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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Summer Festival - Eggling Auction #1
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/1/2014 at 10:25 PM Post #11
Agreed Roe, thank you.
Level 70
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Posted: 8/1/2014 at 10:25 PM Post #12
Posting my Eggling Auction guide here! c:

Also, amen Roe!

Sylestia has much to offer for those who do AND don't hoard. And games are MEANT for aspirations.

It's a shame it takes people awhile to realize that life's all about aspirations. :P
Level 60
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 3:03 AM Post #13
Unfortunately many (no not all) of those from the younger generations get just about everything handed to them when its asked for.....welcome the welfare state.

When I grew up, if I wanted something I had to work for it, or wait for Christmas and see.
The same principles learned when growing up usually carries over as you get older.

As for the eggs....if I'm willing to really break into my gold hoard, I could compete with the heavy hitters here this time around. :)
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 3:58 AM Post #14
It's sad to see our world come to that, when you come from an age where you work for what you want, and work around what obstacles there are. *o*

Even in games. >w<;

There are gonna be some heavy hitters indeed. Hitting one million gold isn't common place now if one is a regular. Much less 5mil or more...
Level 60
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 8:07 AM Post #15
I'm just getting awfully sick of people complaining lately about Wheel Pets being so rare and all that whining. They're supposed to be incredibly rare, few people are supposed to get them, and I think some people are missing that point. x3

I think you, and others, might be missing the point. This site is going to start losing money. When people spend literally hundreds of dollars of real money, and I've personally sunk about $300+ into this festival so far, a lot of that trying to get these 'lucky' wheel pets, of which I managed to snag 1, they begin to realize that the odds just aren't worth it and when they realize the odds aren't worth it, they stop spending, which in turn means that the site suffers. I'm not whining. I just feel like a damn fool for having blown that much money for nothing. I expected more because of the way that wheel was advertised, and because of the way it was advertised, I had every right to expect better results. 'Few people are supposed to get them'? Great. Then those 'few people' best start digging real deep into their pockets because they'll be the only ones spending money on that wheel in the future if the odds stay this dismal in the future.

I'm simply stating the facts as I see them, which is, no pet on that wheel is worth hundreds of dollars of real money to me, therefore, after this festival, I will no longer be supporting it. You can have those wheel pets. Fine, so they're incredibly rare. And they'll stay even more rare when more and more people decide to keep their money in their pockets rather than dish out hundreds on something that is almost next to impossible, imo, to get at this point, no matter how many times it's said the wheel is 'luckier'. Luckier for who? It wasn't me. So, the admins have to ask themselves what's more important, keeping wheel pets 'incredibly rare' for a few and risk more people holding onto their money, or making them a little less rare and getting more money from the masses. I know what route I'd go. Making more money for my site would mean a hell of a lot more to me than keeping some pixels uber rare for a handful of people. Yeah, it was my choice to spend that money. It's my choice now not to next time.

If they want to do 'uber rare' pets, then have Fai design them and give them out as prizes for FREE for...whatever game or contest...but don't expect people to spend hundreds for what amounts to nothing. I won't do it again, so that's hundreds they lose just from me saying forget it and I know I'm not the only one that will hang onto their money next go round unless something changes for the better. This whole wheel thing needs to be rethought in my opinion, but whatever. *shrug*

And I busted my******long and hard for every dime I have in my bank account, thanks, so yeah, when I lose it on nothing, I'm not happy and when I'm not happy with something, I quit spending money on it. And so will lots of others if they become unhappy or don't see bang for their buck. I don't believe in throwing good money after bad. And on this 'lucky' wheel, I've learned my lesson the hard way. From now on, my money stays with me. Keep those wheel pets uber rare for a handful and see how much money this site will lose in future events. I mean, what am I losing that's so important if I don't support the wheel? A pixel. What are the admins losing if something doesn't change for more people? You figure it out.

This is nothing against the admins here. They're great and I love them. I don't mean to come off as hard or mean, and I apologize if that's how I'm sounding, but I am incredibly frustrated that I spent that much money on something that I assumed would give much better odds and much better results. I feel like a total idiot and that is where most of my frustration comes from right there, feeling foolish for spending so much and not getting anything out of it. Had I snagged 2 pets I probably wouldn't feel so silly now. And funny enough, I did snag 2 pets last time...on the 'un-luckier' wheel for a whole lot less, so yeah, I feel like a total ****** now and it's not a good feeling and not something I want to feel ever again. Frankly, I feel ripped off, illogical as that may be. Nobody is going to keep spending and supporting something when they come out of it feeling so bad about it. If real money wasn't involved, which is the root of all this, it would be a totally different ball game.

Gah, went on a little tangent, didn't I? lol Sorry!
Edited By Shadow on 8/2/2014 at 9:52 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 9:32 AM Post #16
Author: Serabee
Time Posted: 8/1/2014 at 9:16 PM
Gah, why do you taunt me when I'm so broke D:

You and me both
Level 70
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 8:38 PM Post #17
Before I try to deconstruct your response, I tried to google gacha rates. Sadly, gachapons are easier to explain when you experience them firsthand.

I'd like to say that the wheel is very much like a gachapon.
Gachapons, in the gamer world, specifically Asian MMORPGs, are gambling items. A player usually spends real life currency (cash, yen, USD, you name it) in order to try their luck. Much like our wheel, all lower prizes have a WAY larger chance of being received, and the very rare and worth-it prizes have a small chance.

I found this article about a debate on the gacha system in Pangya, which is apparently some Asian golf game.
If you read it, their complaints are similar to yours.
"...but if only the rates were any better, Pangya would have more gacha players. But oh well~ my $$ is better spent elsewhere than gambling on this game." - from the second post of that thread
"And this is how you lose customers. GJGE Pangya Team." - the 5th post.
"I'd be very surprised if they didn't lose customers on this (bad rates and this notice)" and some posts after.

I'd like to leave you to read this for a second.
Maybe it'll give you some perspective. Sylestia isn't the only game that uses a gambling table of rates to give out prizes. There are gamers like you out there equally upset at the money they spent, felt entitled to better, and wishes the companies to do more.

I actually had a reply deconstructing your tangents, but it got lost because I got logged out while replying. It'll take me a bit to type it out again. But here, do read the article.
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 9:11 PM Post #18
Gosh, I really wish the previous reply wasn't deleted. Now to sort this out for the second time...

I'm sorry to deconstruct your post in this way. I decided to group lines together. They may sound out of context, but...I felt I could deal with this better somehow if it was organized like this.

I'm simply stating the facts as I see them...

...This site is going to start losing money.
...What are the admins losing if something doesn't change for more people?
...Making more money for my site would mean a hell of a lot more to me than keeping some pixels uber rare for a handful of people.
...When people spend literally hundreds of dollars of real money,...they begin to realize that the odds just aren't worth it and when they realize the odds aren't worth it, they stop spending, which in turn means that the site suffers.
... Nobody is going to keep spending and supporting something when they come out of it feeling so bad about it.

Every player is different. You can't say for sure that all players react the same as you have said, or feel like you have said.
You aren't the only player that is paying diamonds. You aren't the only player that is experiencing incredible loss. Sylestia also isn't the only game that pushes these chances on anyone else.
But people still gamble, whether it's here, on another game, or even in casinos, in hopes of winning. And even then, Sylestia's wheel isn't the only diamond-feature that provides income to the site. It's another feature of many.

If they want to do 'uber rare' pets, then have Fai design them and give them out as prizes for FREE
Fai has done frankenpets and other various games where pets have been given out for free. They were 2vis or 3vis pets, not tagged, just generated.
"Uber rare" pets aren't uber rare because their free. Especially if you're talking about wheel pets.
Wheel pets come from the .01% chance of the wheel giving a pet out. Wheel pet value for the community is based on the fact that only a few have them, and many don't. And because of that disparity, rarity is relevant, and supply and demand comes into play.
Thus, game economy. For wheel pets. If everyone got a free wheel pet, there wouldn't be an economy (or one as strong as the one there is now). If a few got a free wheel pet, I'm sure there's some people to say that it isn't quite fair either.

If real money wasn't involved, which is the root of all this, it would be a totally different ball game.
1. Regular wheel tickets can be earned by participating in the festival zone, killing bosses and doing the seashell hunt for tickets and tokens. No real money required.
2. Premium options, such as the lucky tickets, are always optional. It didn't have to be involved. It changes the prizes because it eliminates philters and lower prizes, but there WAS a different ball game.

I'm not whining. I just feel like a damn fool for having blown that much money for nothing.
...Yeah, it was my choice to spend that money. It's my choice now not to next time.
And I busted my******long and hard for every dime I have in my bank account, thanks, so yeah, when I lose it on nothing, I'm not happy and when I'm not happy with something, I quit spending money on it.

...I am incredibly frustrated that I spent that much money on something that I assumed would give much better odds and much better results.
...Frankly, I feel ripped off, illogical as that may be.

Many people regret gambling and paying into these sorts of things, especially in games. However, it is a system. People still play against it in hopes of winning. Hopefully, you'll learn from this, and learn how to use your money better.
This may deter other people from playing the wheel, but don't be mistaken if you see the wheel in the future. It's being worked on.

This whole wheel thing needs to be rethought in my opinion, but whatever. *shrug*
"As to the, "we want more wheel pets", we will definitely look at ways to improve this. Sylestia's a game. It's meant to be fun. If something isn't fun, we'll change it. Obviously, the wheel is still far from perfect. I do think we made a step forward with this festival, but it still has a ways to go." -Krinadon
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Posted: 8/2/2014 at 10:32 PM Post #19
Author: Ivodince
Time Posted: 8/2/2014 at 6:00 PM
Summer Festival- Eggling Auction #1











All the sylesti eggs are probably what I said they are, but yet again I am not 100% positive, they might trick you xD

contribution by ivodince
Level 60
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Posted: 8/3/2014 at 5:42 AM Post #20
Flute, thanks for the reply. I understand what you're saying...all of it. If I'm mad at anyone, it's myself. There's a reason I don't gamble in real life...well, with the exception of the occasional lottery ticket a couple times a year. I have no plans to gamble on that wheel again. I don't like to lose.

The only thing I felt entitled to were better odds. Last festival I got 2 wheel pets for less diamonds for tickets. This time, I got 1 pet for a lot more diamonds on a 'lucky' wheel advertised as giving better odds. And therein lies my frustration. I didn't see a bit of difference and the disappointment I felt was huge.

I've got nobody to blame but myself and I know it. I've been kicking my own******ever since, calling myself all kinds of fool. And yes, I have learned from this mistake. Big time.

I know I'm not the only one spending money on the wheel. But now I'm one less that does. I'll stick to Mystical pairs and help the site financially that way. My pairs are win/win and that's how I like it. lol

I'm glad Krin is looking into how to improve the wheel. It needs improving, imo. Somehow.
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