Forum Index > General Discussion > Temple Tracking - Fortune Festival
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Level 75
Joined: 8/21/2013
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Posted: 3/19/2022 at 9:45 PM
Post #1
I was already planning on sticking in Temple to raise/rank pets and since the current drops are on the rare side I figured I'd post what I find here to give players an idea of whether it's worth it or not for them to play in Temple instead of the rest of the Grove.
As a note, Maeve cannot be encountered in the Temple, which is already a deterrent for anyone looking to grind in Temple.
My current battle path let's me do 30 battles before returning to the entrance, so I'm currently running these first few days at 600 battles per day.
Day 1 (3/17): Leveled the water and fire pet for training, went over 600 battles and didn't track and wandered in other parts of Grove - so not including the first day's results. Both pets start at Day 2 with 500 battles (183 battles unique to each pet).