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Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > How do I get named ferrikkis like vaelun...
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Level 63
Frosty Hands
Joined: 9/5/2021
Threads: 12
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Posted: 1/20/2025 at 10:24 PM Post #1
I don't really know much about this game, but I really love how all of them look. especially vaeluna's archangel. why are they so expensive and so few? Is it because people want scarcity or is there just not a high demand? Can you/how do you find them in the wild?
Id really appreciate any responses.
Thank you and have a nice day!! :)
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/7/2018
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Posted: 1/21/2025 at 12:50 AM Post #2
I'm not sure how much you know about this game, so this may be more information than you need, but some of it might be helpful! ^^'

Named ferrikkis are ferrikki 'themes' you can view the full line up of them here! They can be obtained in a whole host of different ways, each theme has it's own criteria for being encountered or created. If you click on the individual themes you can see when they were introduced and how they were able to be collected!

^^ This ferrikki theme came from the advent calendar this year ^^

Quite a few of them are from past festivals and were able to be collected by either the festival pet creation (Ie. Sylesti brewing, Sylesti growing, Sylesti ice sculpting or Sylesti sand sculpting) or from the festival wild zone (which is the howling pass at the moment). Ferrikkis themes from past festivals are obtainable from other players or, quite rarely, from the wheel of themes whenever it comes back next.

Vaeluna's Archangel Ferrikkis happens to be one of 11 ferrikkis that can be obtained year round in the lost grove. There are 5 more common species that can be encountered and caught from the wild, they tend to sell for somewhat high prices (around 500k-4m depending on the theme) because of their scarcity. Their price tag also varies depending on the stats that they come with. Since they are lost grove pets they come with wild stats that are an additional boost on top on the normal limit to health, mana, strength, agility, dexterity and intelligence.

If we look at this pets strength, 41 is the total of the pets strength stat, 14 is its base stat and 27 is the wild stat.

Vaeluna's Archangel Ferrikkis have quite a lot going for them which makes them quite expensive. They are part of a collection of 6 themes with a restricted trait set that are only obtainable from beating what is essentially the end game boss in the temple which is after the lost grove. Vexxar is quite hard to beat and the ferrikkis aren't a guaranteed drop from defeating him (I'm pretty sure at least, don't quote me I'm scared of trying to fight him xD)! Since they are a reward from defeating the hardest boss in the game they're quite expensive. They also come with the highest and most consistent wild stats of any theme.

You'll notice that the wild stats are 70-80 each. Stats like these can be used to create 'super pets' which make battling significantly easier than using just regular pets. This is another factor that makes them more expensive. There are so few of them mostly because you have to be able to beat the end game boss to get them and although there are a lot of players who are able to do this, there aren't as many who do it super regularly so there's not a huge supply of them!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 1/21/2025 at 1:20 AM Post #3
correct, getting the drop of one of the six Elemental themes from Vexxar is not a guarantee, it's something like a 1/4 or 1/3 chance per win, I think.

so to get one of these themes you have to:
- complete the entirety of the lost grove's Forest region, beat its final boss,
- complete the Caverns and beat its final boss,
- complete floors north1, south1, north2, and south2 and all four of their floor(/final) bosses at least once,
- beat all the minibosses in the crypt to get Vexxar to spawn, and beat Vexxar.

- To beat vexxar you almost certainly want to get your barracks completely upgraded, get primordial gear made and upgraded, and spend at least a few weeks beating the minibosses in the crypt to get your Crypt's power of the ancients score up.

Then once you can manage to beat vexxar, not only is it not a guaranteed egg drop, but you can only reset the temple once a week, and if he DOES drop an egg, it is a single egg, and the theme is chosen at random from the six options.

In short, the Elemental themes are expensive because getting them is a pain.
The other LG rikki themes that are found wild (two in the Forest, two in the Caverns, one in the Temple) are very rare to come across, which adds to their general price, but balanced by them usually having lower +stats (the Vex rikkis' +stat bracket is the same as legendary/mythical wild themes. (Scrying Crystal Ferrikki, the wild Temple theme, is guaranteed to have the second highest +stat bracket (+40-+60) when found as an egg in a nest. Themed Eggs outside the Temple have a lower stat bracket than the Temple themes' eggs do, +20-+30)
Edited By Scathreoite on 1/21/2025 at 1:25 AM.
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