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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2023 Spring Festival - Avatar Item Desig...
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 11/18/2018
Threads: 24
Posts: 619
Posted: 3/26/2023 at 6:50 PM Post #41
Took me a painfully long time and it doesn't feel quite finished, but here we go! First is the male avi items.

So theres Cloudjumper's Garb as the outfit, with Cloudjumper's Shawl on top of that- the shawl is transparent and includes the golden chain around his neck. For the head, there's Cloudjumper's Curls, which includes the cute little feathery ears. The wings are Cloudjumper's Wings, and the held I managed to make is the Cloudy Rain Bow! Now, the color set is Cirrus, which is inspired by the kind of clouds that produce ice and snow, which is why there are the pretty little dots on it. The gold is because Cirrus clouds are high in the atmosphere and close to the sun!

Here's the female as well, though for her I only included the Cloudjumper's Curls and Cloudjumper's Garb, since the other items don't change with the gender of the player.

She's wearing one of the alternate colors, with the other potential palattes included at the bottom right of the image. She's in Nimbus, which is inspired by the type of clouds that make thunderstorms, thus the lightning. The other two color palattes respectively are Stratus, inspired by the low blankety clouds common at sunrise and sunset- hence the vibrant colors- and Cumulus, the fluffy cottonball clouds we all love to look for shapes in! Alternate options for what the held could be aside from the bow would be a little fluffy dragon-critter or a staff with clouds surrounding an orb at the top.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/18/2012
Threads: 214
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Posted: 3/26/2023 at 11:11 PM Post #42
Thorn Outfit with Flower Frame Held

The frame is actually part of the held. I wanted to try having something where you could have backgrounds behind different frames and this is the only way I could figure to do it. The only issue is that it'll cover some of feet and might also have trouble with some aspects but I just really liked the idea. The staff is based on part on the aeridini tail with the glowy stamens and such.

The dress has a lot of fluffy petal parts with thorn shoulder pads and additional thorns on the sleeves. There's a thorn coming as a horn from the forehead. I liked the idea of having hair with a gradient as well along with on the dress. The necklace is a flower with thorns as part of the chain.

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