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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Rp with Dragonsrcool54
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Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/2/2022 at 6:39 AM Post #1
~My Character~

Guinevere Whitehead also known as Gwen

Name:Guinevere 'Gwen' Whitehead

Age (around 16-20): Twenty years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual Demiromantic

Family: Cordelia Whitehead [mother] Arthur Whitehead [father]

Backstory (optional, but useful): Guinevere was born in the region now known as galar to her parents unfortunately Guinevere mother tragically lost her life during child birth leaving her father a man called Arthur a widow, Arthur raised Guinevere for many years but wantedna fresh start as their home region remained him of his wife so Arthur and Guinevere later moved to the Hisui region where Arthur became a night guard. While her father was unpacking Guinevere wanted to explore the village that was now her home she soon left Jubilife Village while guards were distacted and became extreamly lost somehow ended up in Alabaster Icelands and was missing for several days until The Galaxy Expedition Team found her one week after she was reported missing close to death and extremely cold with a strange pokemon (zora) wrapped in a scarf in her arms thankfully Guinevere convinced them to ket her keep the pokemon

Home Region: Galar

-Oshawott [Male]: Guinevere starter pokemon given to her by the professor
-Hisuian Zorua [Female]: Zorua is technically Guinevere first pokemon after she found the injured zora when she first arrived to Jubilife Village
-Hisuian Electrode: caught in the wild area after the Then voltorb shocked Guinevere when she was looking for medical suppiles
-Shinx [Male]: Guinevere caught this pokemon outside her house unfortunately Shinx was a wild pokemon that the towns pokemon chased around fearing he might be dangerous due to lack of knowledge of pokemon in this time
-Eevee [Female]: Guinevere caught this pokemon in the wild area
-Gible [Male] This pokemon was given to Guinevere as a present by her father hearing from the corps that they loyal and protective pokemon unfortunately that isn't 100% true though Gible is loyal he's prone to biting people
Note: later catches a female Vulpix and a Male Hisuian Qwilfishin the Rp unfortunately I'm not a fan of the Hisuian 'starters' final evaluation redesign

Appearance: Guinevere is a young woman with light Caucasian coloured skin and bright green colured eyes and freckles she also gas extremely long white hair reaching down to the middle of her back with an average slim build she is around five ft six in height and always seen wearing a necklace that belonged to her mother

Personality: Guinevere is a kind and caring individual who selfless and rather quiet though Guinevere is extremely emotional known to get angry or upset easily and prone to jealousy especially when it comes to people she has romantic feelings towards and protective of her pokemon and loved ones she also rather shy until she comfortable with people

- Guinevere mother was a woman called Cordelia who tragically died during childhood a common occurrence due to the lack of good medical kills (as its many many years ago) unfortunately the only thing Guinevere has of her mother is her mother necklace that is passed down from each generation mother to daughter and Guinevere inherited her mothers hair colour

Note: Arthur face claim is Shintaro Midorima from Kuroko's Basketball while Cordelia face claim is Irisviel von Einzbern from Fate/Zero and Guinevere was made by this amazing person

Edited By Apache on 8/5/2022 at 8:10 AM.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 8/2/2022 at 7:24 AM Post #2
Name: Alexis (Alex) Draconi

Age (around 16-20): 18

Gender: female

Sexuality: bi

Backstory (optional, but useful):

Home Region: i would say Paldea (the Gen 9 region) but its not out yet lol, so ill say Hoenn.

Pokemon: she arrives in the region with a Bagon named Menace, and just for fun, it has a Salamancite. im not sure about my final team, but i know itll have a Hisuian Goodra and will likely be all reptiles.

Appearance: she basically looks like a Chinese girl, with black hair that goes down to her butt, a nice figure, and normally wears a T-shirt and shorts (sometimes jeans if its on the cooler side). her eyes are a shocking blue-purple (the same color as the dragon type symbol in the games). shes 5' 4", and is both muscled and tanned from constant exercise (basically almost as muscled as, say, Bea from SwSh).

Personality: shes super sweet, and loves all pokemon. she has a heart of gold and will care for her freinds no matter what. she hates the cold, but likes snow and Ice type Pokemon.

Other: shes got a key stone so she can mega-evolve Menace when he becomes a Salamance. she also loves studying myths and pokemon, especially legendaries. her favorite pokemon are the Hoenn Legendary Trio, because theyre awesome. it has Godzilla, a round Mosasaurus, and a chinese dragon. its cool. and to make things interesting, she also arrives in the region with 5 modern-day Pokeballs, which shell use for her team members.
Edited By Dragonsrcool54 on 8/4/2022 at 1:44 PM.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 8/4/2022 at 1:45 PM Post #3
Just added my character here :D
Level 61
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Posted: 8/4/2022 at 2:05 PM Post #4
TheHisuiregion which the world now knows as the Sinnoh region in the time period 1868-1875 a beautful place filled of beautiful ancient buildings, culture and kimonos


A young kind looking woman with long pure white hair walked into the village of Jubilee carrying a handmade bamboo basket with freshly picked Sunflowers she was going to make it for a bouquet to put in her living room as these were her favourite flowers as well as some Medicinal Leeks she picked herself for her injured Zora who was still recovering and lastly a large loght brown cloth bag packed full with Apricorns andTumblestone she collected for professor Laventon who qsked her to collectsome he nedded and unfortunately she was the only free at the time . the white haird female stranger wore a plain light/pastel Pink kimono and Aaron like most of the peope in Hisui who wasnt part of the corps soon she arived at the gate "good afternoon Mr Takami and Mr shimada i hope the day has done you well" she said greetings the two guard ls who returned the greetings and let her pass though knowing the girl well and she wasn't a threat and she walked inside after returning she been asked to collect the pokeball ingredients for the professor and enjoyed earning money by completing missions. The woman walked towards the misson/quest board (Pretend there's one outside for this Rp) to see if anyone had posted anything new before she visited the professor but unfortunately found nothing ahe could safely complete
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 8/16/2022 at 11:28 AM.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 8/4/2022 at 7:50 PM Post #5
(Sure ok)

She then heard a strange sound, like a crack in the sky.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/5/2022 at 6:26 AM Post #6
The woman who was called Guinevere due to her white hair Genevieve actually means white phantom or white spirt which actually match have white hair very well. Guinevere grasped and looked up in the sky stepping back in suprise and turned towards the sound that came from the mountain known as Mount Coronet she heard stories about that mountain from ghosts and if they're to an actual god that like to rest up there a beautiful temple but she never saw ghosts or god from her bedroom windowthat always faced the mounting (she could see mountain clearing from her room) and gasped seeing the Mount Coronet, but its peak has a creppy and frightening strange phenomenon circling above it "by the stars!" She said shocked various people began to panic and became scared reaxting negatively, worried she ran home but when she arrived her father wasn't there "thats right he's in the crimson mainlands" she said to herself when Guinevere's injured pokemon a white and red female zoura became so scared she jumped from the carry sash that Guinevere had on her back back and ran to Prelude Beach for some reason the Pokmon watch onto the beach like fight what time her and and Genevieve towaeds that location Guinevere gasped and followed the pokemon soon getting to Prelude Beach "little one come back..... hey please wait" she called out in distress this was no time for an injured Pokmon to be running around when the world could be ending. Genevieve turned around and ran after her Pokmon dropping her basket along the way it's contents scattering on the floor soon finally she arrived at the beach and picked up the injured Pokmon
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 8/16/2022 at 11:37 AM.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 8/5/2022 at 7:36 AM Post #7
she then saw something falling, leaving a bright trail in its wake. it was like a shooting star, but it was falling to the earth. then it crashed onto the edge of Prelude Beach, kicking up a lot of dust and sand, and causing a glass crater due to the heat of the impact.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/5/2022 at 8:04 AM Post #8
Guinevere was completely and utterly surprised so surprised she could barely at a single word how could she reacted any other way see you in the person fall out from the sky and crash on the ground straight in front of her leaving a giant crater she was scared she just witnessed a dare you never seen someone die before. It was a good few minutes before Genevieve manged to clam Down from her initial eternal shop and look around for some help but soon realised that there was no guards or anyone in the area aurora might be close you could get with no other choice she slowly walked towards the Creator to Hope in that perhaps you didn't see it right and it was just some sort of meteorite like she read aboutin books as a small child. Guinevere looked at the rift in the sky briefly wondering if whatever had crash in front of her had came from that unfortunately it seems really made the most sense despite how in logical and strange it seemed after all all this started happening when the Rift opened, nrvously she walked towards the Creator and appeared in keeping her guard up incase something tried to attack her after all I really had no idea who what was in that creator it could be absolutely anything and with the events going on it really could be anything

// I should start playing the song it's the End of the World as We Know It it's really fitting XD
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 8/16/2022 at 11:42 AM.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 8/5/2022 at 10:06 AM Post #9
(ah yes, the crater is GOD thanks to typos)


there was a person in there. a girl, in strange atire, with red and white orbs clipped to her lower garments. this was strange.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/5/2022 at 10:17 AM Post #10
//Auto correct is a pain a massive pain especially when it changes words that aren't even in the English dictionary wouldn't even make sense in this sentence
//wait Alexis is representing the protagonist/player correct, and the player didn't have pokemon they was meant to catch the first one I'm confused considering you didn't want anyone else to officially have any Pokmon it just seems a bit odd you're breaking 'the rule' yourself

Guinevere gasped her eyes widened it appeared that what she first saw and all had landed was true it was a person and they still look like they could be your life no physical injuries or ailments at all it seemed really lucky most people get a scrape just on tripping over pebble person hot the ground from the sky without single scrach. Guinevere started to frantically panic "H-hey someone help" she called out hoping someone was close enough to hear screams and panicked voice after all someone else had to see this right they fell from the sky someone else had to see this she couldn't be the only one. Guinevere despite that little boys telling her to leave and get help climbed into the hole crater towards the strange girl and her strange clothing attire she obviously wasn't from this area perhaps not even from this whole country she never seen clothing like this before it seems almost alien amd was odd showing that much skin in public (due to timeline and how everyone else was dress in the games). "Excuse me...miss?" She said really unsure what else to say at what could you really say in a strange peculiar situation Guinevere knelt by the girl she chucked for a pluse and realising the girl was alive she checked her for injuries "can you hear me, please wake up" she said obvious distress and concern blaze in her voice and written on her face could this day get any more weird
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 8/16/2022 at 11:49 AM.
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