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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > Shadow Hunter Z
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 96
Posts: 850
Posted: 3/7/2013 at 2:34 PM Post #1

Born to a family of of simple farmers Zeo lived a happy life with his mother, father, and twin sister Zaelia on the outskirts of Esior's Haven. He'd spend his days playing with his sister, and their friends as well as helping out on the farm when he could. It was a simple life, but the family was happy... well at least up until Zeo, and Zaelia's 7th birthday when black metal wings burst out of Zeo's back emitting a strange aura that engulfed him, and a powerful energy was released from inside his sister with a similar effect. You see their parent had a secret that the had keep hidden from the children. The secret being that they came from both a clan of powerful demons, and demon hunters. Their father was the son ofKrinadon Da' Sheer the legendary demon hunter of the Umbra forest, and leader of the Sylestian Demon Slayer guild he had a powerful hatred for them since he believed that the love of his life was killed by the Demon Queen Faiona Sabrewolf. A powerful, but incredibly beautiful Demon mage who was just as cunning as she was dangerous. She rules (secretly) over the mountain city. Avansată Oraș the most advanced city in Sylestia. She is also the children aunt un-unbeknownst to her.

Once the children's change had start their combined energy was sensed all over Sylestia by hunter's, and demons alike included their parents who had rushed to their aid as the change had begun. They didn't know what to tell their children, but they did know one thing that their days of happiness were over.

"Mom do you ever think that will be able to go home?" Zaelia asked her mother Serenia who gave a gentle loving hug. "One day sweetie, and we'll be together with all of our friends and neighbors just like before," she said know ing all to well that they could never return to their normal lives It had been several months since the children transformations had occurred forcing the family to leave their, and go on the run constantly moving from place to place to avoid the hunters, and demons that were chasing them. Having several close calls along the way with Faiona's henchmen nearly getting their hands on the children. However they were able to pull through thanks their mothers Psycohive ability which can to control other demons. An ability that is passed down through the royal family bloodline that grows stronger with each new generation. As well as Tanveryn's own elemental glade as dangerous, and deadly technique only known by the most skilled of hunters that allows give a hunter the power to call upon the one of the four elements of nature Earth, water, wind, and fire. Both Serenia's ability, and Tanveryn's technique are very powerful, but drain a lot of energy leaving them too weak to fight the hunter's who normally aren't far behind the demons so they have to flee soon after the battles normally using the underground tunnels that run all throughout sylestia to escape.
Edited By 1420 on 4/5/2013 at 12:06 PM.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
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Posted: 3/20/2013 at 8:50 AM Post #2
Cool, Zeo!
XD I loved how you put Fai and Krin in there.
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