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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > Tear's Journey
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Level 60
Joined: 2/20/2014
Threads: 7
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Posted: 2/27/2014 at 1:28 PM Post #1
Have you ever asked yourself how it is to be a sylesti? Well this is the Journal of Tear.
She writes when she has some time and describes her feelings and the things that happend.

You can post here, because I will Link every post, but please don't spam.

The first page will come soon c:
Level 60
Joined: 2/20/2014
Threads: 7
Posts: 82
Posted: 3/1/2014 at 2:17 PM Post #2
A new life

After months of hunger, without anyone to talk with and the fight to survive in every minute ... I met Kate.
Before she moved to Sylestia to start a new life her name was Kate and she prefers to call herself so still. Well now she is Teardroplove or short TDL. I hope o have with her many amazing adventures.

Good news! I have got some levels! c:
I'm her first party pet and it makes me feel special. Truely she said she will never put me up for trade or up for breeding if I don't want so...the best(and first) owner I ever had n.n
Also some new sylestis joined my farm life. Blue and three Un-Named ones. Kate says she can't find a name that fits them. One of them is now my fighting partner against the nightfall bandits, I call him Josh, but I don't think he likes that name...

Did you know what I have just found out?
We have a hatchery! Kate don't wanted to show it me, because I'm to "Hyperactive" or somthing like that she said... well, if it means that I make stupid stuff and to much of it than it might be true... ^^'
I have played with polor princess and the unnamed kids and yeah...we nearly ran into a troll!

It was luck, that he didn't saw us, but Kate was very angry with me and has banished me from the hatchery...
She said it's the best for all of us...if she means so...

Have I told your about Savior? He also lives with us, but he is kinda strange...he don't speak or play with other sylestis and it looks as he is talking with himself... well strange guy...

I have to end this post for today...
I'm to busy...Josh and me need to help the fairies. c:
Level 60
Joined: 2/20/2014
Threads: 7
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Posted: 3/3/2014 at 2:21 PM Post #3
New babies

I know I'm nearly adult, but I love to play and today two new eggs hatched! One female and one male lupora. Normally cats and dogs fight, but we are friends and we don't want to fight against each other ~

Kate came home five seconds ago...she looked very happy...
I asked her why she was so happy and she nearly cuddeled me dead. Well she says we got a new part for our family...a very, very awsome part... she told me to watch after that egg like of my own child ( if I had some I would know how to do that, but yeah...). In the first half-our the egg five times nearly became omlett....ugh. I hope Kate will not find that out...she would kill me. >-<

We have some new sylesties in our stable c:
And Kate put one a special marking on, well he is new and don't like the others. He doesen't fit in our farm company c:

Level 60
Joined: 2/20/2014
Threads: 7
Posts: 82
Posted: 6/14/2014 at 3:46 AM Post #4

OMG! I totally forgot that I had a journal! Some pets from a good friend of Kate reminded me that I was writing this...

Well...many things happend since then...

Kate has started something she calls breeding project and I can't understand why there are so many pets in the stables right now. I think there are too many, well but Kate says they will be gone soon. Hm...I wonder who will go.

She just said that the pets will go to the wild if they need to...nothing against them, but some of them look very...ehm...not nice ^^'

To many pets and some of them behave like kings and queens just because they have special titels. Pah! I don't like them. To much "I'm better then you".(When they are better why I am still here? xD)

I hope Kate don't want to get rid of me...OMG I would scream and whine like a pup!

Kate when you read this don't let me go!

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