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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > What Style of Writing do you Prefer?
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Posted: 6/26/2017 at 9:42 PM Post #81
I actually got very into psychology because of the character I created, I wanted to be as accurate as I could with their personality and become pretty interested in psychology in general along the way ^^;
Was super hyped when I saw there was a Psychology class at my school last year

The character was not in the service, they were a victim to an unsuccessful murder where their limbs were cut then ripped fully off
Then the area they were left to die at was set ablaze

Would you mind me asking what that is like?

The demon actually saves them from their attempted murder, but takes residence in their body as payment(while they did take the opportunity of the danger to convince them to let him possess them, the demon also risked their life to save them)
(the first few chapters are spent introducing the world and these two characters, the demon in this time is trying to gain the trust of the protagonist so that they can get permission to take them as a host but before a better time comes up the protagonist is attacked)

All of them, from the shoulder down the arms and from a bit above the ankle their feet, and from the base their entire tail(they are not human btw, the main species is not human)
The demon is a shapeshifter and uses this ability to create for themself a scarf-like form that works as arms and hands whilst another character gave them peg's to walk on(technology isn't the best yet, older steampunk/magic later)

My writing is a planned path for a game I'm trying to create :)
The original plan was for them to die, but other ideas came to mind and the ending is still being worked on ^^;
If death ends up not being the ending then I might try to write a 2nd novel to it
The reason I mentioned the game part was because I decided I wanted to try a go at creating different routes and endings(good, bad, and in between)

Also I really like your ideas but they won't fit into what I have now

You're fine, I like being asked questions if I'm being honest X)
You don't need to talk about your story if you feel uncomfortable about it but if you would like to talk about it I would love to hear about it :)
Level 61
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Posted: 6/27/2017 at 9:45 AM Post #82

Well, that's good :) Can't have everything completely dark and dreary, it's rather difficult to develop characters if all you do is murder everything they care about lol.

Teach me your descriptive skills 0-0 I have an awful problem where my more elaborate descriptions always sound somewhat suggestive in nature regardless of the context ha ha.

Hmm, I think I'd overload myself with stuff to do if I tried it. I'll just make a note of it and leave it to the side for the moment. My parents are bugging me about getting a job over the summer, and I said I'd do commissions instead. I still haven't set it up yet, so I need to do that before they get mad and force me to find one lol.

As for the saying about something, I really don't know what they could say, it was sort of just an idea that they could comment about the changing stories. I really didn't think much about it before I said it lol. Maybe someone reacts in a certain way to one of them, and that prompts one of them to say something?

Tbh it didn't really hurt that much, I just got mildly annoyed because I had re-sort everything lol.

I haven't played it unfortunately (curse you i3 laptop and your terrible processing! I really want to play Dark Souls 3 ;-;). I mostly remember Fran, and some of the things the pills did, and also the style, with the somewhat mute colours. I think the plot involved her cat, and she had to go to these places and do a bunch of things to save him or something? I don't remember any of the side characters really at all, but yeah, I think there was a skeleton with a top hat... and a train? Didn't he have a train? At least, I think someone did.

In the last two years of secondary school, we didn't do a single Creative Writing class. All just analysis of poetry and text... you're lucky lol. We did have an after school club for it, but for some reason the teacher was insistent that we wrote something in about half an hour, which is really not my way of working, so I stopped going after a few weeks. We did have a better one run another year where we just generally wrote and shared it with each other and the teachers, but it was quite small and I think one of the teachers left so we couldn't do it any more :( If there's an extra thing I can attend at college though, I will definitely go to it.

It's the same with me lol. My prologues tend to involve the death of an important character to set up a lot of mystery, and they're probably the same length as most of my chapters. I think, for my main story, it starts on the wonderful note of someone being burned alive, then experimented on until they die (oh, and someone gets shot in the back of the head, point blank range). Also, I have this character simply known as Dr S. I always throw him in there to be mysterious, I seriously don't know what I'm doing with him, he kind of just seems to be there whenever something shady is going on ha ha.

Same, I can hardly even talk in front of 30 people. I become super awkward, hence why I never read my stuff out because it's easier for me to portray emotion through someone reading it. Also, my voice is really boring lol.

The problem is, the two characters, according to all of the lore and stuff, should not even be able to meet. Also, one of them makes literally no sense (Like come on, when you go through stages of insanity, your eyes bleed for no reason? Sounds like a terrible creepypasta ha ha. I think it's explained that he has a rare progressing disorder or something, but I think that's a bit of a lazy way to put it.), so I'd need to completely demolish almost everything about him and re-build it. The other one is fine, just a bit generic, I'd have to change some things about him too. I might just stick to drawing them instead rather than writing about them, for consistency's sake.

Actually, I did mention some highborn families during the story that were hoping to have their children marry into the royal family, so perhaps one of them gets angry that Aeraxus is supposedly with a human and wants to overthrow the monarchy to place their own? Rather than messing up the relationship between Tarro and Ervyik, since I kind of just want to leave it. Whether is would be successful or not, I don't know, but it would be an opportunity to either a) Kill off one or both of Aeraxus' parents (which I suppose is kind of foreshadowed that they may die in the beginning - Tarro says something about it) or b) Basically get Aeraxus exiled, meaning that he can be happy. Or both, if I want to go for a mixed ending. Also, I was doing some drawing, I do think that the idea of the sprite thing meeting Aeraxus and Mai at some point is a good idea, especially as it could serve as a nice moment at the end.

Thanks! :) Tarro is kind of a military person, I imagined that it would make more sense for him to be the one injured, since Ervyik is kind of the brains behind everything, if you get what I mean? And it's just a good way to show how close they are, and gives Ervyik a more meaningful reason to do what he does (since what he does could be viewed as purely evil. Because experimenting to find a human's weakness isn't exactly going to be kind lol).

I'm going to do that now. Xurai is the one who stabbed Tarro. And then Ervyik and Xurai meet... Nah, actually, if Tarro met Xurai, that would be better. It would show Tarro's compassion, as despite the terrible consequences, he has forgiven him for what he did.

There's going to be another Ori game? 0^0 *runs off to go find trailer*

Probably just missed a [/.i] somewhere lol.
Level 51
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Posted: 6/27/2017 at 12:30 PM Post #83
Ahh, I can understand that -it's good that you researched it all. Did you attend the psychology class? I didn't study psychology in college, really wish I did, though.

Hmm. It can be difficult at times, mainly due to the fact that people who aren't familiar with me tend to think I'm either stuck up or cold, so starting new relationships is hard. I'm likely to talk more when agitated. Though even then it's less than what others would probably say in situations like that. I'm also really blunt and to the point, which I believe to be a mixture of my functional mutism and the fact that I just prefer to be that way, which can also make me seem insensitive. It has caused quite a few of relationships to end as I wasn't always so quiet, I was bubbly as a child so when it all began to change the strain on the relationships I already had was evident. Though it more than likely comes from my mental health issues, I'm actually fairly comfortable with it. Though, I guess that may be the problem.

Oh, okay then. Wow. They've been through a lot then. Are you writing the attack? Or are you going to describe the attempted murder in a flashback style?

Also, is the demon trustworthy or are they trying to trick the protagonist?

I love steampunk, haha.

That's really cool. I've never actually considered making one of my stories into a game before, though it does seem fun. Are you going to have art done for it? Or are you going to do some art for it? Or is it a text adventure game sort of thing?

Haha, that's okay. Glad you liked them, though.

Hmm. I'll try and give you some minor bits, mainly from the history side of things.

There are five human-like species, two being a subspecies.

There are the Avicrian species who are considered to be the leader of all the species. There's also the Cynees species who though aren't the leading species, are a very close ally to the Avicrian species. Then there are the Giltian species who were, though the most intelligent out of all the species and the only one to have powers, made extinct by the other two species after a war broke out between the Giltian and the Cynees, due to the Cynees' hatefulness towards the Giltian species and all they stood for.

The Avicrian species had a choice to make during the war, side with the Cynees, the more brute-like of the species, or the Giltian species, the more calm, spiritual one of the species. They, of course, chose to join forces with the Cynees, leading to the extinction of the Giltian. Or so they thought, but that's to be explored within the story.

The two subspecies are the Prime Avicrian and the Unpure Avicrian. The Prime Avicrian subspecies are a combination of the Avicrian and the Cynees species. The Unpure Avicrian
subspecies is a combination of the Avicrian and the Giltian species. We'll explore the fact that there is no subspecies between the Giltian and Cynees species within the story.

The Prime Avicrian subspecies is considered above the Unpure Avicrian subspecies, and are usually the ones with the more high-end jobs, and are appointed to serve the Royal families of both the Avicrian species' kingdom and the Cynees species' kingdom.

The Unpure Avicrian subspecies is considered to be the lowest of all the species, and normally live on the outskirts of the Avicrian species' kingdom. They're left with the manual labour jobs, and paid little to nothing. Their living accommodations are rudimental, to say the least.

Our protagonist is of the Unpure Avicrian subspecies and is the personal maid/consort to the only son of the king of the Avicrian species. How she ended up in that position is, once again, to be explored within the story.

Hope that gives you some insight.
Edited By ToyaKazaki on 6/27/2017 at 12:31 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/27/2017 at 5:05 PM Post #84
(finally getting around to responding.. srry it took me so long to get back to you guys x3)

eh, idk i guess i'd consider myself edgy..? weird is kind of an understatement when describing me xD in my early childhood (toddler years) i was kinda violent in a sense. when i was a newborn, we were all still in the hospital, and my mom tried to feed me and i hissed at her like a cat. i believe my parents also told me i used to hiss and try to bite people's fingers whenever they tried touching me..? but to wake up my parents, (3/4 years old) i'd also used to pull on their eyelids and/or punch them in the eye. ah, and last but not least, around the same time, my older sister had brought over her friend's kid, who was about my age, to babysit. first off, i hate sharing because unlike most kids my age, i took care of my stuff and i didn't want to see anything get ruined. but he would not listen to a single thing i'd say. i asked him to stop messing with my toys several times, but he still wouldn't listen, so i picked up a plastic butcher knife from my play chef kitchen and charged him. i was screaming out of rage (yes, rage, i remember that clearly), and he was screaming out of fear. i never saw that kid again :D
anyway, now i'm not the stereotypical girl, in fact i rebel against the feminine stereotype as much as i can. no make-up, dresses, jewelry, anything frilly or pink, lacy, ruffly, bejeweled nor bedazzled in any way shape or form. (i kinda laughed at that part for some reason xD) and my least favorite color on the planet is pink. but, ironically, i never used to be that way. in fact, when i was 5/6 up until around 10, my favorite color was hot pink and i used to play with dolls and make-up, etc. basically, stereotypical girl stuff. i was also heavily into pop, like lady gaga and britney spears, etc., but now i usually only listen to rock/screamo/alternative metal. ah, and my favorite color is black o3o
edit;; i just remembered, i used to howl on the playground and pretend i was a werewolf a lot when i was 9 till around 11-ish. i still make random comments though, and random actions. like when i use classroom staplers to mimic the clicking of crab claws or my view of distaste on powerpuff girls (cheerleaders/other populars); with their pom-poms and mini skirts, always prancing about with a big smile on their face like their undies are woven from unicorn hair. or the time i commented on amarok's female moths hypnotizing ladybugs with their virgin abdomens. (which is true, just ask her. it was a long festival conversation not too long ago xD)

any who, now onto answering your questions;;

fanfiction;; i usually stick to sonic the hedgehog/avatar the last airbender/ 7th dragon. but, also, due to a certain someone, i was introduced to undertale (which i still haven't played yet). but going by what i've been told about it, i've created a couple characters with some rough drafts of backstories.

my anime/manga;; there's someone inside the project named Platinum. she's basically this half-human/half-robot cyborg that are called Droids in my series. she was donated to the project by her wealthy parents at six months of age due to her being born with a birth defect. so, the government basically started using cutting edge technology on her body and mind to mold her into this perfect business model to show their private investors. (they also gave her a job as secretary) she and her younger sister, Prisma are two of the only experiments not to undergo militant training. both are rebel sympathizers, and using her telepathy (which was gained through genetic experimentation of the mind), Platinum guides potential escapees through project grounds the best she can without getting caught. i've yet to decide whether her traitorous acts catch up with her or not, though. later on in the series, the daughter of the project's leader also acts a rebel aid.

also, thank you x3 later on, i'll make sure to share a riddle or two. i wish you guys luck in your endeavors as well

ah, also, i will be without internet access for at least two days starting tomorrow
Edited By Dial on 6/28/2017 at 11:25 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/27/2017 at 6:39 PM Post #85
I try to make sure that every time I write a sad scene for later I write a happy scene to even it out ;v;
Oh thank god, I'm going to assume I did okay at not making that sound suggestive then X)

Best of luck with that :)

Next time I'm writing little things out for later I'll keep that in mind ^^

Ah okay that's good

Oh yeah she was trying to save her cat, pills brought her to the other world that the friends she made were from and as the game went on you learn that the pills didn't make her insane but brought her to the other reality(I didn't play it either, but watched a few people play it)

It's a hard to get class usually for a school, and since it was seen as an easier class as the only homework/work at all was to write your stories/poetry/lyrics/plays/comedy/etc.
The 3 years before though was pretty much learning how poetry works and spelling and grammar and all that too though ):
If it's ever an option you should go for it :)

This is actually legit the first story I've ever seriously written so just starting the story this way is new ^^;
My favorite author has a character who's insane appear in a lot of their writing even if the world is different, they've connected the universe

It was a bit easier to convince myself to go in front of them because I really wanted the feedback and everyone in the class was pretty friendly(but at the same time too friendly so I never got criticism and I felt evil as I am pretty sure I might have been the only person saying anything that I thought should be changed or made suggestions)

Well if you think recreating them would benefit them then go for it ^^
If you'd rather draw them then that's also fine :)

Sounds like an interesting way to go if you decide to go in that direction :)
I tbh feel more attached than I should to them already though I don't know a lot and kindove hope they get a happy ending ;v;

I like how that sounds :)

Dude I have legit been crying I'm so happy that there is going to be another Ori game, everytime I watch the trailer I get chills
Ori and the Will of the Wisps :D
I actually found out because a Youtuber I watch made a beautiful little song for it :)

I took the class, it was interesting ^^;
(I liked what we were learning but a lot of the other students were disrespectful and not fun to be in the same class with, "MY sister was perfectly fine when she saw her sergeant die right in front of her, therefore everyone else who has experienced that should be fine")

Thank you for giving me details on it

I'm planning on hinting on what happened, I might eventually do a full flashback but the main reason I'm not actually writing it in full detail isn't because I'd have trouble doing so, but because of who the murderer is, I'm trying to keep their identity hidden for the moment(in that point of the story the POV changes over to the demon, who harshes through the flames to reach them and get them out)

They originally were trying to gain the trust of the protagonist to gain permission to use them as a host/body(so in the beginning of the story they are kindove untrusting as they don't feel any attachment to the protagonist yet?)
They are trustworthy though, they are incapable of lying but they may try to avoid details for the most part only to not stress the protagonist out

If I'm capable I'm trying to create an open world adventure rpg, I'm practicing drawing scenery and characters myself but for the moment my art is not the quality I want for what I'm trying to create so just writing the story and routes atm
(also the only system I have for working on atm is rpg maker, so need to find a better system too though for now rpg maker seems fine to try practicing coding on though I still need to figure out how to use it in the first place)

Your world sounds very interesting, best of luck writing it :)

oml x)
Nothing wrong with liking pink and frilly things just as there is nothing wrong with liking black :)

You should play it, the story is well told and beautifully executed :)

well good luck writing it :)

okay ^^
Edited By 99echosong99 on 6/27/2017 at 11:24 PM.
Level 51
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Posted: 6/28/2017 at 7:45 PM Post #86
I'm glad you found it interesting. I'd liked to say I'm shocked by what they said, but I'm not, some people are still in the mindset of 'stop whining, and suck it up'. Though, the fact that they were saying that about someone who served boils my blood. No one knows the mental anguish they all go through unless you've been in the service yourself, and I know for a fact someone who served wouldn't say something so messed up.

That's okay. Hope it was somewhat insightful.

Oh, okay. I can understand that. Is the person who tried to kill them someone close to them, or someone they know?

Got it. When they first met the protagonists, saved them and befriended them it was more of a selfish need than anything else, until they got to know them, and started caring for their wellbeing.

It's good that you're trying to make it all yourself, and it's nice to see your character design. I plan on making a visual factor of my characters but I haven't gotten around to it just yet.

What paint tool do you use?

I haven't gotten any tips on the coding side of things sadly, I've never been into coding -seems too complicated- and I've never needed to code anything myself.

Thanks. Good luck to you with creating your game.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/28/2017 at 11:09 PM Post #87
Yeah ):

The person who tried to kill them is going to interact with the antagonist and is more of a companion to the antagonist than the protagonist

Yes ^^

That would be cool :)

I am using dA muro's basic drawing tool for the most part and the blurring tool

Learning coding is difficult(for me at least, and I'm pretty sure I'm only learning the easiest kind)
It'll be something to be proud of(for myself at least) in the long run(if I figure out what I'm doing) but wow is it painful ^^;

Thank you too :)
Level 61
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Posted: 6/29/2017 at 3:04 PM Post #88
Sorry that it took a bit longer than usual to reply, my wifi decided to cut out half way through responding yesterday, and I wasn't in the mood for dealing with it so I just waited until today when it was fine lol.


Thanks! :)

Oh, right, yeah. Same - I think I watched Jacksepticeye play it, because I remember the voice he did really well lol. But yeah, it was somewhat confusing at points, until it started to explain everything.

We don't generally have many classes that are considered super easy, but since everything is being changed for subjects, we then won't have anything that can be considered easy (well, the year below us. We dodged a bullet there). I think some of the things are being moved from A-level to GCSE (basically, moving it down a level, with GCSEs being what you take at 15/16, A-levels 17/18), so there isn't going to be anything easier for those poor souls sitting them next year. I wish we had homework that easy. Ours was always 'write an essay on how author X presents thing Y', or 'Do this entire practice paper', and it's really dull.

It wasn't really like that for 3 years lol. Primary school was mostly for grammar and stuff, then maybe a year of secondary school, and then we just did general creative writing for about a year (some beyond that point, but literally nothing two years before now). And my teacher for the last two years was not helpful at all - I gave her my main story to read, and her only comment was "You have a creative imagination" :/ Not really very useful criticism lol.

I certainly will, if I have the time. Then I'll be able to share everything I write - in the last club, I was the oldest there, I think everyone else was about 12-14, so the teachers would have killed me if I showed them anything XD .

Really? From what I've heard, it sounded to me like you generally write a lot lol.

Oh, ok. I assume they have a reason to be there, other than 'introductory exposition character whose only purpose is to be shady' ha ha. I will eventually think of a reason behind why he keeps showing up. Though the whole story line continues on over hundreds of years (over multiple books, obviously), so eventually he will die/ vanish... or I could make him even shadier and make him immortal, so he keeps appearing and nobody knows why. Though he has to survive a nuclear apocalypse to do that, so maybe not.

Yeah, I tend to have a problem with thinking people are being over-nice. Whenever one of my friends comes back to me and says "That was great!", I always answer with "Are you sure? Anything I could improve?" (which is usually answered with a no, but ultimately it depends on who I'm asking). Sometimes I'll go so far as to ask people to be really cruel with a review, and pick out even the slightest of things, purely to get them to say something about it. I have zero self-esteem, so if anyone every compliments my work I tend to be really sceptical lol.

I'll have to think about it. To be honest, the relevancy that one of them had was all in the past (before the story itself), so bringing him back isn't really necessary because he's probably locked underground somewhere in a mental asylum for those who are too dangerous to keep with others. Though maybe I could work him into a scene, since there is one detail he would be able to offer something about (he's not in a constant state of insanity; he's actually quite reasonable and even concerned for the effects of his mental health on others usually). But the other one really does not have a reason to exist, except for maybe as a short mention since he influenced the downfall of the other guy's mental state. Idk. So yeah, drawing them will probably be the most I get out of those two, unless I give them backstories more useful to the plot.

Well, it all depends on what mood I'm in when I get to the ending. If I'm in a "I hate the world and everyone in it" mood, then it's probably going to be terrible. Let's just hope that I'm not feeling like that, and that I'm fairly happy. Also, I'm glad to hear that you feel attached to them :) It's good to know that, after not really much development at all, that they're already likeable, since there still is further development to go. And also, I know how much it's going to hurt when the bad things happen >:D. I kind of feel the same way about them too, I might make myself cry while writing ha ha.

I just watched it, oml! *flails with happiness* The animation and graphics are still as beautiful as ever, and love the bit where Ori is with the little owl. I need to get it when I get my gaming machine in August 0-0 If it's released then.

You like Dan Bull too? I'll listen to it later, I don't really want to turn my drum and bass playlist off just yet lol.



I was fairly normal until sort of 12-ish, then I became ridiculously edgy for some reason, and now, most of it has worn off... *stares at avatar* Well, not quite. I think the worst thing I ever did when I was 4/5 was that I swore because I was trying to look smart and say a word that I thought no-one else knew. We were learning words beginning with 'sh'... and you can probably see where this is going ha ha. Though that wasn't that bad (even though it was in front of the headteacher XD); I never really punched anyone (and I still haven't, surprisingly enough. I just tend to talk to people about why I don't like them, unless they really push me to shouting at them, but my words are generally well-placed with just enough harshness to get an equally as good message across as punching them). Though I really don't make it very obvious that I don't like someone, because I'm generally still nice to them anyway lol.

I don't really hate any colours in particular (except for puce, that colour is really awful), but pink is one of those colours where it takes a very special exception for me to not mind it. I have a few characters that use pink, but it's usually combined with black or white or some others colours that I generally like more.

As for my taste in music when I was younger, I don't really remember it well, but I think at about 11/12 I started listening to dubstep, and since then it's been all over the place, from heavy metal, to electro, to glitch hop, and to the current one, drum and bass (not saying that I don't still enjoy some of the aforementioned genres - the song I'm listening to right now is metalstep, a blend between dubstep and heavy metal, though it's the only one out of the entire genre that I like ha ha).

I used to do something similar, but I used to pretend to be a dragon lol. I can still make the same sound as I used to, but it really kills my throat (also, its deeper, and somewhat more menacing (though not really because I'm probably the least intimidating-looking person) now ha ha). No idea how I managed to keep it up for quite a while at a time, I do remember my teachers telling me that I would strain my throat or something if I kept doing it lol.

My random comments tend to be a little offensive/ rude, especially when I'm tired XD I won't repeat any of them, but yeah... I remember making one unintentional joke, and then just dying of laughter after realising what I'd just said. One of my friends gave me this blank stare for about half a minute beforehand, and I didn't get it for ages lol. All I will say is that it involved barbecue sauce (feel free to let your imagination run wild with that one).

What kind of fan-fiction? Is it like AU stuff, or generally things that stick closely to canon?

Oh, ok, so she sympathises with those who were taken in, and isn't fond of the government because they essentially took away who she was (even though what she was was troubled with a defect)? Or is it because the process of the modifications was painful/traumatising? Or is there another reason, like she hates being shown off like she isn't human, or that she wants more out of her life?

I'm terrible at solving riddles lol, but yeah, sure, I'd love to hear some!

Thanks! :)

That's fine.
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 6/29/2017 at 4:21 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/29/2017 at 11:16 PM Post #89
oh dear, all good mate I feel that


I think I watched gtlive play it first(watched a few 'tubers since I like seeing the different reactions)

Homework like that was every other english class but as in class work X)
I actually enjoyed writing the essays surprisingly enough though because I loved exploring into the writing and why it was written(this does not go to all essays regarding books but science fiction was a fun category to explore)
The creative writing teacher would also write you some comments on the writing but unfortunately instead of saying things that could make it better it was about the line spacing and such more often than not and just little comments like "a demon!" "they are friends?" "main character is _____"
My creative writing teacher actually went against the school rules though to make sure we had freedom in what we wrote, weren't supposed to have gore and such or serious themes such as******, descriptive death, stalking, lgbt, etc.

I write a lot more now, almost non-stop all of last year especially but yeah just around a year for this story ^^;
It's very easy to write the story of a character you genuinely can fall in love with man, for the first time in my life writing felt so simple, I knew what I wanted to do, and I just had to figure out how to reach it
I've just read a disgusting amount of books and other peoples' writing *cough* fanfiction *cough* most everyday and the few times I tried writing before I couldn't get myself to like my protagonist at all nor could I think of a good plot, it was all extremely cliche and I kept having the protagonist who was alive for maybe 2 pages sacrifice themself to some random bs and I would actually cry because man sacrifices got to me and of course this 3 page story would become a best seller

same, I can't get myself to trust a comment is sincere ^^;

Yeah their character is actually possibly god I have no idea tbh I never read the book that may have revealed it if it ever was but he acts dumb and almost gets himself killed all the time so all the (usually)very self dependent main characters look down on him then he does does some insane ability helping the protagonist insanely and then they look at him like "..wth are you"

Have fun with them :)
Even if nothing makes sense with them anymore ^^

Well if you do decide to ruin their happy ending then write that ending till it makes you cry! If you decide to make the ending not so happy then I hope that it makes the reader feel betrayed as all hell and emotional at least X)

It's so beautiful man, I started crying when Ori came and hugged Kuro's child ^^;

Nice :D

Yeah I like Dan Bull :)
Understandable x) Oh have you ever listened to electro swing by any chance?
Level 61
Joined: 2/17/2016
Threads: 4
Posts: 386
Posted: 6/30/2017 at 10:07 AM Post #90

It tends to cut out a lot for no reason lol. Usually it's not a problem, but my ethernet cable isn't working, I think I may have accidentally pulled it out of the wall or something. Nevermind, just tried that, maybe the cable is damaged :( I'll have to find a spare one later.

I sometimes watch GTLive, it depends on whether I've seen the game before or not. I don't usually watch people play the same game, unless it's a game with multiple routes and things to do. I usually watch Game Theory/ Film Theory just for the theories, OneyPlays/ Game Grumps for the commentary that goes over the top of the games (usually not related to the game though), and NerdCubed/ Jacksepticeye/ Markiplier for the games with commentary more likely to be related to the game. It mostly depends on which game I think is going to get the best reaction from which YouTuber.

Oh, ok lol.

Our essays were always the same thing though - the same questions, just for different texts. It was always in the format "How does author X use language and/or structure to make the reader feel ____?", and there's only so much I can take before I get fed up about writing the same rubbish about metaphors over and over again. Though to be fair, I do feel like I get a little bit more out of reading and pick up on things better after all that being drilled into my brain, but that's probably because I don't try and draw the tiniest, most absurd things out of every word (and I'm not talking a simple 'curtains are blue because the character is sad' scenario, I'm talking about 'they're blue because blue represents grief, so maybe someone close to him died. It could also symbolise the sky, meaning that perhaps he too wants to die, or maybe he looks for freedom from what we can assume to be a terrible lifestyle because of adjectives X, Y and Z'. You'd probably even have to go further than that to get top grades too, it's ridiculous 0-0). I'm not sure how much it affected my writing though lol, I tend to add things in unintentionally and then realise later how much of a good idea it was to add that. For example, in my story, there's just been a scene where the main characters played a board game. It was intended to just be a moment where Ereyse discovers what Tarro was talking to Aeraxus about, but then my friend pointed out that it shows how close they are, as Aeraxus is almost entirely predicting her moves in the game, and recognising parts from his style that she has copied. And I was like "Oh yeah... good point. Didn't even realise lol."

Wow, those rules are quite strict. Our teacher basically just told us "As long as it can be read by someone of your age, you can write it' (still kind of restricting for me, since I write stuff that goes way beyond PG-16, but still it's somewhat fair). Though in our old creative writing club (the one before the 'meh' one with the younger students), we could write literally anything, with as much violence, swearing, gore and other mature themes as we wanted. I certainly didn't hold back on the gore factor, but there was someone else who wrote a story involving suicide, alcohol abuse, and basically every other mature theme, and the teachers didn't care. Technically, we weren't breaking the rules, because it's not against the rules to write stuff like that, it's just preferred that you don't (especially in exams), but there aren't any punishments for doing so, the teacher will probably just encourage you to tone it down a little. Also, LGBT is on the list? Why's that?

I think I mentioned it to someone else (can't remember if it was you or not) that I've been working on my main story for 4 years now lol. It has 4 drafts, each around 40 pages long (one of them is missing though, I need to find it), starting from when I was 12 and it was too edgy to be real, to now, where it's a lot more sensible and mature.

Yeah, I completely agree. It can be a little draining to write as a character you don't like (this is mostly my problem in a collaborative story I'm currently writing, but I suppose I can just channel my inner hatred into that, it makes it much easier lol), but then I suppose it feels better when you go back to writing as someone you like. I think that's why I'm finding it easy to write the romance story, since I like Aeraxus a lot as a character, whereas I'm struggling to write another because one of the POVs is a character who I really hate, because he hates the main main character, whom I like (even though he's a coward and practically useless, but it makes sense for him to be like that in the context of the story).

I used to read a lot when I was younger (less so now though, since I have less time - considering that I get up at midday at the moment because I'm really lazy, come on Sylestia for a few hours, draw, write, and play Skyrim all in one day, I don't really have much time left lol), and I was somewhat ahead of the level we were supposed to be at because of it. As for fan-fiction, I don't actually read it - I'm subscribed to a YouTube channel that reads it, because it's often better if you can hear someone else's thoughts at the time (even though 90% of the fan-fictions that he reads are terrible, but it just makes it funnier then), though generally fan-fiction related to things I like/ care about doesn't interest me, because things that aren't canon tend to bug me, both in my own writing and things I read (because then it feels like the whole thing was for nothing, since it didn't technically change anything). Though fan-fiction of things I don't know about is ok, provided it's either a) so bad it's good or b) generally very well written, so I can understand what's going on with no prior knowledge of the thing it's about. Which reminds me, I still need to read that one you recommended to me.

Yeah, some of my early writing was quite cliche (or just deliberating the opposite of every cliche ever, which basically meant it didn't really work because I didn't think about doing anything else), but back then I never really felt attached to any of my characters because they were kind of flat personality-wise, so I really didn't care enough about killing them. But I had the same attitude with the whole 'best seller' thing ha ha, because for some reason I didn't recognise that if I didn't care about the characters, then readers probably wouldn't.

Oh, ok. This guy that I've invented has literally nothing about him so far, though I think maybe leaving him vague to even myself is a good idea (even though it's quite a lazy thing to do). I do think he has a backstory, because I recently unearthed an old drawing of him, but again, it's not obvious as to how it links to his motives. One day, I shall take the time to think about it. One day.

I will >:) *maniacal laughter*

Certainly. People will be calling for my head on a spike if I do make that decision, but still, it'll be worth it (provided that it ties in correctly). Already, with the whole Ereyse getting burned alive until she's deformed thing, I have a feeling that it may not go in a particularly pleasant direction, as I will assume that the group who did that will probably strike more than once. I could make it so much worse and darker than that, but nah, I'm not feeling evil enough to completely destroy everything.

They both look so adorable, I can't wait to see what they do in terms of game mechanics with them teaming up (or, perhaps Ori simply protects the owl, but again, it would be interesting to see what they do with that). Also, just realised I'm broke lol (because I really needed 80 different colours of markers, when I've never used markers before... dammit brain!), I'm going to have to save a lot.

Which is your favourite Dan Bull rap? I don't really remember many of them very well, I should really go back and listen to them again lol. I think when I used to listen more frequently to him (probably about 2 years ago?), it was the one about creepers or something? I didn't really listen to all of his raps, just a select few. I didn't like the lyrics, but the pacing and stuff was what made me like it.

Yeah, my friend encouraged me to listen to some when it was his favourite genre. It's one of those genres where I only really like a handful of songs, I'm just not really the biggest fan of songs that take influence from jazz and older styles of music (Though saying that, I do like Nu Disco. Maybe it's the jazz element that mostly puts me off).
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