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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2024 Summer Festival - Pet Trait Design
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/20/2024 at 10:45 AM Post #1
Hello everyone! We will be holding a Pet Trait Design contest for the 2024 Sumer Festival! Please make sure to read the rules carefully!

Contest Rules

1. Design a Pet Gene or Mutation for only the following species: Aurleon, Draeyl, Faelora, Ferrikki, Kelpari, Luffox, Lunemara, Lupora, Morkko, Nephini, Ny'vene, Nytekrie, Puffadore, Qitari, Sylvorpa, Vulnyx, Zolnixi. After you are done designing your Trait, come back to this thread and post the image in this thread. To get a blank pet image, just go to the Generator and take the image from there. You can resize the image to the maximum size via the image URL; the maximum size is 500.

2. You must draw your new Trait on the Pet. If you feel that your drawing skills aren't great, then you can include a description in addition to your drawing in order to help us better envision your Trait. If you are unable to draw something, then we are sorry, but there will be no exceptions. Your submission must look like it required some amount of effort to create. For example, drawing 3 straight lines on a canvas and saying that they're "new wings" will not count towards participation.

3. You are allowed to be free with your creative process, so it is not necessary to make it specifically themed to this Festival. Although, we certainly encourage you to draw Traits themed to this Festival if you wish to do so.

4. Please do not copy/paste previous submissions. Please try and come up with new ideas or at least alter your previous non-chosen designs.

5. Please do not reserve posts. If you reserve a post, we will delete your post.

6. Please do not Ping me with your submission. Please only Ping me if you have a question.

7. Before submitting your entry, please make sure to scan the thread to see if someone else has already done something similar. Try to make your entry unique and if someone has already done something that you were wanting to do, then we highly suggest that you pick something different. If you feel that someone has "copied" your design, please do not say anything to that person - especially in this thread. We will intervene ourselves if we see something that's suspicious.

8. You may only submit ONE official entry for each species on the list. If you wish to submit more, then you can send me a PM with drawings of your Trait ideas. However, all PM'd entries that are sent to me will not count for prizes. To clarify, an entry can encompass multiple Trait Slots. As an example, say that your entry is a Butterfly set for a certain species. Your entry can include Butterfly Wings, Butterfly Antennae, Butterfly Armor, etc. Species are all different with their Trait Slots, so we're looking more at design ideas and not strictly Trait Slot submissions.

9. IMPORTANT: By participating in this contest and submitting your designs to us, you agree that we, Sylestia Games LLC, will retain full rights to your submission to use as we see fit for the purposes of and Sylestia Games LLC. You will not receive any royalties or reimbursement from us if we decide to use your designs, or otherwise. Any designs that we pick will be recreated from scratch by our art team; we will only be using your submission as a reference for said artwork. We reserve the right to alter your design in any way that we see fit and are not obligated to adhere to any specific depictions or descriptions that are provided.

10. DO NOT comment on someone's entry unless you have something nice to say. If someone copies your entry, then have faith in us that we will determine the correct winner. Please do not fight over entries. If we see anyone doing this in the thread, then whoever is fighting will be disqualified and potentially receive a Forum Strike.

11. The end date is June 16th at 11:59 PM server. After that, there is no guarantee that we will see your entry and the thread will be locked once designs are picked.

Important Copyright Infringement Notice

We are very aware that it's typical to use Google and/or other providers to search for ideas when designing artwork. However, it is extremely important that all of your submissions are created entirely by you and are not copied from another's work. If you are using other artwork as a reference, please ensure that your submission is changed sufficiently to be clear and obvious that it is indeed your work. This is extremely important, not just for ethical reasons, but also for legal reasons when we are implementing something onto our site. Thank you!

Contest Prizes

The following are scheduled to be the prizes for this contest. Please note, these are subject to change. However, we would not do so without a good reason to change them.

(Players who have their designs picked)
Prizes: [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, 3-Visible Summer Festival Themed Pet of Choice (2-Visible if Majestic) x1, Mystical Essence of Choice x2

All Participants
(With valid entries)
Prizes: [Fabled Sculpting Catalyst] x1, [Mystery Sculpting Catalyst] x2, [Premium Clam] x3, [Box of Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Sculpting Agents] x2, [Legendary Avatar Item (Summer - Retired)] x1, [Sun Token] x1,000
Edited By Krinadon on 9/3/2024 at 2:24 PM.
Level 75
Nature Walker
Joined: 7/16/2013
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Posted: 5/20/2024 at 10:11 PM Post #2
I uhh did a lot so I probably wont be revisiting this one haha. I admit I havent looked at submissions for this sort of thing in awhile so I apologize if anything feels familiar ;-;

I feel like this would have looked better if the tails were smaller, but I didnt draw them that way so oh well
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 5/15/2022
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Posted: 5/21/2024 at 12:28 PM Post #3

Dolphin sylvorpa set
bottlenose belly - light blue
scaled skin - dark blue
waterproof shine -medium blue
dolphin fins
dolphin tail
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2014
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Posted: 5/21/2024 at 5:14 PM Post #4
Resubmitting this one in case I don't get time to make something new:

Floating Fish
Similar to the Lovely Hearts and Lucky Dust traits.

Resubmitting this one:

Rose Headdress
Level 75
The Majestic
Joined: 8/21/2015
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Posted: 5/21/2024 at 5:32 PM Post #5

Similar to the ones the Lupora has.

Edited By Nocturnia77 on 6/16/2024 at 8:07 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 7/20/2023
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Posted: 5/23/2024 at 5:42 AM Post #6
Solar Blessing/Sun Touched Trait Set - Faelora

Sun Touched Feather Wings M1
Sun Touched Aura M2
Sun Touched Regalia M3
Sun Touched Foliage G3

Lunar Blessing/Moon Touched Trait Set - Sylvorpa

Lunar Blessings Glow G3
Lunar Blessings Adornments M1
M2 coming
Lunar Blessings Coronet M3

Cotton Candy Luffox
G3 - Cotton Candy Swirls (Pattern based roughly the on longarm quilting pattern)

M1 - Cotton Candy Clouds Tail (Cotton candy cone]

M2 - Cotton Candy Wispy Ears (wisps of cotton candy coming off big poofy ears)

M3 - Cotton Candy Fluffs (Fur is made fluffier)

Black Lotus Faelora Flower
Edited By Megapixie on 6/17/2024 at 12:36 AM.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/26/2019
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Posted: 5/24/2024 at 6:20 AM Post #7
Bearded Moss Fealora.

Light Green/Trail Of Moss Would be G1 trait from nose to top of head and down the neck up to back moss like texture that would fade on the edges and on bum.

Dark Green/ Trail Of Moss Would be either G2 or M1 which ever suits the color combo better. would go up the legs and on to bum also fading from edges on patch like pattern and bit overlaping the G1 trait so they make a mix. Also some on the lower jaw to nose.

Teal/Bearded Moss Would be mix of moss and Bearded Moss coming down the antlers. M3 trait.

Bluebell Ferrikki

Edited By Ladyanki on 6/2/2024 at 5:03 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/15/2016
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Posted: 5/25/2024 at 11:18 AM Post #8
M2:"Melting (ice cream) Mane"/"Water Mane"/"Ink Mane"

M2:"Melting (ice cream) Mane"/"Water Mane"/"Ink Mane"
+G3: Raccoon Mane

M2:"Melting (ice cream) Mane"/"Water Mane"/"Ink Mane"
+G3:Highlighted Mane

M2:"Melting (ice cream) Mane"/"Water Mane"/"Ink Mane"
+G3: Monarch

M2:"Melting (ice cream) Mane"/"Water Mane"/"Ink Mane"
+G3: Tri-Colored Mane

M2:"Melting (ice cream) Mane"/"Water Mane"/"Ink Mane"
G1: "Cream Stains"/"Mixed cream"

"The feathered creature Sylvorpa"
M3 - "Feathered Head"

M1 - "Feathered Body"

M2 - "Feathered Wings"

And all together

Edited By Romen on 6/1/2024 at 12:00 PM.
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
Joined: 2/16/2013
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Posted: 5/31/2024 at 2:06 PM Post #9
Betta Fish Traits for Sylvorpa

(Quick n dirty female version, may improve later)

Tropical Traits for Faelora

Spanish Moon Moth based traits for Nephini... uhhh maybe called Moth Magic traits?

On regular wings maybe the gene would look like this

Floral Kitsune traits for Zolnixi (Headpiece is Kanzashi inspired)

Constellation traits for Rikki
(The glowy stuff just kinda curls around the tail, like physical constellations)

Just the gene(s)

Leafy Seadragon traits for Ny'vene :P
Edited By Leen on 6/17/2024 at 2:50 PM.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 3/5/2022
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Posted: 5/31/2024 at 7:12 PM Post #10
M1 Nephini Idea. Ideas for the name, "Flared Wings" "Scalloped Wings" "Collared Wings"
M3 Idea. "Whirlwind". Swirling glowing whirlwind/tornado with some sparkles. I envision a sproingy whirlwind to create updraft.

A G3 Idea for Lupora "Glitter Dust" or something similar.

Qit G2 "Racing Stripes"

Rikki M1 "Multi Orbs"

Faelora G3 "Glass" M1 "Leaf Mane/Back"

Nytekrie idea M2 "Translucent Wings" and M3 "Translucent Ribbons"
Iridescent style

or superimposing the G2 over it

Kelpari G3 Idea "Bubble Stripe" (i'm at a loss for naming this honestly)
solid G3 color with Eye color glow

Lune Idea
G1: "Moon Sigils"
G2: "Moon Tracks"
G3: "Moon Spots"
M2: "Moon Belt"
M3: "Crescent Wings"
Edited By Voidborn on 6/17/2024 at 3:46 PM.
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