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Forum Index > Battle Discussion > Enigmatic Grotto Troll Jerks >.>
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Level 60
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Posted: 3/22/2013 at 11:11 PM Post #1
Please tell me there is a way to beat the troll people after you plummet 289579847519457 feet to the ground and kill one of your pets because if there is one, I ain't seein' it!

Actually what I should probably do is buy more elixirs and stuff but I don't have that kind of money.
Level 70
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Posted: 3/23/2013 at 1:39 AM Post #2
Tried to take a look at your pets to see if you can do any improvements.

1. Did you unlock your 3rd party slot? I'm assuming since I saw 2 dead, you only have 2 slots. x: Get the 3rd one from the Sanctuary if you can, you need it.
2. Most people don't even out their pets' point allocations, but focus them into one stat each. Most people in their parties of 3 pets have a tank and 2 damage dealers. The tank should have the most HP and some agi to take hits, and the other 2 pets should have pure str or int to deal damage. That's the most efficient build for teams, since all enemies will have the tendency to aim for the middle pet in the battle more than the top and bottom pet, so you have one pet surviving the attacks for the most part and the other two hitting with lots of damage.
3. Your gear is lvl25ish and you can definitely upgrade yourself to lvl35ish gear. I have some extra pieces of that gear, so tell me when you have a team of 3 ready so I can send you some items, for free of course. c:
4. Not sure if you haven't already, but make sure to allocate your proficiency points accordingly (in conjunction with #2).

Hope this helps. Just reply if you need any clarification. c:

edit: Btw, that event where you accidentally fall and go dead and stuff -- that's scripted. That'll never ever happen to you again (okay, the falling won't happen, but similar events where you get hit with random damage out of the blue WILL happen in the future, but that's because it's part of the story), so just go to the healers, heal up, and go back and try again. c:
Edited By 1127 on 3/23/2013 at 1:41 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/23/2013 at 8:22 PM Post #3
I'd upgrade my party size except I don't have nearly enough money =/

Actually money's probably my biggest issue with all of those criteria so maybe I should wait a bit until I have more before I try again.

Really the major problem is that event that deals all the damage because when that happens I can't just go to the healer as it happens and then I am entered into the battle so I don't know if there's a way around that one.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 2:47 AM Post #4
If it were me I would probably make sure I opened up all the missions available first, do missions to both level pets and get money as well as train some of my pets anywhere that gives fair chances at getting gold. I have pets set aside just for missions, though at the start some of my fighting party would overlap with mission ones. But that wasn't much of an issue. I would takes breaks and just do a bunch of missions for a while, them come back and work on the mainstream again.
Level 70
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 8:34 AM Post #5
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 12/4/2024 at 8:18:40pm

If it were me I would probably make sure I opened up all the missions available first, do missions to both level pets and get money as well as train some of my pets anywhere that gives fair chances at getting gold. I have pets set aside just for missions, though at the start some of my fighting party would overlap with mission ones. But that wasn't much of an issue. I would takes breaks and just do a bunch of missions for a while, them come back and work on the mainstream again.

That's not exactly the problem. He's trying to get past the grotto, not make more gold. xD
(The solution he's seeking is to get upgrades and ready his party against it, but opening all missions is a result of beating all the Umbra content.)

Quote From:
Originally Posted: 12/4/2024 at 8:18:40pm

I'd upgrade my party size except I don't have nearly enough money =/

Actually money's probably my biggest issue with all of those criteria so maybe I should wait a bit until I have more before I try again.

Really the major problem is that event that deals all the damage because when that happens I can't just go to the healer as it happens and then I am entered into the battle so I don't know if there's a way around that one.

Once you get past the fallingcliffwoops1000damage event, that will NOT happen to you. Ever.


ithink. It shouldn't happen because it's scripted. Once you're done with that part and healed your party, you should go STRAIGHT to the battle. (I emphasize again, the scripted fallingwoopsIhurtmypets thing shouldn't happen again.)

Send me a Fairy Mushroom for 50k. I'll give you money to unlock a party slot (I can't remember how much the 3rd slot is), and I can give you free equipment to give your pets a headstart. However, you should probably tell me what kind of stat equipment you need (ie strength-type, int-type) so I know what to give you.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 4:26 AM Post #6
I understand the problem wasn't more money. But he said in his second post that he was thinking of holding off for a little while to save up some to open the third party position. Which I agree with and I gave him suggestions on how to do it. Open up all 5 mission slots and train other pets.

Missions are mostly based off a pets level, once they are high enough they can start going on higher level missions, you buy the mission slots, just like you buy party slots. I had all five slots open well before most of Umbra opened up (Not the missions in Umbra though mind, but I could do all the ones in Estor's Haven). You buy some in Estor's Haven and a couple I think from the Elf Village. These are not to be confused with the Quests like I think Flute did here. It takes some money to open up all five, but once you do you have all five open they become a sold source of income, especially if you set aside pets just for missions. There are currently 10 missions for pets available, 5 at the Haven and 5 at the Elf Village. Feel free to mix the two however you feel like, and can manage. (I usually just do all the ones at the Elf Village now, but you could probably get more out of it to set a couple at Estor's Haven, like if you can do the level 50, 45, and 35 missions from the elf village along with 25 and 20 (I think is what they are) from Haven. Or if you only can go up to 25. The lowest two in the elf village followed with the 3 highest from Haven.

As for what you are talking about, he may of done it more than once, and the fall happens every time, followed immediately by the battle so he might not be given the chance to leave and heal. I doubt that is the case, but as I honestly can't remember how that part went I wouldn't be able to say anything on it, at most once reading it has happened click on inventory or map to leave the battle area heal using any potions available or go to healer, then use battle to return to the grotto. The fall shouldn't happen again, at least that is the hope. But if you can't heal, that turns into an issue, of course if all your party is dead you can't actually explore anyway, so the hard part is reviving one pet while keeping the other alive. A difficult task when being mobbed by trolls, and only having one pet alive, which may or may not be injured, and potions have cool down times of one round.

So to help with this situation? As in others, get all party slots open. If you need money take a break from the main stream and get some. Save up and get potions. While the admins don't want us to rely chiefly on potions to get through the game (hence the reason they added the cool down) potions are certainly helpful.
Set up a good team, and for mainstream I recommend they are higher by quite a few levels than what you are facing. They won't get good experience from it, but you survive the battles a lot better. If you want them to get experience allow them to go on missions on occasion, and be involved in the event battles, and use experience orbs on them.
Have good equipment that is equal to the pets level, and works well with the type of pets you equip it to.
Edited By 1033 on 3/25/2013 at 4:32 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 7:47 AM Post #7
I'm having the same problem as the OP right now. It's not the trolls that worry me all that much - I might or might not be able to beat them. But the fall?

Yesterday, I got to that part and one of my pets was taken clean out right at the start, fell down for all of her 800+ HPs that she had at the moment. So, I came here to see how otehr people handeled it, read this topic and tought Oh, goodie! So the falling-down is a one-time thing? Yay!

Except... I just went back in and what do you know? This time my main tank pet fell down, for the whooping 3000+ HPs. Only, this time it wasn't a fall but a troll clubbing him from behind.

So, however am I supposed to get past this encounter if every bloody time one of my pets automatically gets taken out of comission before the fight even starts?

Nope, I certainly don't have the money to open the third party slot, so that's out of the question. No, I don't have the money to stock up on a heckton of healing elixirs either. My gear is, I'd say, decent enough and I think can get me through the encounter. But all of that is beside the point - One pet automatically goes down right before the battle and that's the whole problem. And looks like it always happens, no matter what.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 11:37 AM Post #8
Actually I can't remember about that Falling Dead problem, but not getting the third party slot isn't an option, imho. Sooner or later you need it anyway, and the sooner you get it the easier stuff gets right now.

As soon as the possibility to buy it is unlocked, you need it for the boss encounters that come after that point in the story. *If* I remember correctly. (since I can't remember being stuck at that point and sure didn't have very good gear, I must have had 3 pets with me)
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 3:23 PM Post #9
Fusch, thanks for the reply. I know I'll have to buy the third party slot at some point, but as in any game, money is hard to come buy at the start.

My main problem, however, isn't the third party slot - I'll get there sooner or later - nor whether my pets can beat the trolls or not. My problem is that, if there is a fixed scripted event that will always kill one of my pets no matter what, right before the battle starts, then... Well, then no matter how many pets I bring along, I'll always be one pet short once the fight starts.


All right, so I did finally get the famous third party slot. No help, that. Because one pet is routinelly taken out of commision right at the start. Of course, it counts as a battle so no healing in town during the fight. And since I'm engaged, I have to fight through, aka get killed. After which I can heal, of course, but the script resets and... rinse, repeat.

I honestly don't understand how in the world am I supposed to beat this encounter?
Edited By Witchwolf on 12/1/2013 at 11:08 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 11:22 PM Post #10
I'd recommend saving up on Revival Elixirs before tackling the Troll group again since every time you go in they're going to knock out one of your pets.

I've just been stocking up on them by doing as many Medium and Hard missions I can do Successfully and actively participate in the mini events or "raids" whenever I see them come up. They'll also help bring in restore elixirs that can be used in battle. The satchels that come from them are random in what they give you but it's a good way to stock up in gold, Elixirs, and potions so you have them.

When I went through that scripted event this morning it was a pain and I probably failed the battle around 7-8ish times.
I had all of my highest gear on that my pets can wear as well as filling their manna up as far as I can before tackling them but it still ended up a problem.

In the end I burned through about 12 Revivals in the last and finally successful battle and most of my large varied elixir stock.
It's tricky, but doable. You'll want to revive your pet as soon as the first round starts and give any pet lower than half health(Most likely your middle pet) the Highest Potion you have that it can take without going over 100% health for the highest efficiency.
IE. Your pet has 1400 health and is knocked down to 700. Give it a 400hp elixir instead of an 800hp elixir unless you want to wait another turn so that that last 100hp from the potion doesn't go to waste.

Do missions and participate mini events for their Satchels to stock up on Revivals and Elixirs.
Revive the knocked out pet as soon as you can.
Try not to go into the battle with no Elixir stock or with only 1 revive. You may need more than 5 if it's particularly bad.

It may not be the fastest way(I currently only have 3 mission slots though) but it's a good way to get the stuff you need even if it is random.
Always be Prepared~
Edited By Animela on 12/1/2013 at 11:23 PM.
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