Forum Index > Fan Fiction > Recruitment into the Suit of Hearts
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Level 70
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Posted: 2/14/2014 at 11:26 PM
Post #1
Flute wandered around the garden-like area, early in the festival. Adventurers keen on making the most of the Festival of Love made it an objective to know the zone's layout like the back of their hand. Thankfully, the zone was relatively small. A bit cramped with hedges placed everywhere for the sake of patterns from a bird's-eye view, but otherwise, a bit narrow for her tastes. At least the smaller the area, the less space to cover when roaming around.
The violet-haired lass wandered to the end of the miniature canal. She hissed, a dead end. But what caught her interest was a giant, shady gray tent, behind a row of hedges. She scanned the area, and nearby was a campfire and smaller yellow tent. Aha, where there are tents, there are villains, ripe for the picking.
After 15 minutes of trudging all the way around the hedges, Flute made it to the back of the zone. It seemed more spacious than the garden, and definitely more suspicious. She cautiously crept along the side of the gray tent. She heard a conversation inside, between an apparent man and woman. Luckily enough, there was a part in the tarp where she could peek and see what the two looked like.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/14/2014 at 11:27 PM
Post #2
"So, how about it? Send off some of your servants to distract everyone, and my bandits and I will take care of Esior's Haven."
"For a lady as cool and eye-catching as yourself, you're quite naive. Your plans have failed upon every endeavor you have made. Are you not capable of thinking through your options?"
"This IS a great option, especially for you, your Highness. You'll know firsthand of how these adventurers fight. Surely this would work to your advantage. You have many servants that are more than willing to take them on, to the point that you don't even need to show up to the party yourself. Plus, this is a pretty nice place you got here."
"Miss Tyrielle, I am not a mercenary service. I do not take action without cause."
"Your Highness, please. I am making a reasonable deal with you. Whatever we take from Esior's Haven, we can split with you. The loot befits your kingdom and your classy self."
"Your sort of flattery is quite...lousy."
"HEY! Who goes there?!"
A rough, thin hand of a lady bandit gripped tightly at Flute's arm, tugging her up and forcing her into a lock. "Augh! Let me go!" Flute knocked her head against her assailant and ran for escape, but reinforcements arrived quickly from the garden's exit. The man and woman from the tent trapped her from the other end as well, cornering her into a little circle.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/14/2014 at 11:30 PM
Post #3
The woman was familiar. The leader of the Nightfall bandits, spanning across the Viridian Meadows.
"Tyrielle, we meet again."
"Who is this trespasser?"
"You can't seriously believe I remember the face of every adventurer that challenges me," Tyrielle sneered, trying to seem confident.
"I'm not the one who gets her entire flock of groupies defeated at dinnertime. Much less the one who gets beaten into submission for the holidays year-round."
Tyrielle grimaced. The man next to her looked unamused.
"If every adventurer in Sylestia is better in battle than you, Miss Tyrielle, perhaps I should look to work with them instead of you."
Flute thought quietly to herself while Tyrielle, the mysterious man, and the bandits stared at her, probably assessing the issue at hand. Flute made sure her pets were nearby, and could call for them at any time.
"So, young lady," the man asked. "I am known as the King of Hearts. Is it true that you have defeated Miss Tyrielle in combat many times?"
"With my sylestis, yes. And I'm not the only one. I'm pretty sure hundreds of people like me had bouts with her when she tried to ruin holidays or attack Esior like it's going out of style."
"Not the only one, eh?" the King mused. "Hmm."
He looked at Tyrielle. "Miss Tyrielle, you may now excuse yourself. I shall consider your proposition."
"But!" Tyrielle's eyes widened at the King, then narrowed into a glare, from him, to Flute, to the bandits behind Flute, then turned around and made her exit through the other side.
"Now then, young lady, let's have a talk in private. Come inside with me. Guards, you are dismissed." The King led Flute into the grey tent, calmly with intent.
Edited By Flute on 2/14/2014 at 11:31 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/14/2014 at 11:33 PM
Post #4
"You're really intending to host the Week of Love festival here?" Flute asked, sitting on a folding chair at a table across from the King.
"Why not? I like parties, don't you?" The King of Hearts had a calm smile. He spun a glass of red wine in his hand casually. "Not only do I like parties, but even better, I like challenging my men."
"If challenges mean unending disappointment and a drastic loss of loot and clothing, yeah, sure, challenge to your heart's content. ESPECIALLY since you won't be taking any part in it." Flute shrugged. "Seriously. Some people out there are hungry for some pretty clothes or fancy swords. You wouldn't believe the obscene things they say when they see shiny things on people."
The King chuckled. "Who's to say I'm not going to take part? Or that challenge is my only desire?" He looked the young lady in the eyes, his blood red eyes meeting hers. "I can recruit many a lady and gentleman into my wing. The garden and my luxuries tend to have that effect on adventurers and mercenaries. People much like you."
Flute rolled her eyes. "I like looting and fighting bad guys, thank you."
"I assure you, young lady, that my group doesn't sport a reputation as unfathomable as Miss Tyrielle's. You'll find it worthwhile to be within our ranks."
"Don't look to recruit me."
"We have nice clothing and weaponry and Valentines for the season all at the ready." The King smiled deviously. He could play his cards well with his wealthy and aloof, and being the leader of what seemed to be a bandit group of a higher class, he was probably better than Tyrielle's group overall.
"I'm going to have fun stealing all of that from you. I have nothing better to do this week." Flute got up from her seat, turning for the exit.
"Sour, aren't you? Sounds like you have no company. Join me for the week, and you shall have the company of my handsome guards."
The King chuckled. "All of my guards are single, fueled by the longing passion for the other half of their hearts. It's much more powerful than mere greed for for material gain."
"Will you consider joining us, then?"
Flute glared, but bit her lip from responding too favorably. "Maybe. I demand a good portion of your treasures, in equipment, clothing, and valentines. And to be paired with some of your finest men, your "guards" as you call them. Oh, and while I'm "employed", I demand to wear my own gear and have my own weapon to identify myself from your wimpy little girls. I have better things in my arsenal than the cheap equipment you give your guards any time of the year."
"Haha. Wouldn't think that my guards would be the deal-maker, but yes, earn your keep with us, and you shall have it and much more."
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