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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > Harbingers
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Level 21
Joined: 6/5/2014
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Posted: 6/8/2014 at 5:44 PM Post #1
if you want a more accuate update than the ones ill post here randomly, you should go here or here, how ever, the first link will show you the characters and such

its mostly based on the game play but some slight differences.
the main character is a girl named Luna who is a half Fae half human, most of the NPCs are in it and so is a boy named Pika [an old friend of mine who doesnt get on here any more]
if you want to know why theyre called Harbingers, go to the first link and then go to 'TidBits"

When I was younger, I didnt know much. Then again, what child does? I thought I knew more than most kids my age, and I still think I did, but not really anything important, but I knew about the Sylesti. Sylesti are creatures of this realm, most are a hazard and there are knights who protect the towns from them, but some Sylesti find a human -Harbingers the people call us- but even then, they cant do what I can. Daddy said it was because of my mom, it was because of her that I could hear the Sylesti and why I looked a little different. Im not some mutant by any means, Im just a little pale, and my ears are shaped a little funny. Daddy said its because Mommy was a fairy. Fairy folk arent rare by any means, not here, but interbreeding with a human is. I guess thats why she left me here.
When I was 7, I was in the horse stalls with my Daddy when I heard the a voice. Sylesti voices sound very different than people voices, so I knew immediately that thats what it was. Daddy says that they just sounds like growls and other such animal noises to him, but I can understand them perfectly. There, in the horse stalls, is where I met Umbra. He was a lost little Zolnixi, dark blue fur -almost midnight black- with yellow markings. He was by no means extravagant like some others id seen prowling the forests when Daddy and I went to deliver a pony or wheat bales to the people outside of town, but he needed my help and I think I needed a friend.
Such a little Sylesti was of no actual harm to Daddys farm, so I think thats why he let me keep him, but he watched the perimeters of the property a lot more for a while; now, I think he might have been watching out for an angry mother Zolnixi, or maybe what ever separated Umbra from his mother. Im glad what ever the case, it never came. Umbra is my best friend.

Now, Im about 20, I still look really young though, again Daddy says its because of my mom, but I dont mind it. I still live in Esiors Haven on Dads farm but now I spend more time with Pika. Hes a knight in training, so he gets a lot of low level eradication missions.
When Sylesti die, they dont die like regular animals do; they kind of just poof. They return to the majix they are made from. Its hard to explain, but basically they turn into this glittery dust and disperse. They arent destroyed into nothing, but they go and become a fairy or a new Sylesti or help the trees and plants grow, stuff like that. Actually, Im getting ready to go with him right now!

"Come on Luna!"
Level 21
Joined: 6/5/2014
Threads: 1
Posts: 6
Posted: 6/8/2014 at 5:44 PM Post #2
Luna, stuffing the last health potion into her satchel, bolted out of her humble home to meet up with Pika just outside the fence. As always, Umbra was close in toe, offering one curt nod to Pikas party.
Got every thing we need? Pika questioned, he seemed a bit more serious than usual, but seeing as his last mission involved not just one but two trolls in Trollsblight Cavern his seriousness was warranted. Slightly.
Luna nodded, stopping shot and smiling wide when she saw Jinxie behind Pika and poking poor unamused Laycon in the snout.
Jinxies coming too!? at the mention of her name, the blonde fae looked over and nodded with a smile.
Didnt Pika tell you where were going? Luna shook her head,
"Oh, well, were going to the Fungus Grove to find the fairies Miri and I havent seen any in a couple days and its not normal; not to mention the trolls up in a bugger, that only made me more suspicious, so we convinced Sheriff Thyrm to let us go in search for them."
By now the pink-clad woman was flitting about,waving her arms in a dramatic way as she told her story. Luna glanced at Pika, he looked worried but she knew with the three of them, they could easily find the Fae people with out a hitch.
Well, we should go then! The she chirped. The Fungus Grove was a days walk away to begin with.
Level 21
Joined: 6/5/2014
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Posted: 6/8/2014 at 5:45 PM Post #3
Much to Pikas concern, it was dusk by the time he and his friends made it over the fields to the Fungus Grove. Luckily they had made it there at all and the slightly luminescent fungi would provide cover for the night, how ever, it did little to settle his nerves. Nothing about this was right, the Fae people were strong and had their majix to protect them; theres no reason they should have gone missing. A rather loud roar of a bark snapped Pika from his broading and drew his attention to directly behind him where his party and friends were, and apparently were all agitated at him especially Luna with her arms crossed in front of herself and scowling.
What? What is it? He questioned in almost pure confusion, slight agitation being the only thing tainting his tone.
At least you listen to Laycon, the raven-ette grumbled as she pet the wolf behind his ears,
"Jinxie and I have been calling your name for 20 minutes She even prodded you a couple times with her staff you dork."
Oh, so thats why they were all mad at him.
What we wanted to tell you, Jinxie flitted over between the two having felt they might quarrel soon,
"Is that we should probably set up camp or something No one said we had to do it all in one day. okay?" The blonde wore a look of obvious worry. Pika looked over his team, Umbra was already laying net to Lunas feet, his dexterity being the lowest of all the present Sylesti it was no shock but it was still a good indication of how long they really had been walking. Even his own Zolinxi, Burner, looked a little winded- though prideful and would probably not succumb to it any time soon. Pika let out a sigh and nodded, shooing off the women and Sylesti all waiting for his say-so.

As warm as it was and due to the illumination of the fungi-forest there was no need for a fire; Jinxie knocked down some off-shoots from some of the mushrooms so serve as seating for herself and her friends since the ground here could get rather mucky; the act being very much so obliged by her friends. The Sylesti however concluded that the ground was more comfortable.
For a long time, it remained silent, not an awkward silence but more a peaceful one until Pika spoke up.
The womans attention instantly went from petting Umbra to the boy,
"Did you bring you Ocarina?" He paused for a minute, noticing her sudden but slight shock,
"I havent heard you play it in a long time, I was just hoping to hear it since its so nice out here, I think it would be fitting if you had brought it at least"
It was true, she had brought it but it wasnt like she never played it any more, Pika was just busy more than usual lately; Luna smiled a bit at the sentiment and pulled it from her pouch, carefully drawing it to her lips and playing the firsttune to enter her mind.
Pika smiled slightly and looked up though the small gaps between the shroom-tops to see stars. He hadnt realized how much he missed just hanging out with his friends until then and honestly, it hurt. Much to Pikas concern, it was dusk by the time he and his friends made it over the fields to the Fungus Grove. Luckily they had made it there at all and the slightly luminescent fungi would provide cover for the night, how ever, it did little to settle his nerves. Nothing about this was right, the Fae people were strong and had their majix to protect them; theres no reason they should have gone missing. A rather loud roar of a bark snapped Pika from his broading and drew his attention to directly behind him where his party and friends were, and apparently were all agitated at him especially Luna with her arms crossed in front of herself and scowling.

What? What is it? He questioned in almost pure confusion, slight agitation being the only thing tainting his tone.
At least you listen to Laycon, the raven-ette grumbled as she pet the wolf behind his ears,
"Jinxie and I have been calling your name for 20 minutes She even prodded you a couple times with her staff you dork."
Oh, so thats why they were all mad at him.
What we wanted to tell you, Jinxie flitted over between the two having felt they might quarrel soon,
"Is that we should probably set up camp or something No one said we had to do it all in one day. okay?" The blonde wore a look of obvious worry. Pika looked over his team, Umbra was already laying net to Lunas feet, his dexterity being the lowest of all the present Sylesti it was no shock but it was still a good indication of how long they really had been walking. Even his own Zolinxi, Burner, looked a little winded- though prideful and would probably not succumb to it any time soon. Pika let out a sigh and nodded, shooing off the women and Sylesti all waiting for his say-so.

As warm as it was and due to the illumination of the fungi-forest there was no need for a fire; Jinxie knocked down some off-shoots from some of the mushrooms so serve as seating for herself and her friends since the ground here could get rather mucky; the act being very much so obliged by her friends. The Sylesti however concluded that the ground was more comfortable.
For a long time, it remained silent, not an awkward silence but more a peaceful one until Pika spoke up.
The womans attention instantly went from petting Umbra to the boy,
"Did you bring you Ocarina?" He paused for a minute, noticing her sudden but slight shock,
"I havent heard you play it in a long time, I was just hoping to hear it since its so nice out here, I think it would be fitting if you had brought it at least"
It was true, she had brought it but it wasnt like she never played it any more, Pika was just busy more than usual lately; Luna smiled a bit at the sentiment and pulled it from her pouch, carefully drawing it to her lips and playing the first tune to enter her mind.
Pika smiled slightly and looked up though the small gaps between the shroom-tops to see stars. He hadnt realized how much he missed just hanging out with his friends until then and honestly, it hurt.
Level 21
Joined: 6/5/2014
Threads: 1
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Posted: 6/8/2014 at 5:46 PM Post #4
He wasn't sure when he fell asleep but the sound of sudden snarls and growls made Pika jump from his spot leaning against a mushroom, instantly alert. A blur of grey whizzed past him, making him yelp and stumble back over the dead piece of mushroom he had been seated on. Now covered in muck, He saw Laycon has launched at a couple of Vulnyx that were about to attack him; A quick look around showed that all of the Sylesti were fighting similar Vulnyx. Horned forest Vulnyx. A pack had apparently attacked them, and in the early morning no less- there was nothing not strange about this!
Instantly on his feet, he went to help Jinxie who was trapped between a couple of close fitted mushroom stalks and 3 Vulnyx. He regretted not bringing his sword and shield now, but his dagger would have to do. He whipped it out from his belt and jumped at the Vulnyx to the right, gaining the upper hand via surprise attack. The first Vulnyx was fairly simple to kill and it dispersed as all dead Sylesti do, but now alert to him, the other two feline Sylesti that were once focused on Jinxie were now attacking Pika. Jinxie's pleading for the enraged and highly territorial creatures wasn't helping at all.
'Why doesn't she just fly up!?' Pika found himself thinking as he slashed at the attacking creatures, barley doing as much damage as they were to him, 'and where the hell is Luna!?'
Out of almost no where, one of the Vulnyx was lifted off of Pika, who quickly realized it was Draco who had rescued him, shouting a 'thanks bud!' before resuming battle with the slightly distracted creature. Within another couple moments, Pika and his team had eradicated the pack of feline beasts; Breathing heavily and hunching forward slightly, Pika glared around the area. Partially looking for anything else that was going to attack and partially for Jinxie and Luna. Jinxie was off to the side still trying to get her majix to mend her torn wing -that explained why she wouldn't just fly away- but he couldn't see Luna.
"Where's. Luna." The male snarled, he hadn't intended for it to sound so venomous, but there was a huge gash in his upper shoulder and multitudes of smaller injuries everywhere.
Level 21
Joined: 6/5/2014
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Posted: 6/17/2014 at 10:38 PM Post #5
Seeing Jinxie freeze and then whip around to look instantly panicked Pika,
"L...Luna? ... LUNA!?"

Junxie, Pika, and the Sylesti all started the search for Luna and Umbra. Umbra wouldn't have ever left Luna, which gave them some hope that she was okay, but they each knew that Luna wouldn't have just left, especially during a fight.
Panting and screaming for both Umbra and Luna, Jinxie and Pika both stopped dead when they heard a yip. It was a bit high pitched and 'croak-y' but easily identifiable as Umbra's. The two glanced at each other before taking off towards the spaced out yipping, Pika calling his team to follow. Upon getting closer they could hear that Umbra was whining between the yips.
Finding their way through the glowing trunks of the mushroom forest, they came upon a sight they had wished was a farce...
Luna was laying in a pool of her own blood; Umbra slowly looked back behind himself, seeming to have to tear his eyes away from his fallen tamer. He wasn't in the best shape either.

Jinxie was the first to move from the frozen state that seemed to engulf every one. She rushed over to Luna and dropped to her knees beside her, quickly noticing that all the potions Luna had brought were now broken and spilled every where, the pouch that they were in was even torn off her apparently.
"Luna! Luna please wake up!" She choked out, tears started to blur her vision but were quickly wiped away.
"J-Jinxi..." Pika stumbled over, soon ending up on his knees too, all the anger he'd had about Luna's disappearance now turned to fret and grief. He cautiously looked over at the fairy,
"Did Miri teach you and healing spells?" He hoped, oh he hoped, that she at least knew minor ones. anything that could help. He knew Jinxie wasn't a healing fairy, she wasn't even a full fledged light fairy yet, none the less able to take up a sub group, but if there was any greater power above, hopefully it would help her.

Burner looked up at his master, never had he seen the boy shed tears before; yes, he'd seen his younger siblings and a couple towns people weep, but never Pika. The Zolinxi had trained with him almost as long as Draco had and a glance to the dragon confirmed that apparently he had never seen the sight either.
Laycon, being the least prideful of the three was the one to comfort him, nudging his un-burned cheek and whining a bit, but it went unnoticed.
"JINXIE!" Pika growled pasted clenched teeth. The fae-girl jumped a bit and hesitantly took Luna's head from Pikas lap.
"Yeah, but I don't know if it'll--"
"DO IT!"

The girl nodded and closed her eyes, soon a small glow of Jinxie's majix could be seen between her hands and Luna's head. Obvious effort on the Fae's face while the other female simply looked as if she were sleeping.
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