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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > BOOK OF SYLESTIAN QUOTES
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Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 9:48 AM Post #1
SO........after much thought, i think for memories sake, we should write down the most memorable quotes we came across or was said by friends, can't carry inappropriate things in it. Most of all, it has to be quoted correctly and actually said, and marked in right, keep to one post if you can and edit it over and also importantly, do not pick ones that might embarrass someone and if they ask you to remove it, remove it.

Example of how it could/should look like:


"Well, unless someone sends you a master trap, it must die" --Entropy,Summer Festival, 2014

"One seashells remaining, not even proper grammar >:|"--Roseydove, Summer Festival,2014

"Geeze these popsickles are pricey"--Divinis, Summer Festival,2014

"Bane should stop quoting people"--Starmax, Summer Festival,2014

"I haven't been lurking for like ten minutes :V"--Junco,Summer Festival, 2014

"Why are the wild male Lighiras always pink?"--Xovinx,Summer Festival, 2014

"Because they're fierce and fabulous" --Fresh, Summer Festival, 2014

"I found some cheez its that seem to be slightly stale"--Entropy, Summer Festival,2014

"Remind me not to challenge Amirell to a "who can breed a 6-vis first challenge" again..."--Me, Summer Festival, 2014

"Ahhhh!!!! Pink male Lighira!!!!! Okay. *runs away*--Jayzialia, Summer Festival, 2014

"I just hoard items away like that and pass them out to newbies that dont have much clothing :3" --Treetoes, summer Festival, 2014

"shell hunt is more important than studying" --Jessc, Summer Festival, 2014

"i'm happy to think that nightbane thinks we're all so young XP" --Mikazukichan, Summer Festival, 2014

(we were talking about our 'relationship with beds"....this was 2014 Summer Festival)

Me: omgggg I just got trolled/pwned by Krin XD
Firebreath: Hi peoples!!!
Snocone2: Lol, Night
Thrackerzod: XD Hi night!
Me: omg lol Krin....i'm dying here XD
Snocone2: Hi Fire
Me: that was omfg such a fail on my part pfft XD
Snocone2: what did he say lol
Firebreath: What did he say?
Me: noo, i was looking for cornucopias, and then i suddenly decided i wanted to see the harvest festival thread, i went on the thread, saw a cornucopia and spent a good minute trying to click it before realizing it was the image thats part of the thread XD
Me: (i wanted to check the thread to see how long the sales go again)
Me: see what i mean?
Firebreath: I did the exact same thing, dont worry LOL
Me: pfft lmao XD
Maddytivon: narg
Snocone2: I did tne same thing, Fire saw me too lol
Me: lol really? XD
Me: what Fire say?
Snocone2: Yes, she saw me trying to click it XDD
Me: pfft what she say about it?
Snocone2: Fire, what did you say [Tongue]
Firebreath: Lol, it was hilarious, she was getting frustrated with her tablet and then she just simply said, *screw it* and then I had the heart to tell her it was part of the thread... [Tongue]
Me: ^ really? XD
Firebreath: Yah
Snocone2: Yes XDD
Me: frustrated with her tablet...??? o_O
Firebreath: LOL
Firebreath: Im literally dying of laughter right now.. :
Firebreath: * [Big smile]
Snocone2: Yeah, I thoguth it wouldn't let me clicky it
--Harvest Festival, 2014

Come on guys, lets do it for memories sake XD

"DO NOT QUOTE (or not use their name) LIST(as per requested of the user):

- Black

Please be respectful of all people."
Edited By NightbaneWolf on 11/29/2014 at 11:21 PM.
Level 74
Fright Master
Joined: 3/12/2014
Threads: 15
Posts: 388
Posted: 8/6/2014 at 9:57 AM Post #2
This is my post. I am going to keep it here and it shall be mine.

- 8/6/14
Entropy - "I hunger. *slinks off to seek nourishment* "

Entropy - "Xov, what is this, Soviet Russia?"

Sparklepwny - "I'm not sure lighs have milkshakes."

Nightbanewolf - "i'm wondering if i should quote the Rosey's quote...."

Fresh - "if someone threw a mutator at you... would it be a cow-ouch potato?"

Entropy - "I'll dishonor you...IN THE FACE."

Nightbanewolf - "LOL Fresh and Entropy, quoted again by our lovable Quotey Xovinx"

Xovinx - "Gotcha, Nightbane. *Descends into mad cackling*"

Entropy - "Everything happened. It's now called Flurpleday and all your pets are mine."

Nightbanewolf - "agreed! someone keep the honorably memorably quotably quotable quote book up on the thread so it doesnt vanish?"

Shaylmesse - "cause a cop came into the restaurant when I was little and I just went "shhh, everyone act natural!" "

Atomicrift - "Nightbane at least needs one normal good night. Good night Bane and I hope you get run over by a bus in the middle of the night!!"

Nightbanewolf - "i am perfectly normal, i just like everyone to be happy"

Nightbanewolf - "its just Xovinx and Entropy are so funny"

Atomicrift - "Yay! Utter silence for 28 seconds! New record!"

Atomicrift - "I'm Atom, I'm pretending to know you! ^_^"

Blueloverw: peat and repete were sitting on a wall pete fell down who was left?
Xovinx: *Shoots Blue*
Blueloverw: *marries xavinx*
Xovinx: In the nicest possible way.
Xovinx: Xavinx is my cousin! Stay away from her!
Blueloverw: *has married in the meanist way possible*
Xovinx: Ooooh, I need some ice.
Nightbanewolf: ^quote it

Atomicrift: I love it how everyone pretends to know everyone! Or they really do know everyone and I just
Shaylmesse: we've just grown close over all the fests atom, you will too!
Entropy: Karma get your butt to general chat so I can show you many pictures of my cat.
Xovinx: We hang out every festival, pretend to be friends, then realize HEY! We actually kinda are, in internetland.

Xovinx: Hey there, person everyone confuses me with! I think I have your owl.
Xavion: 'person everyone confuses you with' ... o_O is that me?
Xovinx: Yep.

Autumn Festival

ColonelHazard - *drunkenly stumbles around field taking wild swings at scarecrows* Fight me!

Xovinx: It feels like the Dark Spectres should drop at least one chocolate coin or something, for the bother of killing them.
Roseydove: indeed, Xovinx
Tayrmayel: and I'd have like
Tayrmayel: 50 coins off of them by now
Roseydove: or at least some orange armor
Roseydove: AT LEAST
Roseydove: some of us have jobs and chores D:
Xovinx: Not that we're complaining, omnipotent admins! We appreciate your hard work!
Roseydove: i'm complaining XD but i also appreciate the hard work <3
Tayrmayel: this is true.
Tayrmayel: actually to be honest I've been here four days?
Faiona: Complaints? Where? :)
Tayrmayel: and the admins are the best i've seen in years
Roseydove: um... *whistles* oh nothing
Tayrmayel: as far as participati---oh hi
Xovinx: Nowhere. Nothing. We're all good. :D :D :D
Vulpie: *jumps from Faiona's sudden appearance*
Roseydove: *halo floats above head* :D

Xovinx: Ooooh, the anime implications.
Aislin: lol
Entropy: Anime you say?
Olooriel: I didn't do anything O_O
Xovinx: Here we go again. >}

Xovinx: Hey, Xavion.
Entropy: And hello~ Xav, Xov. Please don't talk to each other too much, you confuse me horrible. :P
Entropy: *horribly
Xovinx: Hehehehe... all part of my plan. :}
Xavion: Hah, you wouldn't be the first to be confused XD

Karma: Mmm potato
Navajojoe: Po-ta-to.
Entropy: I no longer understand what is happening.
Blueloverw: you know actually i dont like potatoes very much
Entropy: They're pretty good.
Xovinx: Boil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a stew...
Entropy: Isn't that from that HORRIFYING cartoon thing Xov?
Navajojoe: you are my new favorite, Xovinx.
Donmino: P sure it's lotr.
Xovinx: It's from Lord of the Rings, I don't know about a cartoon. ^^
Karma: Don :D
Entropy: Hmm. *goes to check youtube*
Donmino: I am omnipresent.


Littlelunar: ffff come on Lupora! I know I have 44 of your souls but I need you! D=



XxAniraxX: you got a griffi
Accreditspeculation: She got the griffi!
Starmax: O:
Veshana: was it the 2 or 3 viz?
Xovinx: Oooh, I *love* that Griffi! You did strike it rich. :D
Starmax: 2 vis o:
Veshana: I wanted the griffi..instead I got one of my least favorite pets XD
Donmino: Super grats <3
Starmax: I'm gonna bury Xov in Griffi babies
Starmax: I'm just //dumps a pile of griffi babies on all of you
Rixie: /clings to griffi babies/ daww so cuuuute
Veshana: *crushed to death my cuteness(
Xovinx: Star has gone mad with happiness. :)


Junco: Why does zombie time always happen at bedtime?



Artolis: this is how you make friends :3 with a shaver and patience.

XxAniraxX: I dont get sick
XxAniraxX: except when i get sick..

Winter Festival

Roseydove: this must be what it's like to slowly defeat a rhino with a q-tip


Spring Festival

NightbaneWolf: Xovinx, you ready with the Sylestian Boobs of Quotes?
NightbaneWolf: *books
Entropy: ...


Junco: Do you sing songs about the glorious tales of bush-hiding adventurers?


Vulpie: D: The egg has rejected me! *throws it down a cliff and watches it roll down*
Vulpie: Your owl might be a bit brain- damaged just to warn you Hawk :P

Xovinx: Howdy, howdy, howdy.
Aniseed: look, he's a cowboy!
Moonsugar: Yeehaw! Save a Qitari, ride a cowboy! ... or something silly. :)

XxAniraxX: -glomps kaufee- :3 Kaufee i got to throw plants at people today and sacrifice potatoes :D
Aniseed: as a plant I am offended.

Summer Festival 2015


GryffonJoieaux: Now to slaughter everything in the zone. Thrice.
Dial: it's the book of quoteable quotes and other quotes and quoteables 8U
NightbaneWolf: i wanna smack my little bro so hard because he's aggravating me
Dial: ooh ooh, slap him with a fish :D
NightbaneWolf: lol Dial
Dial: .bows. thank you, i am a fortune cookie o3o
Dial: not an edible one thou 8U
Xovinx: Alright, I can't pass that one up... *Heads off Qoutes HQ*
NightbaneWolf: *picks Dial up and throws at a phone*
Dial: .dials 911. help me, i'm being chased by a hungry bane D8

NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [Fang's PolkaDot Panties]!
Dial: XD
Fang: Well how'd they get in game?
NightbaneWolf: dunno
FForFox: im just glad they werent mine
Fang: I'm sure they're here too
NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [Iron Fox Maiden]!
Soltra8: fox, youll jinx ourself
FForFox: uh oh
Soltra8: .....*facepalm* i meant to warn you
Darkchaoscrawler: wonder what else baney will find
NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [IDarkchaoscrawler's Hidey Hole]!
Xovinx: *Sssshh* If you speak, she sets her gaze upon you as victim mat-- too late.
Darkchaoscrawler: Who cares it funny
Darkchaoscrawler: Baney keep doing it
GryffonJoieaux: Think you can find my sanity, Night? :p
NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [Xovinx's Pizza]!
Dial: .curls up in a dark corner. sanity is always lost when you loose it 8U
FForFox: so.. does anyone have a lucky or precious leo cub theyd trade for sapphire?
NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [Xovinx's Pizza]!
Xovinx: I've been looking for that. Pizzzzaaaaaa....
Fang: yeah! got 2 bricks of clay
NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [GryffonJoieaux's Corner]!
Darkchaoscrawler: Steals the pizza
Darkchaoscrawler: And takes gryffons corner
Xovinx: Oooh, no you don't! *Tackles DarkChaos* MY pizza.
FForFox: pizza battle
Darkchaoscrawler: Mine
NightbaneWolf: [08:41:20 AM] You have found an item: [Iron Fang]!
GryffonJoieaux: Nuuu, my nice, comfy corner!
Xovinx: It's got my name on it, in many ways!
Dial: .swoops in a steal the pizza. mine 8U
Fang: *Quietly eats pizza-


SpaceElf1: It's hard to upload cough drops.


Junco: What, Xovinx, you don't want a fuzzy purple moth?
Xovinx: Moth?
Xovinx: Nooooooo,.\
Junco: Moff. :3
Xovinx: I have a running antagonistic relationship with Lunemara.
Vulpie: What's wrong Xov?
Xovinx: They steal my luck.
Vulpie: Fuzzy purple moths steal your luck Xov? xD
Xovinx: All moths steal my luck.
Vulpie: *pictures bunches of moths stealing parts of Xov's luck and carrying it away* x3
Xovinx: That's exactly what it looks like.
Vagrant: like clothes-eating moths but instead they eat abstract concepts
Xovinx: So, now I'm just hoping I find another fish to lavish all my ingredients on.
Vulpie: Awww *swats Lunes away from Xov* Get away from him! >:(
Malas120: What is luck made out of and where is on your body?
Vagrant: idk Malas. my nose feels pretty lucky, personally.


NightbaneWolf: *pastes Zelly all over a bread and makes a Zelly-jelly sandwich*
Roseydove: Nightbane, why are you always making food out of us>? :P
NightbaneWolf: i can't helppp it, you guys have delicious usernamessss


Fall Festival '15


Lovecraft: Tsuni...the ones that flee take the traps back up to the lady at the start that sells them. how you think she gets inventory ;)
Rabbitaka: really? is that how it refills?
Kitters: xDD
Darkwingedangel: lol omg that would be too funny
Lovecraft: idk sounds plausible tho. LOL
FForFox: its not, but thats funny xD
Lenore: *cough* if that were true she'd have more traps
Xovinx: It's all a money-making scheme! 00
Rabbitaka: oh xD
Lovecraft: she has to wait for them to return that is why she runs out so often. HAHA.
Lenore: stupid trap thieves!
Tsuni: Oh good, I'll get to pay for my own traps.
Lovecraft: well some of the pets are greedy and sell them on the black market themselves. :D
Xovinx: And others pay for their greed by being caught, and tamed.


Xovinx: The cake is a pie.
Lovecraft: the cake is a lie
NightbaneWolf: *throws a Fresh cake at Fresh*
Fresh: *noms all the cake*
Lovecraft: *slaps cake out of fresh hands* NO
Xovinx: Cake is a lie, there is only pie. Through pie I gain--
NightbaneWolf: *crafts a mysterious lovely cradted fresh cake*
Ladygramarye: LOL
Missterious: LOL
NightbaneWolf: ^10 points if you spot your username
NightbaneWolf: bet ya can't tell whoooooo
Rabbitaka: where did cake come from?
Xovinx: My name is impossible to pun. :P
NightbaneWolf: *makes a mysterious lovely crafted fresh rabbit coffee cake*
Edited By Xovinx on 11/11/2015 at 11:12 PM.
Level 75
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 1/25/2014
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 9:59 AM Post #3
"I swear to Sylestia, I am raising a bunch of gluttons for pets >.>"-- me, sometime in 2014

"Apparently Sylestia thinks I'm nothing but a pet catcher for other users because I've been running into nothing by Flamingo Aurleons. -_-;"--me, Summer Festival 2014

"Apparently the wheel thinks of me as nothing BUT a philter hoarder -_-; "--me, Summer Festival 2014

"I swear to Krin, if I am put in ONE more triple battle, I will NOT be a happy Vulpix! >:( "-- me, Summer Festival 2014

"I believe I can flyyyy, I believe I can tou-*SPLAT*"--Nightbanewolf, Summer Festival 2014

"**needs to be careful not to be so quotably adorable**"--Nightbanewolf, Summer Festival 2014
Edited By Vulpie on 8/6/2014 at 10:38 AM.
Level 71
Joined: 1/30/2014
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 9:59 AM Post #4
Awesome.. gonna have to bookmark this!

(ref: Mutators) I don't remember the exact quote... but.. "Cow Potatos!" - Clarice, Summer Fest 2014

"So, I'm not on fire anymore." - Entropy, Summer Fest 2014

-- Fall Festival 2014 --

Evieseriously: My anaconda don't want none unless you got puns hun.
Fresh: Evie, Seriously. :P

Fresh: I find puns to be quite... refreshing.
Edited By Fresh on 2/23/2015 at 11:38 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 10:01 AM Post #5
lol yeah, i am too XD
Level 60
Joined: 1/15/2014
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 10:11 AM Post #6
Let us begin.

"...but I am cutable, and fuzzy" -Nightbanewolf Summer Fest 2014.

"^rhis worka roo" -Nightbanewolf Summer Fest 2014

"*pushes bane to bed* there, problem solved!" -Karma Summer Fest 2014

Entropy: EW. Ranch is gross.
Entropy: Don't eat me with ranch,
Nightbanewolf: i like seizure dressing
Nightbanewolf: *Cesar
- Night and me Summer Fest 2014.
Edited By Entropy on 8/7/2014 at 11:15 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 10:12 AM Post #7
Level 60
The Dreamer
Joined: 7/28/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 10:52 AM Post #8
lol you funny people
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 10:53 AM Post #9
thnaks! you too
Level 60
Seashell Collector
Joined: 5/27/2014
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 11:07 AM Post #10
haha Alright, I'll take part

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