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Level 56
Supernatural Shopaholic
Joined: 3/31/2018
Threads: 8
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Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:37 PM
Post #1
The difference between the colours in Gene & Mutation Traits ?
How are Traits added ?
How do I pass the Nightbandit campsite mission (I'm stuck).
What is a 'title' and how & when do we get one, can we choose/make our own ?
Can I see what I am getting from a scale egg purchase before choosing,
or is it once I click - that's my new egg and the scales are spent... (Frightened
to try in fear... of 'losing' hard earned scales to something I may not want or like).
Can I see before buying who the egg is coming from, How do I add to this
concept and how does one know what to price to charge for the egg in question ?
(what price to charge for any pet one is selling to be honest, how does one sell)
I always thought Released pets go out there into the Sylestia world so that others
might catch them later... but perhaps I am wrong ?
My current party of 2 (are Lvl 30-ish), although not sure they are the right choice.
(Anyone willing to venture my Stables and pick better are welcome to do so.
I'm Lvl 56 but my account has Lvl 75 in that were not origanally mine.
I did have other questions but as it turns out the minute one opens a new thread
to write them down to ask.... the mind goes blank ??
Edited By Urban2610 on 3/4/2025 at 10:50 PM.
Level 75
Snow Wars Champion
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 3/4/2025 at 11:30 PM
Post #2
-What the site calls 'genes' are typically coat patterns on a pet's body. A 'mutation' has separate lineart.
Here is a basic pet.
Here is a pet with a gene.
Here is a pet with a mutation.
-You can add traits using items called mutators or disruptors. Make sure to carefully read the description of whatever item you want to use. These items can be expensive and have very specific limits and will not work on every pet. There are also Trait Extractors that can remove certain traits from a pet to be put onto another.
You can also breed your pets to pass on their traits to their offspring. Here is a guide on how trait breeding works.
-Here is the walkthrough for your story troubles.
-Titles are just rewards from doing certain things that show up underneath your level in the forums. They do nothing and are only for aesthetic and bragging purposes.
-Sorry, no, you cannot know what a scale egg is before purchase. I'm not the right person to answer pet sales questions, but non-themed pets like the scale shop eggs are not generally worth a whole lot. What you can do is buy some of the other scale shop items and sell them on the Trade Broker for gold and use that gold to buy pets you prefer from other players using the Advanced Search.
-Released pets do not go back into the Sylestia world. After releasing it's always possible for you to reclaim your pet by paying 50 diamonds. That can be a steep price so be careful who you release.
-You can use pets with a level up to your user level. So for you, any pets level 56 or lower. Your pets are fine.
What you don't seem to be doing, though, is using equipment on your pets. Go to your inventory page and press "(Switch to Equipment)" to see what you've picked up so far from your battles. You can put it on your pets by selecting the pet you want from the dropdown below the inventory box, then clicking on the equipment you want, and clicking on the correct slot underneath your pet's picture. Also, one of your battle pets does not have an element yet. At this point you may want to pick a light pet in order to get some healing.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 3/5/2025 at 12:41 AM
Post #3
the colours in the pet info on genetically tested pets tell you if it's
vis homozygous. represented with Blue; both trait letters are the same, it is the only trait this slot can pass to offspring,
vis heterozygous aka, Vis with a Hidden, uses Purple; The visible trait has the genetics of a second, more recessive* trait. either trait could be passed onto offspring, 50/50
no-vis heterozygous, aka, Carry, uses Green; Pet has a 50/50 chance of passing on either the carry or nothing
*Trait dominance goes N (nothing)> A > B > C > Etc down the alphabet; basically, the order the traits appear in in the generator in any given slot is the dominance, highest to lowest. The more recessive trait letter will always be the Hidden one and the more dominant the Vis
Trait points can be added via a Mutator (lesser mutator gives a random empty trait slot either a carry or a vis also selected at random from the non-restricted possibilities. If the pet has not been genetested, you cannot see carried traits in the pet info. People offer free testing services in the Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services subforum. Greater Mutator lets you choose what non-restricted vis trait you want to add to what empty slot. There are also the Lucky and Lovely Mutators which have a smaller selection of traits that you can choose from, varying by what traits from their lists the species has)
Disruptors and Trait Scrolls cannot add TP, just use the pet's current TP.
More on these things here and here
On scale shop eggs, you can know some vague basics, but no certainty:
in blue, the species that you can get from the scale shop
and here are the general scale proce ranges for how many tp an egg will have and their distribution into traits.
Generally they aren't worth spending your scales on, since they have completely random species, palettes, and traits.
we have some stuff here in a recent question thread that may also help you
Party/element set up guide here (though it is aimed at people who are reaching or in the Lost Grove, the lv65+ area, it covers basics
Here's another one
Edited By Scathreoite on 3/5/2025 at 12:43 AM.
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