First of all, it seems like LG stats drop with every generation. Since I'm starting from no traits on the LG pets, would the stats drop too low before they hit 6v?
If it's worth it to try, should I max the LG pets and then breed them with the project pets for traits? Or is it better to breed in the unmaxxed LG pets with the maxxed project pets?
Apologies if there's a guide to supermax breeding somewhere that I'm just not seeing!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 2/20/2025 at 1:26 PM
Post #2
with 6v supermaxing, usually you breed up to 6v max stat then introduce/reintroduce your high +stat blood, then pick the offspring that get the best stat and trait rolls to breed to to get back up to 6v supermax
this lineage
The pet the lineage is for is a successful high+stat 6v
Sol Lunaraltuim was the first 6v supermax hatched in the lineage, but his +stats are down to ~+30, and +0 mana
Pyrran is our 3v2c wild (pre-crypt-release) legendary (and one of the progenitors of our lineage as a whole)
so we cross Pyrran with another of our 6v supermaxes, pick the offspring that get the closest to max base stats and good +stat rolls and all trait slots at least filled if not vis, and breed with those. This keeps the generation gap between our highest possible wild stat tamed pet and our final 6v supermaxes as small as possible
(honestly it's easier when you can breed your high +stat pet to pets with +0 since then it only uses the high+'s stats for the +stat calculations, rather than doing the usual "parent a's stat is x, parent b's is y, pick between them, thne subtract the genrational drop"
Edited By Scathreoite on 2/20/2025 at 1:28 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 2/20/2025 at 11:31 PM
Post #3
What I did for mine (not the highest superstat rikkis in the world, the wildstat-haver wasn't an elemental rikki) was I crossed the wildstat rikki with a full max stat + prisma-ed and nurture boosted the offspring that had decent base stats, and then bred that offspring with another max stat, etc, until the base stats were full. My finished pair is actually just a female superstat with a male regular max stat, it drops the wild stats a tiny bit but it's a more economical option than both parents being superstats if that's a concern. My female is only three generations from the wildstat rikki.
Your biggest issue would be breeding the traits back in, but if you cross each subsequent generation with a 6-vis max stat, it shouldn't take too long to get the traits back up.
Edited By Slytherin7 on 2/20/2025 at 11:34 PM.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 2/21/2025 at 2:42 PM
Post #4
Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. Digging through that lineage is really helpful, I'll definitely keep coming back to check out Sol Lunaraltuim and Pyrran :)
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 2/21/2025 at 2:42 PM
Post #5
I hadn't even thought of using a completed pair with only one superstat, I might see if that works out for my project. Thanks for the input!
Level 75
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Posted: 2/22/2025 at 12:53 PM
Post #6
I personally haven't seen anyone else do it (I'm sure there's plenty more though) and I really did it as an experiment.
Which is a decent jump down from Opalescent's but not too bad.
And then her four children's wildstats are between
Hp: 777-807
Mana: 45-50
Str: 53-54
Int: 51-52
Dex: 41-42
Agi: 47-48
Like...they're down a little bit from hers, as expected if breeding with another rikki that has no wildstats whatsoever, but the stats are quite stable.
Would you get higher stats overall with superstat x superstat instead of super x max? Yeah. But honestly, there's not enough of a difference between Lynx's stats and her children's for me to really justify creating a second line to make a mate.
So, in summary, you'll get higher stats crossing with another superstat (probably even more if crossing along the way to get back to full vis/stats! Though that will almost definitely result in a couple of wasted prismas when the traits refuse to roll), but the difference isn't enormous. The biggest thing I can recommend with this method would be picking a pet with the highest wildstats possible to account for the drop
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