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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Themed Pet Codex Update
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/31/2024 at 7:32 PM Post #1
The Themed Pet Codex has received a significant overhaul! Players now have significantly expanded search parameters when browsing the codex.

Please note, some Themed Pets are still not categorized correctly. I believe this mostly affects Themed Pets released around 2022. I still need to go through and manually categorize them, which I will try and get done by this weekend. This should be updated now.

If you notice any issues or oddities, please let me know in this thread. Thank you and enjoy!
Edited By Krinadon on 8/1/2024 at 5:21 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/31/2024 at 8:02 PM Post #2
Thanks for the overhaul. ^^ Looks great!
Out of curiosity though, is there going to be a proper indicator for pets released/previously owned on the codex? Right now, for example, its a little confusing because the Mourning Cloak Aeridini has a status of "Not Owned" at first glance but when i click on them it claims i "own" 4 (themed), though those 4 are released.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/31/2024 at 10:46 PM Post #3
Author: Amitiel
Time Posted: 7/31/2024 at 8:02 PM
Thanks for the overhaul. ^^ Looks great!
Out of curiosity though, is there going to be a proper indicator for pets released/previously owned on the codex? Right now, for example, its a little confusing because the Mourning Cloak Aeridini has a status of "Not Owned" at first glance but when i click on them it claims i "own" 4 (themed), though those 4 are released.

I adjusted it so that both search all pets, released or otherwise.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/31/2024 at 11:08 PM Post #4
Ah, okay. Thank you! ^^
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
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Posted: 7/31/2024 at 11:42 PM Post #5
Amazing job, this is so handy! I don't know if it is on purpose, but restricted themes do not have a red name anymore?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 8/1/2024 at 12:07 AM Post #6
Author: Leen
Time Posted: 7/31/2024 at 11:42 PM
Amazing job, this is so handy! I don't know if it is on purpose, but restricted themes do not have a red name anymore?

Thanks for the heads up. Should be fixed.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 5/20/2013
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Posted: 8/1/2024 at 5:42 AM Post #7
Oh, this is a great update! Thank you for all the hard work. :)
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 12/16/2020
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Posted: 8/1/2024 at 7:14 AM Post #8
Wow, awesome!
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 3/5/2022
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Posted: 8/1/2024 at 9:00 AM Post #9
Yes!!! Love this update. I really wanted this

Also, I can't selected Any Species and is the X supposed to do a reset? It doesn't do anything for me.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
Joined: 1/16/2014
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Posted: 8/1/2024 at 11:00 AM Post #10
I really wish we could search by Category without first having to select an Event. Say I wanted to search for all Wild from Festival Zone, or all Wheel Exclusive, or all Revamp themes : I cannot do that.
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