you can handle one more character.
Level 57
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 11:35 AM Post #78
Thank you! Not just characters create a world, though...
It's alright if you don't want or are unable to contribute through characters; we all have our own way of adding to the role play. I don't mind reading through your writing, I enjoy it.

I wouldn't want you to feel overwhelmed or anything with more than one character, so don't feel like you need to add more characters. I like to interact with everyone and so I tend to have a lot of characters.

Sounds interesting and a lot like what this is turning into... Oops. I don't want to take another's ideas/plot/etc.

Eh, I could pile more characters on my plate. I think I'll make another Souless human and perhaps, later, if things don't work for Noeul enough, I'll add a Souless animal.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/24/2020 at 4:24 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 3:37 PM Post #79
Level 57
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 4:43 PM Post #80
More characters!!! XD I may add more and never use them as I haunt everyone with the amount of characters I have.

Name: Riley Thomas Draconford
Age: 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual
Personality: A pretty chill and standoffish dude until provoked. He is a tiny bit - extremely - prideful and can be a pain to try to lead since he's a bit stubborn. Likes being in control even when he doesn't know what he's doing. He prefers books to people's company. Can be greedy and overprotective. For example, if you look at his boyfriend the wrong way, he will bite your face off; his boyfriend is his and no one else's.
Fears: Pyrophobia - fear of fire; Agoraphobia - fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment; fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn't be available if things go wrong.
Likes: praise, sparkly things, flying, being in charge, learning things and then being able to spout information.
Dislikes: fire, falling, when others are in charge, when others get what he wants.
Strengths: getting what he wants, being very scary and silent.
Weaknesses: prideful and stubborn. ...Blind I guess to help balance Noeul's weakness.

Bondling Bearded Dragon (deceased)
Name: Charles
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: He's the strong and silent type and Riley followed the little guy's stoic steps, becoming more distant from the rest of other humans while spending more time with Charles, who is really charming and sweet when gotten acquainted with. Charles had a tendency to be hot headed and this sometimes caused him to create chaos with fire when annoyed.
Fears: He is afraid of losing Riley.
Likes: being with Riley, rocky cliffs, soaking in the sun.
Dislikes: being cold and in the dark
Core: fire

Bondling Giant Hairy Scorpion (caught)
Name: Aidyn
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: Very quick to take note of things and assume they will go one way or another and instantly leap into action according to the guess.
Fears: Aidyn fears nothing but getting squashed by people and letting Noeul down.
Likes: Finishing the fight. Enjoys hunting and making others suffer. He really does love Riley, deep down, though he may never admit it willingly. He does enjoy Riley's company and adores the way Riley's eyes light up when he talks about something he learned and feels proud of him when he achieves something - even if it isn't something Aidyn had been rooting for from the beginning or at all.
Dislikes: Aidyn does not like the fact that Noeul paired him and Riley together. When Riley thinks he has control of the situation but obviously doesn't and Aidyn wants to take his 'Bondling' out right then and there. 'When Riley goes all soft when with that.. gah, I can't find a word that describes that lousy Azrail correctly! I can't figure out what he sees in him.' When Riley proves him wrong about reading and studying.
Core: Poison and acid

Name: Azrail Smith
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexualiy: asexual, demiromantic
Personality: He is friendly and accepting, but calm and not one to really talk. Some say he is mute, and if he is mute, then it is by choice. Azrail is very tender hearted, and can't bear to see anyone in pain, no matter who they are, what they are, what they've done, what they plan on doing, or what side they are on. An extreme push over, Azrail will do anything to make someone happy, bending over backwards to help anyone and everyone. Extremely trusting and is easily taken advantage of.
Fears: being abandoned, people forgetting about him, death,
Strengths: helping others, healing others
Weaknesses: knowing who to trust, he helps others without a second thought
Likes: helping other people, pleasing other people, making people happy
Dislikes: when people forget about him or degrade his ability - which happens often but he just doesnt want to admit it to himself - letting people down, death
Accessories: Usually wears some type of earring and bracelets.
Weapons(preferred): kindness and compromising

Bondling Red Panda
Name: Bliant
Gender: male
Sexuality: heteroromantic demisexual
Personality: Light hearted and cheerful, always there to help cheer and help you out. Cheers you on no matter what side you are on.
Fears: Is really afraid of the Souless but doesn't let his fear get in the way of him helping and caring for them if they need any.
Likes: serving others, seeing Azrail happy and therefore likes it when Riley comes to pester Azrail about going out on a date.
Dislikes: being away from Azrail, Aidyn and Riley at any other time.
Core: He can heal others, but tires easily, and cant heal himself and Azrail; can also inflict pain on others, though he hasn't figured this out and wouldn't want to use it anyway.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/21/2020 at 8:40 PM.
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