I have not much practice with my writing skills before and I might revise this someday. I hope you will enjoy this story. Before you begin reading, I would like to add that in my story, every single movie, story, video games, TV shows are jumbled up together, linking one world with another, so it is possible that you can get from the Pokemon world to the Doctor Who universe, with some travelling.
I take a little of Sheechwan's idea when writing this story, hope you don't mind Sheechwan . And I'm sure many of you does not know what "Mushudopts" is. It is a group in DeviantArt.
One more thing... For those who really loved the Twilight Saga, control yourself when reading this. Thanks.
It feels like just yesterday, I left home, where I have been staying since I am born. Looking back now, it has been a whole week since I left my mother’s side and go travelling. Since young, I loved travelling and visiting all kinds of place, and I would wish I can actually go travelling on my own. My dream came true when I turned 16 on my birthday last week. I can finally travel and fulfill my dreams to travel around the world.
I remember the time just before I leave home, my mother seems like she is going to cry. I never seen her cry before, she is a very tough lady and wouldn’t even whimper when her hand accidentally get burned that one time. Now? The mere thought of me leaving her is too painful for her. My father did not cry, but I know he feels sad having to leave his precious daughter. When he knew about my intentions of travelling, he bought so many travelling necessities like matchsticks, candles, and canned food that I have to leave some of them at home.
It was a very touching moment, all of my neighbors and friends came to say goodbye. I think I’m about to cry too if my mom didn’t blurt out: “Don’t forget to change you underwear’s everyday!” I’m sure my friends are trying hard not to laugh. But Brianna, one of my good friends can’t stop herself and burst out laughing so loud that others follow suite can’t blame her though, she’s well known for her ability to laugh even when watching a horror movie. I’m sure my face has gone tomato red.
Not long after (due to that embarrassment mostly), I finally say my goodbye. Not really though, Grace will soon go travelling too in a month’s time. We promise to meet up at Kanto, Route 1 of the Pokémon world. She is a sweet girl, and quite shy, but never mess with her, she is an expert in karate. She couldn’t travel earlier because she has a broken leg. Still, it will be a long time before I return home.
I spent these last few days walking around and visiting new places. Last week I reached a place where a clan known as Mushudopts lived. There are all kinds of animal species there. I particularly liked the Flora species. I also gain a new friend there. Her name is Snowbell, which is short for her ID name: Snowbellseedrian. She only haves one pet, a Kleoh named Auya. She is a shy person and is not active in the clan, but she really loves her pet.
I was sad to leave the place a few days later. The people there are so kind. I also got a few souvenirs like some gems (the local currency), dried samples of the flora there (Did I mention I love collecting dried flowers?) and a beautiful keychain, a gift from Snowbell. I remember my mother once told me I came to here before when I was only a year old. No wonder I have some kind of déjà vu when I entered here.
When I checked my map, It says that the nearest kingdom is Sylestia. A beautiful place where creatures known as Sylesties lived there in harmony with the citizens. I’m just a few kilometers away. There is also a vampire village that is much closer, but it is based on the Twilight Saga. I like vampires, but not them! Based on what I heard: They are hard to destroy, I mean it. They are immune to what the “normal” vampire is afraid of, body made of a material that is as hard as diamond, or maybe harder, fangs are unbreakable, very strong, shows in mirrors and photographs, and most importantly: They sparkle in sunlight, SPARKLE. I rather be near to Dracula by 100 meters that near that village within a 5 kilometers radius. So I choose to go to Sylestia. It sounds fun too!
I think I’m near, I can see some high buildings nearby. And there are some very weird creatures there too. But when there is 800+ Pokémon registered, and counting, no creature is weird anymore.
By the way, My name is Jenny, Jenny Clara Willows.
Will revise this someday, Chapter 2 coming soon!