Is there a year that Sylestia is played in, and if so, when?
Another question: Is there a specific planet this is on?
In general, I would like to know the lore of Sylestia!
Edited By 5341ace on 4/23/2022 at 4:02 PM.
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Posted: 4/24/2022 at 12:55 AM
Post #2
(Warning: Possible spoilers for the Lost Grove and a spring event from like two years ago that was really cool)
I've been playing for over two years, and if there's any really specific lore like that, it's either well hidden or was released so long ago that only the oldest players here are aware of it, so I'm not the person to ask with anything specific (nor do I remember the original story quest things from Esior's Haven at this point :.D).
There's detailed lore about the different Sylesties, if you go to the Generator and click "View list of species". From there you can click on each individual species and read about them from there!
As for general Sylestian lore, all we really have are the stories we encounter while exploring. Sylestia appears to just be a fantasy world, think something like Lord of the Rings (which it seems to be at least slightly inspired by). And we seem to be fairly far along in that world's time. The Lost Grove, for example, is suggested to be an alternate dimension where Ferrikkies hadn't gone extinct. In the "real" timeline, they had, and have been reintroduced via the portal with the Lost Grove. Some events have had some lore of their own, the...easter? event a few years back introduced the rivalry between the Frostkeeper and Dawnbreaker aeridinies and the new theme created by their reconciliation.
There's also some bits and pieces collected from chats with Krin, probably written by SpaceElf1, Unstaeble, and/or Aelingalathynius? I know I've seen a whole page of screenshots somewhere but I can't remember who wrote them.
Sylestia is still in Beta and there's still LOADS more stuff to be released! But as far as coding is concerned it's a one man band here and poor Krin is still trying to get all the current features standardized before releasing the remaining regions, and that's while balancing festivals, contests, species revamps, and other general updates and bug fixes. I honestly don't know how he does it all.
We honestly need a wiki to keep track of the current storylines at least. Flight Rising has one.
TL,DR: Not really, all we have are the stories found while exploring. There's detailed lore about the species, and some stuff from fests. But Sylestia is far from completed so that could all change!
Edited By Slytherin7 on 4/24/2022 at 12:56 AM.
Level 33
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Posted: 4/24/2022 at 1:13 PM
Post #3
Thank you for that information, I will keep that in mind!
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