This story doesn't really have much of a plot. It just follows the lives of our characters, as they live in the wonderful city, Chamara on the planet Cey. Each and ever living being that lives here, are all different. Some have abilities and powers, while other are a whole other species.
Come, and see how these amazing people live, laugh, and cry. It would be an honor to have you.
Lets lay down some guide lines.
Map of Cey~
The second largest City in the world. This city is known for it's steam-punk ways and technology. They are also have the highest murder rate of any city in the area
This is known as "paradice". This city can support itself and the smaller city of Maricla, it's sister city. This city is the third largest city, with can be surprising.
This is the city that is apart from all the others in more way then one. It is, of course, on the other side of the world, but also has a much bigger array of species and creatures. Both humanoid and non-human creatures live in this city, making it the largest city on the map.
This is the desert city, the smallest city out of the four major ones. This city greatly depeands on Amoia for water and food, which Amoia is happy to give.
Edited By Lostsoull on 1/18/2014 at 11:38 PM.
Level 29
Joined: 11/27/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 225
Posted: 1/18/2014 at 12:30 AM
Post #2
You must make both a girl and a boy characters and there is a limit of only six characters per writer.
No God Moding or Mary/Gary Sueing, this will result in your characters being deleted and you will not be allow to rp on this thread any more.
Be respectful of all players in and out of character.
Abide by both the rp rules and the site rules!
Add "Hide and Seek" some where in your form so that it's hidden from people who haven't read the rules. ;3
Please read everything, there's actually not much to read.
There HAS to be a down side or weakness to each ability your characters have, make sure to add that when describing their powers.
Everybody starts in the city of Chamara! But after a while, they can venture off.
No one-liners. If your having trouble coming up with a reply, try describing something; a thought, a feeling, etc.
It might be easier to Ping the person your replying to, so please do so.
Be as realistic as possible. Wounds take time to heal, gravity pulls things down, and dead means dead.
Each character gets their own color for their quotes. If a color is too closely related to another character's color, you will be asked to change it as to not confuse others.
Now the wonderful cast for this evening!
Form: [Please note that anything in "( )"s is to be deleted and not shown in the finished product.]
((Image Here))
Name: (Full name) || Age: || Gender: || Species: (Just the species name) || P/B: (Add Username here for Pinging reasons)
Abilities and/or Powers:
(This is either just a description of the character's abilities, or that and a description of their species.)
Job: || Crush: || Lover/Mate: (Must he accepted my other player as well) || Other: Color: (Put the code please)
Characters: [There are the characters already in use.]
Name: Aramiss "Ara" Jemol || Age: 18 || Gender: Female || Species: Aerona || P/B: LostSoull
Abilities and/or Powers:
Ara, being a type of Aerona, has the ability to see and understand all forms of internal illness. She is sensitive to the pain of those around her and greatly influenced by it.
The other side of this power is that of biokinesis, which allows her to control organic tissue. This gives them the ability to heal others. They heal people by flushing out the illness and replacing it with a healing energy, but this is also a bad thing. If she uses this ability too often or one someone who is too sick or injured, it could bounce back onto her, giving her the same illness or injury she tried to heal.
The downside of this power is that she can become so sensitive to the illness of others that it can make them sick as well.
Job: Hospital assistant || Crush: (Open) || Lover/Mate: (Ask first) || Other: Nope :3
Color: #FE2EF7
Name: Marlin Camell || Age: 21 || Gender: Male || Species: 'Creep' || P/B: LostSoull
Abilities and/or Powers:
A Creep is a species of Demon that has the ability to venture into another person's mind and sort of gain information. This normally works better who the said person is sleeping, but has been known to work when they are not yet has a higher chance of harming the Creep in the process.
While in the person's mind, a Creep has access to memories, images, dreams, and sometimes even the way the person thinks. The weaker the mind, the easier it is for the Creep.
A down side to this ability is that, if a Creep stays in a mind too long, they may start to act like the person they are 'in side', picking up habits and traits as they leave. It can also harm the victim, as the same could happen to them if they hang on to the Creep in their minds too long.
Job: Graveyard Watch Man || Crush: (Open) || Lover/Mate: (Ask first) || Other:
Color: #B40404
Name: Livia "Liv" Ren || Age: 28 || Gender: Female || Species: Spirit Eater || P/B: LostSoull
Abilities and/or Powers:
Livia is a type of lesser demon, but prefers to be called a "Spirit Eater". She doesn't have many ability but to see lost spirits and consume their very being. She uses this energy as a food source, not needing to eat normal food like most others. Yet, sometimes it can be heard to find enough spirits to last her, so she gets tired and weak if she's low.
On rare occasions, eating too many spirits and make her a bit loopy, like a human when they drink too much alcohol, and it lasts just as long.
Job: Teacher || Crush: || Lover/Mate: || Other:
Color: #0B610B
Name: Zoey Phur//Matt Phur || Age: 17 || Gender: Female//Male || Species: Were creatrues || P/B: SarahBug1020//LostSoull
Abilities and/or Powers:
Zoey and Matt are both Were creatures. Zoey is a Werecat, while Matt is a Werewolf. They can transform when ever they choose, but it take so much energy that they can rarely do it sometimes. The only time they don't have control over when they transform is, of course, on the full moon every month. They have to leave the city to make sure not to harm anybody in the process because the force transformation can make them a bit crazy.
Job: Waitress//Waiter at a Coffee shop || Crush: || Lover/Mate: || Other: Click here for their Were forms.
Color: #01DFD7
Name: Nixon Wick || Age: 23 (Stuck at that age... He's 173 years old.) || Gender:Male || Species: Angel of Death || P/B: SarahBug1020
Abilities and/or Powers: Being an "Angel of Death", Nixon is monstly a Reaper. He is able to see people who have past away, ghosts and has to help them pass over. he can easily communicate with the dead along with the liveing, but sometimes getting them mixed. He also has the ability to sense when death is near for someone he is close to, but isn't always right.
Job: Volunteers at nursing homes and hospitals || Crush: || Lover/Mate: || Other:
He doesn't own a scythe... That is just a myth.
Color: #2EFE2E
Name: Ace Bayer || Age: 19 || Gender: Male || Species: Shapeshifter || P/B: SarahBug1020
Abilities and/or Powers:He has the ability to change into diffrent forms of mammals. He can only change into one breed of each species, meaning that his "Feline" form, he can only transform into a Tiger and not something like a Lion, etc. Transforming takes a while to 'recharge', and he can only perform the act every hour or so. It is not as pleasent as it might seem
Job: Pet Store Employee || Crush: || Lover/Mate: || Other: His family died when he was younger by fire. He has nightmares and spends most of his time in the graveyard were his family was buried.
Color: #0404E4
Name: Elizabeth "Lizzy" Kanhing || Age: 17 || Gender: Female || Species: Fairy || P/B: SarahBug1020
Abilities and/or Powers:
Being a fairy, Lizzy can change the size of her body. She can go from the size of a normal 5'4 height to about 2.5 inches tall. By doing this causes her skin to stretch, making stretch marks all over her body for the first hour or so after changing back into her full, human looking form.
Also, being a fairy, Lizzy has the ability to help plants grow, and just her presence can make a dieing plant come back to life. The one down side to this ability is that she can get tired if she's around too many needy plants at once, sucking up her power faster than her body can produce it.
Job: Library Employee || Crush: || Lover/Mate: || Other: ....
Color: #FF8000
Abilities and/or Powers:
The Laguz are people who can shift from human-like forms into animal forms. When in human form, they still have certain animal-like physical traits, such as tails, wings, ears, and colored stripes on their faces. Laguz are known in legend as the "Sons of Strength," as they possess a greater deal of physical might compared to the Beorc ((Humans, known as Sons of Wisdom)). Laguz are also capable of living for far longer than beorc.
There are several different tribes of laguz, classified into 3 main groups: beasts, birds, and dragons. Laguz consider it dishonorable to fight with their natural weapons while not in animal form. They are proud races, and the conflict between them and beorc runs deep. However, while some laguz dislike the beorc, others are naturally friendly and unprejudiced towards their counterparts. Some beorc are kind to these laguz while others are very harsh. Many beorc and laguz wish to live with the other species in peace, but they are in the minority.
Laguz were kept as slaves by beorc before the passing of Laguz Emancipation Act, and even after that some laguz were kept as hidden slaves.
As a raven laguz, Adriane can change into a raven at her own will, and like ravens, has enhanced hearing, speed and eyesight. However, all laguzs, unless wearing a rare item, cannot stay in their animal form for the entire day. So far, Adriane can stay in her form for a maximum of 8 hours, should she do nothing but fly. Should she fight, or take part in rigorous activities in her animal form, she cannot hold her form for the 8 hours, and can turn back to her half-human, half-animal in as short as 2 hours, depending on how tired she is.
Just like a raven, she is weak to projectiles such as arrows and strong winds. She cannot see well at night either, and at night sees worse than a human. Thus when night falls, she tries to find a safe place to rest, or a light source. She can hide her animal parts when in her human form, like majority of the laguz when in human societies.
Half-elves are the product of a human and an elf mating, and half-elves carry traits from both humans and elves. Although half-elves' appearance typically resemble a human's, they possesses the elven ability to use magic. However, this has caused humans and elves alike to hate hate-elves. Humans typically envy half-elves' power, and elves typically believe half-elves to have "tainted" human blood. Additionally, half-elves are able to live up to approximately 1,000 years due to their elven blood.
Due to not wanting to be found out as a half-elf, Soren rarely uses his powers, unless the situation calls for it, and relies solely on his speed to escape out of dangerous situations. However, he has a weak constitution and isn't very strong. Also, since he has an increased life-span, his ageing is slowed down, and he cannot stay in one place for long or he will be found out as a half-elf. Also, due to his appearance, he cannot take on jobs and has to live on the streets.
Job: Thief/ Assassin|| Crush: || Lover/Mate:|| Other: His family is dead, and he saw them grow old and die. Before their deaths however, he used to play Hide And Seek with his siblings, and enjoyed it.
Color: 009900
Cruxis Angels are defined by their need of a Cruxis Crystal, which allows them to use special combat abilities developed during the ancient times. .One ability uses the body's life force to alter its metabolism and stop the body's internal clock. This allows the user to stop ageing and become capable of living longer than elves. Anyone can become a Cruxis Angel, so long as they are allowed to bear a Cruxis Crystal
Possessing the crystal results in loss of natural human senses and responses, such as hunger, sleep, touch, ability to speak, and emotion unless the wearer is equipped with a Key Crest or "Rune Crest". However, when one wears the Cruixis Crystal, it results in an increase of body strength, as well as improved sight and hearing. But should one take it off without any proper method of extraction, they become a monster. It is thus like a 'for life' contract, in a sense. Angels can also be punished byremoving the crests, in which way, they lose their ability to think independently.
A very rare disease caused by a Cruxis Crystal is the Chronic Angelus Crystallus Inofficium. It occurs when the body of a Cruxis Crystal bearer rejects the crystal and takes on a crystallized form, but the odds of this are rationed at one in a million.
Asgard, a past half-elf turned angel, is on of the higher-ups in the Cruxis community, and bears a Key Crest. However, his crest was poorly built, and sometimes he loses his human senses completely, while other times he was a dulled version of each con and pro. ((He doesn't get hungry easily, can't feel much emotion, speaks really softly, doesn't feel much when he touches. Not as much body strength as others, as well as less improved sight and hearing than other angels with properly built crests)) The only thing that doesn't change is that he cannot age.
Bad side? Since he can't age, he sees all he loves die before him, and gave up on forming ties with anyone but an never dying being. His faulty crest also makes him sometimes obey other's orders without questions, among other bad side effects. He has a weak constitution and strength overall, despite the strength boost, as before he was an angel, he never had much strength. Since he is an angel, he can use magic artes ((he prefers healing to fighting)) as well, but due to being an angel, he can't handle dark powers very well, and this includes verbal cursing, which makes him feel weak. He also can't kill himself or die as the crystal would absorb his spirit/soul, and he'll continue living on, something he doesn't want, so he keeps to himself and tries not to die. He can hide his wings.
Name: Iyane Misushida || Age: 18 ((2000+)) || Gender: Female || Species: Kitsune || P/B: Soltra8
Abilities and/or Powers:
A kitsune can have up to nine tails, depending on its age, wisdom and power.A kitsune is a shapeshifter, and usually when it reaches the age of 100 years, it learn the ability to take on a human form. Thus, they have to be a fox for a hundred years before it can shapeshift from a fox to a human and back again. It is also said that a kitsune can duplicate other human beings, in other words shapeshift into the look-a-likes of different people.
Kitsune can be either male or female, and usually take the form of young Japanese girls, beautiful women and older men.
Kitsune are believed to possess superior intelligence, long life, and magical powers. They are a type of spiritual entity, and the word kitsune is often translated as fox spirit. However, this does not mean that kitsune are ghosts, nor that they are fundamentally different from regular foxes. Because the word spirit is used to reflect a state of knowledge or enlightenment, all long-lived foxes gain supernatural abilities.
((That was actually quite brief....))
Iyane has nine tails, and has three forms, human, half-human or full fox. She can control canines and fox-fire (blue flames) and has enhanced speed, strength and senses. She can control the element of darkness as well, and whatever she draws with her blood can become real. However, she cannot use them in public, and is weak to 'holy' things, and would stay away from temples and the like. She cannot stand cats either, and is mischievous, loving to play pranks and what not.
More downsides include: Not being able to stay in her human form or fox form for long, and needs to eat other's life force to sustain her powers ((She doesn't have to kill, but the depletion of life force makes them feel tired and weaker.)) Not all canines will obey her, and she can only control at most 5 at once currently. Her enhanced senses means she's more susceptible to loud sounds, bright lights, smells and tastes. The darkness she controls can be expelled by bright lights, and since she uses her blood to make her drawings real, she tries not to, as it hurts.
I shall rustle though my mind for people to throw at you.
~ reserved ~
Edited By Zarhail on 1/18/2014 at 12:29 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 6/7/2013
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Posted: 1/18/2014 at 10:44 AM
Post #7
Name: Inu ll Age: 21 ( stuck at that age unless he wishes to age with a lover ) ll Gender:male ll Species: Soul carrier ll P/B: * clue what this is for... * ll Abilities and/or Powers: A Soul Carrier will carry a special item which allows them to tempt souls into leaving their bodies and to follow the Soul Carrier. Sometimes Soul Carriers are spotted dancing and playing a instroment, this is because if they find a child's soul or tempted a child's soul, they will play and entertain the child's soul untill it finds peace and moves on to a new world. Each Soul Carrier does something diffrent to the souls they tempt, the most common one is to eat the souls, but a rare one is to rescue the souls and place them in a cave to find peace. Soul Carriers do not age unless they wish to age with a lover, they get stuck at the age 21, which is a special number for them. If a Soul Carriers special item is destroyed, so is the Soul Carrier.ll Job: Killing people for treasure ll Crush: N/A ll Lover/Mate: N/A ll Other: He is a werid Soul Eatter who always changes what he does with souls. His special item is his mask down by his side. He tempts souls by wearing the mask and humming a tune, this tune is changed by the mask to tempt souls. Unfourtently he can not always use his mask because of a period of time it will burn into his face and scar him with horrible burns, also he can't take it off then put it back on again because it's the mask that get's very hot. And he hates hide and seek.
Colour: CFFFFF
Name: Oddilan ll Age: 18 ll Gender: Female ll Species: Ko-ura ll P/B: * no clue what this is for * ll Abilities and/or Powers: Ko-ura's are strange creatures who, like elves, bond with nature and animals. Though the only diffrence is that Ko-ura's once held a great power, the Kah Gash. The Kah Gash was a powerful sword who, in the right hands, could wipe out 1000 enemies in one swing. But unfourently the Kah Gash was broken, and with it, The Ko-ura's defences, the species are now rare and like hiding themselves by using small amount of magic to change apprentice.ll Job: N/A ll Crush; N/A ll Lover/Mate: N/A ll Other: She is a lonely girl who wants to stay that way. She is afraid to make friends incase she sees them die, like when her mother died from cancer.
Colour: E0B816
Edited By Coradrawa on 1/29/2014 at 12:23 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/18/2014 at 10:45 AM
Post #8
( Have a random cat from the first Life of Cey! )
Level 29
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Posted: 1/18/2014 at 12:20 PM
Post #9
Lol, overreaction gif >3>
Guys, guys, guys!
I'm not finished yet :p I'll be adding new things and changing up the forms a bit.
(I wish there was a delete button ='( lol)
For right now, I'd like you all to just edit your posts and put "Reserved" so it looks all nice and neat.
Thanks :D
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/18/2014 at 1:10 PM
Post #10
(Reserved.... Can we keep a few of our older characters?)
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