Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2024 Winter Festival - Winter Storytelli...
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Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 12/22/2024 at 11:15 AM
Post #1
The object of this game is to create an original Winter story! You will have to include the keywords that are mentioned in this post somewhere in your story. :)
1. Create your own original Winter based story, using all of the keywords in this list somewhere in your story!
2. After you have written your story, please come back and post it in the thread. Please keep it under 1000 words and bold the keywords in your story.
3. Please keep your story site appropriate. Nothing that we deem inappropriate will be allowed.
4. The due date is at the end of the Winter Festival. Please refer to the Winter Festival Overview Thread to see when that is!
Everyone's submissions will be judged by the admins and we will select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners based on creativity, effort, and appeal.
All participants will also receive a small prize including the Title: Fancy Pants.
Have fun and enjoy!
1st Place Winner(s) Winner(s):Luxa
Prizes:Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, 3-Visible Winter Festival Themed Pet of Choice (2-Vis if Majestic) OR Frost Essence of Choice x2, [Expedient Sculpting Agent] x1, [Premium Ice Water] x2, [Box of Ice Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Ice Sculpting Agents] x3
2nd Place Winner(s) Winner(s):Aphelion
Prizes:Free Stable, 3-Visible Winter Festival Themed Pet of Choice (2-Vis if Majestic) OR Frost Essence of Choice x1, [Expedient Sculpting Agent] x1, [Premium Ice Water] x1, [Box of Ice Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Ice Sculpting Agents] x3
3rd Place Winner(s) Winner(s):Dreamfyre
Prizes:Free Stable, [Majestic Frost Essence] OR [Fabled Frost Essence] x1, [Expedient Sculpting Agent] x1, [Premium Ice Water] x1, [Box of Ice Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Ice Sculpting Agents] x3
The Festive Ferrikki and Cheerful Cub went through the Frozen Field of Luminescent Lights with Mari Lwyd spreading Splendid Singing and Toasty Treats from their Snapped Sled pulled by a Smiling Snowman all the way to the Snug Stable filled with a Pile of Presents.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/2/2024
Threads: 49
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Posted: 12/22/2024 at 6:49 PM
Post #3
In the Frozen Field of Virdian Meadows
Splendid Singing fills the air
Sylesties knock each other's elbows
Luminescent Lights above their hair
All the Festive Ferrikki does mischief
the cubs, excited to see Santa Claws' lair
A Cheerful cub startled by a little leaf
something fills the air, the Toasty Treats scent
all the sylesties nibble on the beef
A little cub's sled was bent,
now the cub has a Snapped Sled
the cub cried but a new sled was lent
To the Pile of Presents the mother Puff said
they passed a Smiling Snowman that waved
and a little Zolnixi that went to bed
Now all of the presents have been opened
In the cave the Morkko hibernated
now in the Snug Stables the cubs rested.
A Terza Rima Poem made by me :)
Edited By Lunawithcoolpets on 12/23/2024 at 4:33 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 5/23/2022
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Posted: 12/22/2024 at 7:21 PM
Post #4
One day, Sylestia was blanketed in a layer of snow. The frozen field sparkled, and a smiling snowman welcomed all. Children frolicked with some festive ferrikki, as others sled down a nearby hill, until a snapped sled sent one little one tumbling. Laughter echoed, as the sled was quickly repaired, and a mom dusted off her snow-covered child. In the distance, villagers had set up at the cozy, snug stable. Inside, the sounds of splendid singing floated through the air and the scent of toasty treats beckoned. A pile of presents, wrapped with shiny paper and colorful ribbons, waited to be exchanged. As others arrived, a Morkko cheerful cub playfully chased its own tail. It paused, and then leaped into the lap of a passing child, who giggled and hugged it close. As nightfall approached, the luminescent lights of the village flickered on, casting a magical glow. And in that moment, Sylestia felt as if it was wrapped in a perfect winter dream, with all enjoying the warmth of friendship together!
Level 75
Frosty Grandmistress
Joined: 8/9/2024
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Posted: 12/22/2024 at 8:23 PM
Post #5
It was a wonderful snowy day in Esiors Haven. Everyone was preparing for Christmas. From decorating the trees with Luminescent lights that shined wherever you looked. To children playing with cheerful cubs of Luffux pair. From the market toasty treats were handed out to all who came by. Including a sneaky festive Ferrikki who might have snagged some sweets and hid behind many piles of presents. From outside Esiors Haven the Nightfall bandits were celebrating as well. decorated with smiling snowmen around their camps, hanging out in a snug stable caroling many Christmas tunes to the annoyance of trior the greedy but let it slid to their splendid singing.
But this peace wouldnt last forever, across the Frozen fields in forests beyond an ice behemoth stood atop a snapped sled with one order destroy Esiors Haven and make way for their creator to rule over Viridian Medows then the entirety of Slyestia.
Edited By Dixiwoods1 on 12/22/2024 at 8:31 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 3/29/2017
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Posted: 12/27/2024 at 12:06 PM
Post #6
Many years ago, on a Frozen Field, Noel the vulynx hatched from her icy egg. The first thing she saw was a Festive Ferrikki, wondering where this lost little egg had come from. With no parents to be found, the Ferrikki herded the hatchling into her own den for the night. It was because of the nurturing she received that holiday season that she now sat on her own egg inside of a snug stable, surrounded by a pile of presents from the other sylesties who lived in nearby stalls.
Colorful, luminescent lights hung around the entry way to each stall giving the winter months a warm glow that often reminded Noel of her own younger days exploring the snowy landscape on a half snapped sled that she happened upon in her exploration. She purred to her unhatched egg, wrapping her fluid, furryself around it to keep it as snug as she felt.
Eventually, that little sled did snap in half and a few days later she was captured in a net despite all her efforts to remain wild. Life at the stables was vastly different than it was in the wild. She mightve continued her escape attempts if not for her first winter there at the stables. Life wasnt as exciting as it was before, but it was very festive every winter season. As she grew and trained she looked forward to the cozy activities and of course, all the holiday adventures she could participate in.
The others had gathered in front of the stables for hot chocolate and toasty treats such as marshmallows roasted over their cozy, little fire. The emerald green and snow white vulynx dozed easily as their voices raised in the most splendid singing of a familiar tune about sledding through the surrounding snowy hills. That was her favorite part of the winter months. The singing and the treats and soon very soon this very season, if her intuition was correct, her own little hatchling would stumble from its egg to the sounds of snow falling against the fields and of general merriment that most throughout the land tended toward in the chillier months of the year.
Something creaked nearby, pulling Noel back to the present moment, Rush, the qitari who lived in the stable next to her, galloped out from somewhere in the back of the barn wearing a smiling snowman costume with a sack full of presents for the younger ones on his back. He tossed this red mane in greeting as he made a show of tip-hooving past her stall as not to wake the hatchling asleep inside its shiny green egg.
Noel gave him a wave of her tufted tail and dozed off to the sounds of the little wintertime gathering unfolding just outside the barn. She dreamt of sledding on her little, wonky sled and wondered where she might find one for her own hatchling when they were old enough.
Come first light, she woke to a little nose rubbing against her and blinked her eyes open to her own cheerful cub. Her heart warmed despite the chill in the frosty, early morning air. A little winter cub all her own. Her own little white and green Snowbelle.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/16/2023
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Posted: 12/28/2024 at 9:48 PM
Post #7
In a wonderful Christmas Day of Esior's Haven, there was a Festive Ferrikki, which is always appears during during Wintertime, was having a cozy nap under the freeze weather. After a long nap inside the snug stable, it decided to go outside to play and participate the festival. Outside was a frozen field with full of luminescent lights, and some splendid singing played and sang by some cheerful cubs. The Ferrikki gasped and yelled in happiness, immediately, it ran toward to the giant Christmas tree and jumped inside a pile of presents, pulled out an adorable Santa hat from a random gift it got. Then, with a little hat on its head, it ran to get some toasty treats from some food stalls. So yummy!. It ate all the treats on its paw. When night fell, while the chorus was playing beautifully, the Ferrikki walked happily to a snow pile nearby, hummed and built a smiling snowman, then it put the snowman on the snapped sled and sat next to it. The Aurora finally appeared, making the sky more gorgeous. The Ferrikki with sparkling eyes, surprisingly looking at the Aurora like its first time of its life.
"That Christmas Day was the most favorite time of my life!" said the Festive Ferrikki "It has become a remarkable memory inside my heart, and I'll never forget it. "
Edited By Srwertabrybunzy on 12/29/2024 at 8:29 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/30/2016
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Posted: 12/29/2024 at 11:26 AM
Post #8
The Winter Festival was in full swing all across Sylestia. Smiling Snowmen came to life, filling the air with the sound of their Splendid Singing as they danced merry jigs to entertain and delight. Humans and their Sylesti pets alike whooped and cheered as they slid down snowy slopes, hurtling down to the bottom before trudging back up for yet another go. The remains of Snapped Sleds dotted the hillside hither and yon - the consequences of merrymaking gone awry -, the wooden splinters swept out of the way but otherwise left to return to nature. In the snowy plains of the Howling Pass, Festive Ferrikkis bounded across Frozen Fields, frolicking as Luminescent Lights danced and twinkled in the skies overhead. Closer to home, cozy Sylestis lounged comfortably in Snug Stables, feasting from lightly steaming platters laden with Toasty Treats and enjoying quality time with their humans. Cheerful Cubs gambolled and capered as their proud parents watched on, playing with toys that had been part of the Piles of Presents gifted to their humans. Truly, the festive spirit was alive and well within the land of Sylestia.
Edited By CirrusAscending on 1/20/2025 at 11:07 PM.
Level 75
Majestic Brewmistress
Joined: 9/1/2015
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Posted: 1/5/2025 at 8:16 PM
Post #9
On Christmas Eve, a night alive with excitement and thrill,
There was a Frozen Field, beneath a hill.
Rather than being dark, it was quite bright
For the younglings had strung up Luminescent Lights.
A Smiling Snowman stood cheerfully tall,
As if shouting out, Join me, a call.
A Festive Ferrikki was frollicking near
Coat bright and colorful, face full of cheer.
It was a beautiful night, so serene,
With well used toys adding to the scene.
A Snapped Sled lied at the bottom of the incline,
Clear proof of a joyful time.
In the festive town nearby,
Spirits of all were quite high.
As the time passed and it began getting late,
Family and friends started filling up their plates
A family enjoying Toasty Treats at a pub,
Laughed at the Splendid Singing of their Cheerful Cub
Merriment and voices echoed in the halls,
Plenty of food and drink for all.
Tucked away cozily at the Snug Stable
Was a Pile of Presents, hidden under the table.
An older Morkko waited nearby,
Until it was time, his gifts to supply.
And as the Sylestis laid down their heads,
They soon arose to find blessings besides their beds.
Level 75
The Dreamer
Joined: 4/1/2014
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Posted: 1/6/2025 at 7:16 AM
Post #10
The wind howled across the frozen field, the chill biting at lil Leo's nose. The little lighira had found a festive ferrikki and playfully chased it across the field. But now, shivering against the the icy blast, he stared bleakly into the darkening white. He was lost.
Suddenly, some luminescent lights pierced the gloom. A colourful sled, pulled by a team of faeloras with antlers like glistening icicles, glided towards him. On the sleigh sat a smiling snowman, his black eyes twinkling like frosty stars.
"Lost, are we?" The Snowman's jolly voice boomed. "Hop on then!"
Leo hesitated, unsure of this strange creature. But the warmth of the sled was too inviting, and he did not know what else to do. So the little cub climbed on. Powered by magical melodies, the faeloras dashed through the snow, the chorus of splendid singing echoing across the winter wonderland. Trees laden with snow shimmered like diamonds. The falling snowflakes seemed to dance all around.
But their journey was not without its perils. With the heavy snow, they did not notice how close they were to the treeline. With a sudden bump, they were knocked from the sky. The snapped sled tumbling into a snowdrift.
The ever cheerful Snowman simply chuckled, "Not to worry. We are almost to my home."
They trekked through the darkness, the faeloras leading the way in the blizzard. And soon, they reached back to the snug stable, where the faeloras were housed. A pile of presents sat in the corner.
"A reward for your bravery," the Snowman beamed, handing Leo a beautifully wrapped gift.
Nibbling on some toasty treats, Leo watched as the Snowman prepared a new sled. Soon, they were flying once more, finally returning the cub to his family. Snuggled safely in his parents' embrace, the cheerful cub watched the magical sled disappear into the flurry of snow. And he knew, that even in the coldest winter, it is kindness that brings about the magic and warmth of the season.
Edited By Wonderfulwander on 1/7/2025 at 9:31 AM.
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