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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > Drakonis' Projects
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 12/9/2022 at 8:05 AM Post #1
Please do NOT post, thanks!
Feel free to PM me if you're interested in any of my projects :)

Drakonis' Projects

Finally decided to make a thread to organise all my projects and stuff. Hopefully, this will help me when I get lost and forget what I'm supposed to do next XD

My projects will include 6-vis max stats and even super stats, both themed and not themed. As of now, I have only two completed max stats projects lol. All offspring will be sold infertile.

Already set-up Max Stats found here:

Some non-max stats, and (somewhat) close to max stats, 6-vis purebred themes sold much cheaper in here:

Payment forms:
Currency: Gold, diamonds (1 diamond: 2000 gold)***
Greater pet dyes (value at 100k gold)***
Prismatic Philters (value at 50k gold)***
Philters of Mana and Health (value at 25k gold each)**
Philters of Themed Disruption (value at 200k gold)*
Philters of Gender Swapping (value at 150k gold)*
Certain trait disruptors/scrolls (depends)*
(might add more stuff)

Those with more stars (*) indicate that I have higher interest in them, but any combination of items and currency works as payment (with exceptions such as if I currently don't really need the item). For items, I will only be accepting tradable ones.

If any of these projects interest you, feel free to PM me. The higher the interest, the more priority the project will be given ;)

Also, thank you very much to anyone who has given me breeding rights to your pet(s) with certain traits I needed. It has helped a lot with my projects, and I'll be happy to give y'all discounted or even free offspring if interested :)

Prices and Discounts

Have decided to price all (with few exceptions^) 6 vis, maxstats purebred themes at 300k each.

Discounts (only apply to pets you are buying at the same time):

1 for 300k gold [default price]
2 for 550k gold
3 for 750k gold

(haven't quite confirmed the discount system yet, so it's currently still subject to change)

^ examples of exceptions include themed projects that have restricted traits, and old themes with new traits (eg. candied griffi project. Had to use a bunch of philters of trait disruption to get the butterfly wings). These may be slightly more expensive.

Edited By Drakonis on 7/15/2023 at 3:33 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/9/2022 at 8:05 AM Post #2
Edited By Drakonis on 12/11/2022 at 9:44 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/9/2022 at 8:59 AM Post #3
Completed Themed Projects


Frost Touched Griffi
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Price: 300k gold
Pair: Frosty the Griffi & Frostine the Griffi


Rainbow Carrot Ferrikki
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Price: 300k gold
Pair: King Daucus & Queen Carota

Edited By Drakonis on 7/15/2023 at 3:29 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/10/2022 at 3:05 AM Post #4
Completed Personal Projects
none atm
Edited By Drakonis on 12/10/2022 at 3:12 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/10/2022 at 3:05 AM Post #5
Edited By Drakonis on 12/10/2022 at 3:11 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/10/2022 at 3:05 AM Post #6
Ongoing Themed Projects
note: I did not design any of these lovely themes. In fact, I have yet to design any themes :')


Almost Completed (Maxing Stats)


Northern Star Ferrikki
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: 300k gold
Status: 6-vis completed; Stating on hold

other possible traits: M1 AA (though I'm trying to get rid of them as I personally don't like puffy tail), M3 GG

Notes to self:
Polaris pair
Cynosura pair (need girl with hidden)


Mulled Wine Griffi
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: 300k gold
Status: 6-vis completed; Stating on hold

Notes to self:
Glogi pair
Gluhwein pair

Edited By Drakonis on 8/7/2023 at 7:27 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/10/2022 at 3:12 AM Post #7
In Progress (breeding till 6 vis)


Ladybug Aeridini
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Almost max traits! My 5v 1c pair just refuses to breed a 6v baby :')

Notes to self:
King Buggieful x Princess Buggieful
King Monarch x Princess Monarch
Mr sparrowless & Princess Sparrow
Prince & princess buggie

King & Queen Coccinella


Brilliant Sunset Ferrikki
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: 5cs and 6cs

Notes to self:
have all the traits I think. Rikkis are found here:
King Sunset x Princess Sunset
Sun x floofie girl
King & princess Brilliant
Prince & princess sunny
brilliance + Sundance


Candied Griffi
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: 350k gold
Status: 4v 2c achieved

Notes to self:
Mr x Ms Honey
Princess Sugarpie x King Sugarpie
Mr x Ms Candy
Sweet Tooth x Flowers


Fig Wasp Lighira
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Have all the traits, but mostly just 3c pets

Notes to self:
Prince and Princess of Figs
Queen Figgie x Prince Figgie
Prince Ficus x Princess Carica
Mr Wasp x ms figgy
Queen x King Vespa


Volcanic Forge Ny'vene
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: mostly at the beginning stage

Notes to self:
horns + NG: (M)
spikes: (M)
horns: (F)
wings + wind: (F)
Sparkles (F): diamondback

Kenna x Kenneth
Prince & Princess Volcano
Aithne x volcan, vulkan, forge, hectate

Edited By Drakonis on 4/25/2024 at 8:34 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/10/2022 at 8:04 AM Post #8
Paused & Not Started on Yet


Fluttering Petals Aeridini
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Halted due to lack of brainpower. Not sure if I will continue.

Notes to self:
Have 3 here


Black Swallowtail Aeridini
~6 vis, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Halted due to lack of space and brainpower. Not sure if I will continue.

Notes to self:
living with the ladybugs


Blazing Fireworks Faelora
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Will probably start once faelora are revamped, and after I finish a project I'm still working on

desired traits might change after the revamp

Notes to self: (tail + dust) (tail + dust) (headdress + runes) (probably will disrupt after revamp)
Idk why they are all male


Coral Bliss Faelora
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Not started at all. I like this theme though, so I will probably do it when I have the time to.

Notes to self:
many available for public breeding
Have a girl with 2 desired traits:


Triggerfish Faelora
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Not gonna start anytime soon, but might do it one day.

Notes to self:
some of the desired traits cannot be obtained via public breeding. Maybe I should wait for next year (tempted to disrupt)


Diamond Shine Ferrikki
~6 vis, Max stats, Super stats (if possible), Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Probably not gonna start on this any time soon

Notes to self:
have a girl with G1, G2 and most importantly, M3 (but she's actually for another project lol)


Smoking Brush Ferrikki
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Probably not gonna start on this any time soon

will have either the crystalline ears or shimmer (that is, if I can get my hands on a scroll to begin with)

Notes to self:
please try to refrain from depleting your stack of philters of trait disruption


Mystical Mermaid Griffi
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Probably not gonna start on this any time soon

desired traits may change

Notes to self:
disrupt this guy


Volcanic Sands Lighira
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Not gonna start on this any time soon.

Notes to self:


Ocean Odyssey Lupora
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Perhaps next in line since all the traits are available

Notes to self:
G1 + M1 (owned): [M]
G2 + M2: [M]
G3: [M]
M2 + M3: [F]

alternative traits, especially (M2) frosty wind:


Black Magic Ny'vene
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Will most likely start once my BM venes grow up

G1 is likely to change

Notes to self:


Strawberry Rhubarb Ny'vene
~6 vis, Max stats, Infertile~
Tentative price: undecided
Status: Will wait and see if more SR venes are set for public breeding before proceeding

Notes to self:
Might as well do a project since I managed to get three venes, and 3 of the desired traits
This girl can be disrupted


Turns out I dream of projects more than I actually do them oops. I will probably add more once I start completing some XD
Edited By Drakonis on 7/5/2023 at 3:40 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
Threads: 29
Posts: 620
Posted: 12/11/2022 at 7:49 AM Post #9
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 12/11/2022 at 7:49 AM Post #10
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