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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > Jenrette's Projects and Logs
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Author Thread Post
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 5/5/2023 at 11:44 AM Post #1
Completed Projects:

Bloodlust Vulnyx
Price: 15k

Edited By Jenrette on 2/19/2025 at 4:05 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 5/5/2023 at 11:45 AM Post #2
In Progress Projects:

Winter Warning Ryori

Status: Close to completion
Progression: Traits Finished. Maxing
Traits: 5 vis
Stats: Plan to max.
Prices: 300k Max Stats
People interested:
Drachi, Frostfal, Jadedragon, Squarebug

Misfortune Ryori

Status: Close
Progression: All traits visible
Traits: 5 vis
Prices: 300k Max Stats
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.

Fogwalker Ryori

Status: Started
Progression: In progress
Traits: 5 vis
Prices: 300k Max Stats
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.

Lucky Blossom Ryori

Status: In progress
Progression: 1 vis 4 carry
Traits: 5 vis
Prices: N/A
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.

Glacial Demon Ryori

Status: In progress
Progression: 4 carried
Traits: 6 vis
Prices: N/A
People interested:
Windsofwinter- interested in non-max, Frostfal

alternative Bloodlust Vulnyx
Venom Spitter Vulnyx

Shadow Stalker Vulnyx**
**name subject to change**

Status: Nearing completion
Progression: 3vis 3carry
Traits: 6 vis
Prices: 250k Max Stats
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.

Candy Grape Vulnyx

Status: Started
Progression: N/A
Traits: 5 vis
Prices: N/A
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.

Emperor's Cloud Sylvorpa

Status: Started
Progression: 4vis 2carry
Traits: 6 vis
Prices: 30k
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.

Starry Night Ferrikki

Status: Started
Progression: Starting
Traits: 6 vis
Prices: N/A
People interested:
None. If interested please DM me.
Edited By Jenrette on 11/30/2024 at 12:26 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 5/5/2023 at 11:46 AM Post #3
Edited By Jenrette on 5/8/2024 at 1:26 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 5/5/2023 at 11:57 AM Post #4
Themed Projects

Completed Projects:
None yet.

In Progress Projects:

Mystic Mage Ryori

Gene One: [HH] Ghastly Banshee Smoke*
Gene Two: [NN] none
Gene Three: [II] Ghastly Banshee Chill*
Mutation One: [KK] Ghastly Banshee Mane*
Mutation Two: [JJ] Grim Roses*
Mutation Three: [FF] Crown of Leaves

Nightly Blossom Ryori

Gene One: [GG] Dolphin
Gene Two: [NN] none
Gene Three: [DD] Star Runes
Mutation One: [JJ] Demonstalker's Mane*
Mutation Two: [KK] Astral Wanderer's Orbs*
Mutation Three: [II] Astral Wander's Crown

Passionfruit Punch Ryori

Gene One: [EE] Water Tiger
Gene Two: [NN] none
Gene Three: [HH] Arcanist's Blessing*
Mutation One: [CC] Petal Wreath
Mutation Two: [EE] Icicle Orbs
Mutation Three: [FF] Crown of Leaves

Melon Mix Lupora

Gene One: [HH] African Wild Dog
Gene Two: [KK] Flecked
Gene Three: [GG] Bumblebee
Mutation One: [II] Spring Flowers
Mutation Two: [DD] Feather Wings
Mutation Three: [BB] Ornamental Headpiece

Comet Moth Sylvorpa

Gene One: [CC] Mantis Shrimp
Gene Two: [EE] Clown Triggerfish
Gene Three: [AA] Rippling Runes
Mutation One: [BB] Sharp Webbing
Mutation Two: [EE] Fairy Wings
Mutation Three: [GG] Seaweed Whirlwind

Daisy Chain Sylvorpa

Gene One: [QQ] Koi
Gene Two: [PP] Amazonian
Gene Three: [CC] Pollen Markings
Mutation One: [CC] Petal Fins
Mutation Two: [HH] Lotus Flowers
Mutation Three: [MM] Spring Blossoms

Lamb Lunemara

Gene One: [DD] Silky
Gene Two: [BB] Silky
Gene Three: [JJ] Falcon
Mutation One: [HH] Cosmic Moth Antennae
Mutation Two: [FF] Lunar Garb
Mutation Three: [GG] Cosmic Moth Wings

Spring Breeze Lunemara

Gene One: [CC] June
Gene Two: [FF] Breeze
Gene Three: [CC] June
Mutation One: [HH] Fairy Antennae
Mutation Two: [FF] Lunar Garb
Mutation Three: [GG] Forest Spirit Wings

Sunrise Flowers Lunemara

Gene One: [DD] Silky
Gene Two: [DD] Tri Color
Gene Three: [PP] Glow Fairy
Mutation One: [HH] Fairy Antennae
Mutation Two: [BB] Floral Garland
Mutation Three: [EE] Fairy Wings

Black Cherry Vulnyx

Gene One: [BB] Tiger Stripes
Gene Two: [FF] Tanuki
Gene Three: [GG] Lace Runes
Mutation One: [HH] Starfire Wings
Mutation Two: [II] Flower Adornment
Mutation Three: [AA] Small Horns
Edited By Jenrette on 7/25/2024 at 3:02 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 5/5/2023 at 12:16 PM Post #5
Themed Projects Progression

Collecting Traits for Mystic Mage
traits so far...

Edited By Jenrette on 4/21/2024 at 9:05 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 5/15/2023 at 3:26 PM Post #6
Payments Aside from Gold

You may trade me items rather than gold considering I need pretty much everything. This is how much I value each item. If an item is marked with N/A, it means I either cannot find a price or I am not interested in the item.

This is how much I value these items. They may differ from trade broker prices. Since the trade broker changes so much, this is how much I will value each item.

Greater Pet Dye: 150k
Philter of Nullification: 25k
Prismatic Philter: 100k
Magical Pie: 80k
Philter of Gender Swapping: 200k

Stat Filters:
Purple Stat Philters:
60k for all

Blue Stat Philters:
20k for all

Items/Philters I currently have to use

Greater Pet Dye x60, Prismatic Philter x58, Magical Pie x15, Philter of Health x14, Philter of Acumen x3, Philter of Vigor x1, Philter of Nimbleness x1
Edited By Jenrette on 4/5/2024 at 3:14 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 6/7/2023 at 1:17 AM Post #7
Additional Information:

Once a project has been completed, they will be moved to the completed project section as well as be posted in a separate thread in which people can respond to.
I will not be selling breeding pairs.
The pets will come infertile.

may add more here later
Edited By Jenrette on 4/5/2024 at 3:14 PM.
Moderation Team
Level 9001
Protector of the Forums
Site Moderator
Posted: 2/24/2024 at 11:59 AM Post #8
This thread has been unlocked.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 2/24/2024 at 6:20 PM Post #9
yayy!! bump!!
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
Threads: 69
Posts: 740
Posted: 2/29/2024 at 4:05 PM Post #10
SO EXCITED! The first 5 visible winter warning has been born!!!

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